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Forge of Empires Wiki
2014 Winter Event
2014 Winter Event

December 1, 2014 - January 4, 2015

The 2014 Winter Event was an event that ran from December 1, 2014 to January 4, 2015.

The player will need Star (stars) to open presents. One way to earn them is by doing quests for Frosty. The player will also get 10 stars for pressing the "Start" button, and the player can also find stars hidden in some presents.

Winter Event Button

To access the presents window, click the Winter Event Button at the left side of the screen (pictured to the left). Every day there will be a new set of rewards hidden in the presents. The player uses stars to open them to claim what is hidden inside. The player can open as many presents as it can afford and win everything over and over again.

There are also special awards hidden among the presents. "Show 2" reveals two random presents on the board and gives the player 3 stars, "Double Payout" doubles the reward in the next present to be opened, and "Shuffle All" resets all the presents. When "Shuffle All" appears, the player needs to press "Start" again and in addition claim 10 new stars.

WE Show 2 WE Double Payout WE Shuffle All
Show 2 Double Payout Shuffle All

Daily Quests[]

Every day throughout the event Frosty presents a new quest to be solved. Every solved quest grants the player with an amount of stars. The quests don't need to be solved the same day but they have to be solved in the order they are presented.

  1. "Make people enthusiastic" and "Build a decoration from your age or 5 from the previous age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  2. "Motivate or polish 12 buildings"
    Reward: 12 stars
  3. "Finish a 1-hour production 3 times"
    Reward: 12 stars
  4. "Build a cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  5. "Sell 5 buildings from your age or 5 buildings from the previous age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  6. "Acquire a sector without fighting"
    Reward: 18 stars and Portrait of Charles
  7. "Gather 7 goods"
    Reward: 12 stars
  8. "Spend 8 Forge Points"
    Reward: 12 stars
  9. "Finish 9 productions in production buildings from the previous age or 6 productions in production buildings from your age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  10. "Infiltrate 2 sectors"
    Reward: 12 stars
  11. "Research a technology"
    Reward: 12 stars
  12. "Build 3 buildings from your current age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  13. "Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age"
    Reward: 12 stars
  14. "Motivate or polish 14 buildings"
    Reward: 12 stars
  15. "Finish a 15-minute production 8 times"
    Reward: 12 stars
  16. "Acquire 3 sectors"
    Reward: 12 stars
  17. "Contribute 17 Forge Points to Great Buildings or research a technology"
    Reward: 12 stars
  18. "Gain population and happiness" and "Gather some coins, supplies and goods"1
    Reward: 12 stars
  19. "Pay 1,900 coins" and "Pay 1,900 supplies"
    Reward: 14 stars
  20. "Recruit 4 units from your age or 5 from the previous age"
    Reward: 14 stars
  21. "Motivate or polish 21 buildings"
    Reward: 14 stars
  22. "Finish 22 productions in production buildings"
    Reward: 14 stars
  23. "Scout a province"
    Reward: 16 stars
  24. "Delete 2 units from your age or 4 from any age"
    Reward: 24 stars
  25. "Build a building of every type"
    Reward: 18 stars and Portrait of Astrid
  26. "Buy 2 Forge Points"
    Reward: 18 stars
  27. "Gather 4 of each of the following goods: Lumber, Dye, Wine, Marble, and Stone"
    Reward: 14 stars
  28. "Spend 18 Forge Points"
    Reward: 14 stars
  29. "Motivate or polish 20 buildings" and "Finish 9 productions in production buildings from the previous age or 9 in production buildings from your age"
    Reward: 14 stars
  30. "Have 10 units or research a technology"
    Reward: 14 stars
  31. "Make people enthusiastic" and "Build a cultural building from your age or 2 decorations from your age"
    Reward: 14 stars
  32. "In a production building, finish a 24-hour production"
    Reward: 20 stars
  33. "Gain control over a province"
    Reward: 20 stars and Portrait of Frosty2
  34. "Get and build a Confectionary" and "Sell your Confectionary"3 or
    "Sell your Confectionary"3 or
    "Sell your Large Confectionary"3
    Reward: A Large Confectionary if a Confectionary is sold, or a Huge Confectionary if a Large Confectionary is sold.

1 20 population, 20 happiness, 200 coins, 200 supplies, and 5 goods.
2 Only stars were awarded if player already owned the Frosty portrait.
3 Only one of these quests was presented depending on which building the player possessed at the time and the one quest the player got could only be completed once.

Daily Special Prizes[]

This is a list of available prizes during the event. They can either be won in presents the same day or, in those cases they are special buildings, be bought the following day for 2,000 diamonds.

Day Item
December 1 Gingerbread House
December 2 250 diamonds
December 3 Well of Welcome
December 4 Winter Gate
December 5 Watchfire
December 6 Wishing Well
December 7 50 stars
December 8 Log Cabin
December 9 Nutcracker
December 10 Extra Large Medals Package4
December 11 Premium Residential Building (of the player's researched age)
December 12 Scarecrow
December 13 Snow Globe
December 14 Winter Market
December 15 The King
December 16 Premium Production Building (of the player's researched age)
December 17 2 Observatory blueprints
December 18 Festive Tree
December 19 Reindeer Paddock
December 20 Champion's Retreat
December 21 Shrine of Knowledge
December 22 Confectionary
December 23 Rogue Hideout
December 24 Gingerbread House
December 25 50 stars
December 26 Winter Gate
December 27 Extra Large Medals Package4
December 28 Hall of Fame
December 29 The Queen
December 30 Tree of Love
December 31 Victory Tower
January 1 Renovation Kit
January 2 Premium Cultural Building (of the player's researched age)
January 3-4 Confectionary

4 Amount was depending of the player's researched age.

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Gingerbread House
Gingerbread House
Residential building
Provides Population population and Coins coins.
Provides double coins when motivated and can be plundered.
Renovation Kit
Huge Confectionary
Huge Confectionary
Production building
Provides Supplies supplies and Happiness happiness.
Provides double supplies when motivated and can be plundered.
Renovation Kit

Other Events[]

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