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Forge of Empires Wiki
2015 Easter Event
2015 Easter Event

March 25, 2015 - April 8, 2015

The event will be staged from March 25, 2015 to April 8, 2015 (with the ability to trade in Easter Eggs until April 12, 2015). The player initially starts of with 25 free eggs, and the aim of the event is to acquire more eggs to trade in for special prizes. This is achieved by hiding eggs in each others decorations. There's a maximum of six eggs to be hidden and a new egg is earned every hour. Eggs can also be refilled by the Hiding Action Package (six eggs per package).


Quest 1:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 1 Easter Egg in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 2 Easter Eggs and 1 Hiding Action Package1

Quest 2:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 7 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 15 Easter Eggs

Quest 3:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 12 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 20 Easter Eggs

Quest 4:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 14 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 30 Easter Eggs

Quest 5:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 17 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 35 Easter Eggs

Quest 6:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 22 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 45 Easter Eggs

Quest 7:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 26 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 50 Easter Eggs

Quest 8:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 33 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 65 Easter Eggs

Quest 9:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 44 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 90 Easter Eggs

Quest 10:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 55 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 110 Easter Eggs and portrait of Janis

Quest 11:

  • Greva Darn: "Hide 69 Easter Eggs in other players' cities"
    • Reward: 140 Easter Eggs and portrait of Jimi

Easter Egg Trade-in[]

Here follows a list of all the items available for trade ins;

Item Eggs
Observatory Blueprint 20
Cornucopia 25
Military Drummer 30
Bronze Chest (random reward) 35
Watchfire 75
Beach Bar 100
Silver Chest (random reward) 150
Drummer School 300
Gold Chest (random reward) 300
Renovation Kit 350
Wishing Well 500

Random Chests[]

Bronze Chest[]

Bronze Chest


120 Easter Eggs 5 %
50 Easter Eggs 20 %
Observatory Blueprint 10 %
Sandcastle 5 %
Double (2) Blueprints (random) 10 %
Military Drummer 10 %
Palm Tree 15 %
Hiding Action Package1, 2 25 %

Silver Chest[]

Silver Chest

Item Chance
500 Easter Eggs 5 %
300 Easter Eggs 10 %
Drummer School 20 %
Double (2) Observatory Blueprints 20 %
Witch Doctor 10 %
Tigers' Den 10 %
Double (2) Hiding Action Packages1, 3 10 %
Large Forge Point Package 15 %

Gold Chest[]

Gold Chest

Item Chance
800 Easter Eggs 5 %
Quintuple (5) Hiding Action Packages1, 4 15 %
Shrine of Awe 10 %
Shrine of Knowledge 5 %
Wishing Well 10 %
Champion's Retreat 20 %
Renovation Kit 10 %
Oasis 25 %

1 Six (6) Easter Eggs to hide in other players' cities.
2 Replaced by a small (2) forge point package after the egg hiding part of the event was over.
3 Replaced by a medium (5) forge point package after the egg hiding part of the event was over.
4 Replaced by a large (10) forge point package after the egg hiding part of the event was over.

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Drummer School
Drummer School
Special military building
Allows production of military drummers.
Provides Attack Boost for Attacking Army +4% attack boost.
Cannot be motivated, polished or plundered.
Shrine of Awe
Shrine of Awe
Special residential building
Provides Population population and Coins coins.
Provides double coins and additional Medals medals when motivated and can be plundered.
Renovation Kit

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