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Forge of Empires Wiki
2016 Halloween Event
2016 Halloween Event

October 20, 2016 - November 3, 2016

The 2016 Halloween Event is a seasonal event that ran from October 20, 2016 to November 3, 2016.


The quests are presented by Jack O'Lantern but in contrast to previous Halloween Events, the quests are going to be continously presented without any timed delay and not all of them are riddles. Every solved quest rewards the player with a random reward. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quests are abortable.

Quest 1:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish 20 productions in production buildings" and "Spend 12 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 2:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Gather some coins and supplies[1]" and "Gather 20 goods"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 3:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Buy 5 Forge Points" and "Spend 9 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 4:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Lend a helping hand[2]" and "Spend 11 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 5:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Scout a province"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 6:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Recruit 4 units from your current age or 5 units from the previous age" and "Infiltrate 4 sectors"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 7:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Say goodbye to 3 from now or 4 from before[3]" and "Decorate[4]"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 8:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Acquire a sector" and "Spend 13 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 9:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Contribute 25 Forge Points to Great Buildings or research 1 technology" and "Finish 5-minute productions 20 times"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 10:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Invest in the tree and complete one of these[5]"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 11:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish each of the 6 production options once"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 12:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Build a building of every type[6]"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 13:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Delete 4 units from your current age or 6 units from the previous age" and "Spend 15 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 14:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Peacefully acquire[7]"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 15:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Gather 10 of each of the Bronze Age goods[8]"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 16:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish 4-hour productions 8 times" and "Spend 14 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 17:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish 24-hour productions 5 times."
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 18:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Acquire a sector"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 19:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish 1-hour productions 10 times" and "Spend 12 Forge Points"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 20:

  • Jack O'Lantern:
    Alternative 1:[9] "Build your biggest possible graveyard or a cultural building of any age"
    Alternative 2:[10] "Build a cultural building from your current age or the previous age"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Quest 21:

Quest 22:

Quest 23:

  • Rinbin: "Spend 20 Forge Points or research a technology"
    Reward: Random Reward Random

Over All Quest:

  • Jack O'Lantern: "Finish all 23 quests to get the new cultural building, the Haunted Tower!"

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Haunted Tower
Haunted Tower
Cultural building
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides double happiness when polished.
Renovation Kit
Jack O'Lantern Chapel
Jack O'Lantern Chapel
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides double happiness when polished.
Renovation Kit
Monumental Graveyard
Monumental Graveyard
Cultural building
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides double happiness when polished.
Renovation Kit


  1. 1,500 coins and 1,500 supplies.
  2. Motivate or polish 20 buildings.
  3. Delete any 3 buildings or roads from your current age or 4 from your previous age.
  4. Build any decoration.
  5. Research 1 technology.
  6. 1 residential building, 1 production building, 1 goods building, 1 cultural building, 1 decoration, 1 military building, and 1 road. Any age works.
  7. Acquire 2 sectors without fighting.
  8. 10 dye, 10 lumber, 10 marble, 10 stone, and 10 wine.
  9. Activated if NO Legendary Graveyard exists in the town.
  10. Activated if a Legendary Graveyard ALREADY exists in the town.
  11. Activated if a cultural building was built during Quest 20 and if NO graveyard exists in the town by now.
  12. Sell any building or road from your current age.
  13. Activated if any graveyard was built during Quest 20 or if a Legendary Graveyard already existed in the town.
  14. Acquire a province.
  15. Which portrait each player is offered depends of which gender the player uses on its current portrait at the start of the event.

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