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Forge of Empires Wiki
2019 Carnival Event
2019 Carnival Event

19 February, 2019 - 12 March, 2019

"Gain Carnival Tickets from quests and over time.
Use them to play different games at the harbour.
Win Florins, if you're lucky.
Use Florins to get fantastic Venice-themed prizes!"

The 2019 Carnival Event is a seasonal event that runs from 19 February, 2019 to 12 March, 2019.

Milestone Rewards[]

Piazza Mask Vendor Florins Reward icon carnival tickets Florins Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Mask
Vendor Lvl. 1
2,500 Florins 20 Tickets 3,000 Florins Piazza
Selection Kit

Carnival Window[]

How to Play[]

Most of the action takes place in the event window. You're playing games at the harbor of Venice by spending your Carnival Ticket Tickets. You decide which game you want to play. Each game costs only one Carnival Ticket Ticket to play, and don't worry if you run out, the Carnival provides a new free Carnival Ticket Ticket every hour! Enter the event window and select any of the three games to play : the "Hammer", the "Gobelets" or the "Boat Race" game.

Event window carnival

With the "Hammer" game, you can spend your Carnival Ticket Ticket on a certain win (100%). You will always get Florins 10 Florins in return. However, you can also take a risk and try your luck in one of the other games, where chances to win are lower, but the potential gain is much greater.

With the "Gobelets" game, the probability to win is 15%. The pot contains initially Florins 50 Florins. For each Carnival Ticket Ticket spent, the pool of Florins Florins rises by Florins 10 Florins. The first person lucky enough to win, will take all the Florins Florins that have accumulated in the meantime.

With the "Boat Race" game, the probability to win is 5%. The pot contains initially Florins 100 Florins. For each Carnival Ticket Ticket spent, the pool of Florins Florins rises by Florins 15 Florins. The first person lucky enough to win, will take all the Florins Florins that have accumulated in the meantime.

While winning the "Hammer" game is not much of an achievement (you will always win a small sum of Florins Florins), it is a bit more difficult for the second and third game. If you have enough luck to be successful, you will win the entire Florins Florins pool that has accumulated for this particular game. You can also double the chance to win by activating the option, but it costs each time Florins 20 Florins.


The questline is presented by Casanova. Every solved quest rewards the player with Reward icon carnival tickets Tickets or Carnival coins Florins. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and none of them are abortable.

Main Questline[]

The quests of the main questline occur immediately with no timed delay. There are 33 of such quests.

Quest 1:

  • Casanova: "Gather some coins"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 2:

  • Casanova: "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 3:

  • Casanova: "Build 1 culture building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 4:

  • Casanova: "Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players" and "Finish a 15min production some times"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 5:

  • Casanova: "Solve a simple negotiation OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 6:

  • Casanova: "Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury OR Spend some Forge Points" and "Finish some 8-hour productions (From 4 in Iron age to up to 10 in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 7:

  • Casanova: "Defeat a small army OR Solve a simple negotiation"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 8:

  • Casanova: "Build 1 goods building OR Gather some goods" and "Motivate or polish 20 buildings of other players"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 9:

  • Casanova: "Spend 500 Tavern Silver OR Buy 10 Forge Points" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 10:

  • Casanova: "Recruit 3 units from your age or 4 from the previous age" and "Finish a 1-hour production some number of times (age dependent)"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 11:

  • Casanova: "Infiltrate 3 sectors OR Complete 3 encounters in the GE by negotiating" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 12:

  • Casanova: "Finish 12 productions of your age or 15 of the previous age"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 13:

  • Casanova: "Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Win some battles without losing" and "Gather some coins"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 14:

  • Casanova: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age" and "Finish a 5 min production some times"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 15:

  • Casanova: "Defeat a medium-sized army OR Solve a moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 16:

  • Casanova: "Win some battles without losing OR Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury" and "Gather some supplies"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 17:

  • Casanova: "Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Finish a 4-hour production some times (depending on your age, up to 24 times in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 18:

  • Casanova: "Acquire 2 sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production 10 times" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 19:

  • Casanova: "Defeat a small army OR Contribute some Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Buy some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 20:

  • Casanova: "Gain some happiness" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 21:

  • Casanova: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Recruit 3 units" and "Finish some 1-hour productions (depending on age, up to 12 in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 22:

  • Casanova: "Defeat a small army OR Solve a simple negotiation" and "Gather some coins"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 23:

  • Casanova: "Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury OR Finish a 24-hour production 10 times" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 24:

  • Casanova: "Spend 300 Tavern Silver OR Defeat a small army" and "Finish a 15-minute production 16 times"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 25:

  • Casanova: "Complete 5 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiating without losing OR Defeat some units"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 26:

  • Casanova: "Finish each production option once" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 27:

  • Casanova: "Solve a simple negotiation ORSpend some Forge Points" and "Gather some supplies"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 28:

  • Casanova: "Build 1 residential building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 29:

  • Casanova: "Scout a province"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 30:

  • Casanova: "Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 31:

  • Casanova: "Defeat a medium-sized army OR Finish some 8-hour productions (depending on age, up to 18 times in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 32:

  • Casanova: "Research a technology OR Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury"
    Reward: Florins 500 Florins

Quest 33:

  • Casanova: "Solve a moderate negotiation OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition" and "Finish the fastest production option some number of times (depending on age, up to 12 times in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Fire Mask Portrait 313 and Green Mask Portrait 314

Daily Questline[]

The quests of the Daily Questline will occur once a day, with a time interval of 24 hours between them. In case the player is unable to finish the quest the day it occurs, it will stack and the player will be able to complete all of the quests till that date at one time.

Quest 34 (Tue 2-19):

  • Casanova: "Build 5 decorations" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 35 (Wed 2-20):

  • Casanova: "Gather some goods OR Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury" and "Gather some coins"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 36 (Thu 2-21):

  • Casanova: "Win 3 battles without losing OR Collect 1200 Tavern Silver" and "Finish some 4-hour productions (depending on age, up to 18 times in Virtual Future)"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 37 (Fri 2-22):

  • Casanova: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Defeat a small army"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 38 (Sat 2-23):

  • Casanova: "Solve a moderate negotiation OR Win 6 battles" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 39 (Sun 2-24):

  • Casanova: "Build one cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Finish each production option once"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 40 (Mon 2-25):

  • Casanova: "Defeat some units OR Solve a complex negotiation" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 41 (Tue 2-26):

  • Casanova: "Complete 6 encounters of the Guild Expedition by fighting OR Acquire 4 sectors without fighting" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 42 (Wed 2-27):

  • Casanova: "Spend 400 Tavern Silver OR Finish a 24-hour production 6 times" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 43 (Thu 2-28):

  • Casanova: "Defeat a small army OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 44 (Fri 3-1):

  • Casanova: "Solve a moderate negotiation OR Recruit some units from your age" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 45 (Sat 3-2):

  • Casanova: "Gain some population"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 46 (Sun 3-3):

  • Casanova: "Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players" and "Finish an 8-hour production 12 times."
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 47 (Mon 3-4):

  • Casanova: "Donate some goods to the Guild treasury OR Finish a 24-hour production 8 times" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 48 (Tue 3-5):

  • Casanova: "Win 4 battles without losing OR Solve a moderate negotiation" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 49 (Wed 3-6):

  • Casanova: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat a large army"
     Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 50 (Thu 3-7):

  • Casanova: "Build one production building from your age or two from the previous age" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 51 (Fri 3-8):

  • Casanova: "Visit 12 Friends Tavers OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 52 (Sat 3-9):

  • Casanova: "Finish 10 productions from your age or 12 from the previous age" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 53 (Sun 3-10):

  • Casanova: "Defeat a medium-sized army OR Solve a moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 5 Tickets

Quest 54 (Mon 3-11):

  • Casanova: "Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Win 3 battles without losing " and "Finish a 15-minute production some number of times"
    Reward: Florins 250 Florins

Quest 55 (Tue 3-12):

  • Casanova: "Gain some happiness" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: Carnival Ticket 10 Tickets

Prize Systems[]

This time unlike Daily Specials the Special Prize will change every 6 hours. Among those prizes are the new set buildings and individual upgrades to them as well as the usual prizes we recieve every event (Shrine of knowledge, Wishing well, Hall of Fame, shrink kits etc.).


Each time a player can choose from two chests shown at once. They can be opened for a number of florins. Each chest contains a prize to be awarded to the player. The prize awarded is selected at random, and has a predetermined probability. When a player opens a chest and receives a reward, two new chests appear. Chest options are presented below.

Red Chests[]

Image Name of Chest Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Researcher's Chest Special Prize
5 Forge Points
2 Forge Points
Carnival coins 140
Carnival chest 1 Fighter's Chest Special Prize
Light Unit
Ranged Unit
Fast Unit
Heavy Unit
Artillery Unit
Carnival coins 170
Economist's Chest Special Prize
Extra Large Coins Package
Extra Large Supplies Package
25 of One Good
Carnival coins 190

Green Chests[]

Image Name of Chest Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Tactician's Chest Special Prize
Color Guard
Military Drummer
Carnival coins 190
Carnival chest 2 Falerist's Chest Special Prize
400 Medals
200 Medals
80 Medals
Carnival coins 200
Builder's Chest Special Prize
Premium Decoration
Residential Building
Production Building
Culture Building
Carnival coins 230

Blue Chests[]

Image Name of Chest Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Collector's Chest Special Prize
Shrine of Knowledge Fragment
Wishing Well Fragment
Wishing Well Shrink kit Fragment
Carnival coins 240
Carnival chest 4 Booster's Chest Special Prize
100% Coin Boost
100% Supply Boost
10% Attacker Boost
30% Defender Boost
Carnival coins 270
Architect's Chest Special Prize
1 Observatory Blueprint
2 Random Blueprints
1 Blueprint
Carnival coins 280

Gold Chests[]

Image Name of Chest Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Historian's Chest Special Prize
Renaissance Villa
Renaissance Mansion
Venice Canal
Victory Tower Lv.1
Carnival coins 340
Carnival chest 3 Innovator's Chest Special Prize
20 Forge Points
10 Forge Points
5 Forge Points
Carnival coins 360
Generalist's Chest Special Prize
One Up Kit
Store Building
Boost Crate
5M Mass Supply Rush
Carnival coins 400

Sortable Chest Table Summary[]

Name of Chest Reward Type Carnival coins Carnival coins / % Special % Special Prize
Researcher's Chest Forge Points Red 140 28 05 %
Fighter's Chest Normal Units Red 170 17 10 %
Economist's Chest Resources Red 190 21 09 %
Tactician's Chest Special Units Green 190 27 07 %
Falerist's Chest Medals Green 200 20 10 %
Builder's Chest Buildings Green 230 26 09 %
Collector's Chest Fragments Blue 240 20 12 %
Booster's Chest Bonus Blue 270 27 10 %
Architect's Chest Blueprints Blue 280 25 11 %
Historian's Chest Special Buildings Gold 340 28 12 %
Innovator's Chest Forge Points Gold 360 30 12 %
Generalist's Chest Special Items Gold 400 31 13 %

League Rewards[]

This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit.

League Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3 Prize 4 Prize 5 Prize 6
Rookie League Forge 10
Forge Points
Amateur League Forge 20
Forge Points
One Up Kit
One Up Kit
Bronze League Forge 50
Forge Points
One Up Kit
One Up Kit
Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Selection Kit
Silver League Forge 100
Forge Points
One Up Kit
One Up Kit
Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Selection Kit
Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Selection Kit
Gold League Forge 200
Forge Points
One Up Kit
One Up Kit
Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Selection Kit
Piazza Set Selection Kit
Piazza Selection Kit
Shrine of Knowledge
Shrine of Knowledge
Mask Statue
Mask Statue

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Piazza Mask Vendor Level 2
Piazza Mask Vendor
Is a special building
Provides Medals Medals.
Provides Goods Goods and up to 4 Forge Forge Points when upgraded and placed next to other Piazza Piazza Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Piazza Fountain Level 2
Piazza Fountain
Special decoration
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides up to Defense Boost for Defending Army +8% defense boost when upgraded and placed next to other Piazza Piazza Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Piazza Clock Tower Level 2
Piazza Clock Tower
Special cultural building
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides Coins coins boost, Supplies supply boost and up to Attack Boost for Attacking Army 9% attack boost when upgraded and placed next to other Piazza Piazza Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Piazza Cafe Level 2
Piazza Cafe
Special residential building
Provides Population population and Coins coins. Provides Medals Medals,Supplies supplies and Forge 2 Forge Points when upgraded and placed next to other Piazza Piazza Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Piazza Homes Level 2
Piazza Homes
Special residential building
Provides Population population and Coins coins.
Provides Supplies supplies, Goods 8 goods and Forge 2 Forge Points when upgraded and placed next to other Piazza Piazza Set buildings.
Renovation Kit

Other Events[]

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