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Forge of Empires Wiki
2019 Forge Bowl Event
2019 Forge Bowl Event

15th of January, 2019 - 3rd of February, 2019

The 2019 Forge Bowl Event is a special event occurring between 15th of January and the 3rd of February 2019.

Over the duration of 20 days, this event will dish out fun and prizes for Forgers all over the world in honour of the prestigious sport, American Football. With sentiments of American Football as a sport that deserves worldwide popularity, Innogames states it as being a sport of continued growth[1]. An accurate statement regarding its popularity would read like this; "Though American football retains its top position as the most popular sport to spectate in the United States of America, its popularity has slipped since peaking in 2006 and 2007."[2] Forge of Empires keeps bringing back the "Forge of Empires Bowl Event" each year despite the continuing scandals surrounding the sport. This year is no exception.

Milestone Rewards[]

Quests event forge bowl 0
Colossus Lvl 1 Colossus Upgrade Footballs Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade
Colossus Lv.1 Colossus upgrade kit 2000 Footballs Colossus upgrade kit Colossus upgrade kit

Event Window[]

Example Forge Bowl 2019 Event Window

As you can see, the window contains the following elements:

  1. This indicates your League. The more active you are, the better League you will get and the juicier prizes will be yours.
  2. Here the Daily Special is displayed. It changes every day.
  3. This is the Football Counter which indicates the total number of Footballs Footballs (Event Currency) that you possess.
  4. These are the Players. Each Player needs to be paid with Footballs Footballs. Once you select a Player, he will reward you with a random reward from his pool of available prizes. They are of three tiers, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
  5. This is the Touchdown Reward. It indicates the prize you will get upon reaching Touchdown, and also provides a prelude about the upcoming prizes.


Players are the key method of progressing and scoring goals, so that the ball may advance further and goals might be scored. The thing to wonder upon is that how far does each player pass the ball? This is shown below.

Each type of player passes the ball over a certain distance:

  • Lazy player: 4 yards
  • Bronze player: 5 yards
  • Silver player: 6 yards
  • Gold player: 7 yards

(The full distance of the field (from the 20th marker to the finish line) is 80 yards. All leftover yards are transferred to the next field.)

As can be seen above, the Gold Players pass the ball the furthest, while the Lazy Player is the worst in this matter. However, simply on the basis of how far a player throws the ball we cannot completely formulate how efficient he is.

Thus, the cost ratio added to the Players table, provides a clearer picture of how efficient each player is. The cost ratio shows the amount of footballs needed for a distance of 1 yard.


There are 5 leagues in this event, namely (in ascending order):

  • Rookie League
  • Amateur League
  • Bronze League
  • Silver League
  • Gold League

The thing to be kept in mind is that the League system is not like the Top Gamester or Casanova (in Carnival events), or something like that, which offer rewards to the best player of the neighbourhood. There are 2 main differences:

  1. In Leagues, you are not competing with your neighbourhood, you are competing with the entire World, and the scale of competition is huge here.
  2. Also, prizes are not awarded at the end of each week (like other events). Instead, you have the entire event to make it to the Gold League! Use the days of the event to the fullest potential to reach the top, and prizes are awarded at the end of the event.

The prizes can be found below, in the Prize Systems section.

The yards required to make it into a League (or get relegated from one) differ according to the status of the World.

A few of points to be kept in mind. One, you cannot be in more than one League at any particular time. Second, inactivity can even relegate you, that means push you to lower leagues. And third, Leagues reward activity, i.e. more number of goals, so make sure to play this event and score as many goals as you can. Sweet rewards are waiting for you!

Getting Footballs[]

The player starts the event with 200 Footballs and can win more through three ways, first, through the rewards of quests, second, with the daily autocompleted quests (they give per 120 Footballs as a reward) and third, by buying them with diamonds:

  • Footballs 100 Footballs = Diamonds 200 Diamonds (2.00 diamonds per 1 football)
  • Footballs 400 Footballs = Diamonds 700 Diamonds (1.75 diamonds per 1 football)
  • Footballs 1200 Footballs = Diamonds 1995 Diamonds (1.6625 diamonds per 1 football)

Expected Footballs to receive during the Forge Bowl Event :

  • Begining of the Event : .......................................... Footballs 200 Footballs
  • Daily connexions (approximated) : ..... 20 x 120 = Footballs 2 400 Footballs
  • Completing Quests : ........................... 50 x 120 = Footballs 6 000 Footballs
  • Milestone Bonus : ..................................................Footballs 2 000 Footballs

Total : ............................................................................Footballs 10 600 Footballs

In order to score a Touchdown, 80 yards must be crossed. Assuming 15 Footballs / yard, 1200 Footballs will be needed to score a Touchdown. Expected touchdowns : 10600 / 1200 = 8,83. About 8-9 touchdowns should be scored giving 4-5 Colossus Upgrades. In addition to the level 1 + 3 Upgrades from quests, the Colossus level 8-9 should be reached without diamonds. The level 10 could be reached depending on the Player's League.

To score 9 Touchdowns : n_Touchdowns = n_Footballs / (n_yards x Average_Ratio) ; with Average_Ratio given by the choice of the pass (see Prize System below).

Then, Average_Ratio = n_Footballs / (n_yards x n_Touchdowns) = 10600 / (80 x 9) = 14,72 Footballs / Yard. It is largely accessible without selecting always long passes.

Summary table : Touchdown scored in function of the Footballs / Yards ratio.

# Touchdowns Total Footballs Total Yards to cross Max. Footballs / Yard Cost
8 10 600 640 16,56
9 10 600 720 14,72
10 10 600 800 13,25


Main Quests[]

These quests are the first to be presented and can be completed immediately or whenever you want.

Quest 1:

  • Cal Rogers: "Gather some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 2:

  • Cal Rogers: "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 3:

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 2 decorations from your age or 3 from the previous age"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 4:

  • Cal Rogers: "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 5:

  • Cal Rogers: "Solve a simple negotiation OR Donate some goods to the Guild treasury"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 6:

  • Cal Rogers: "Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players" and "Finish shortest production option 20 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 7:

  • Cal Rogers: "Donate some goods to the Guild treasury OR Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 8:

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a very small army OR Solve a simple negotiation"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 9:

  • Cal Rogers: "Spend 500 Tavern Silver OR Buy 10 Forg Points" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 10:

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some goods" and "Finish a 1-hour production 8 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 11:

  • Cal Rogers: "Acquire 2 sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production 10 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 12:

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a small army OR Contribute some Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Finish a 4-hour production 20 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 13:

  • Cal Rogers: "Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or Polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 14:

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 1 cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 15:

  • Cal Rogers: "Win some battles OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury" and "Finish a 1-hour production a number of times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 16:

  • Cal Rogers: "Recruite 3 units from your age or 4 from the previous age" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 17:

  • Cal Rogers: "Solve a moderate negotiation OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 18:

  • Cal Rogers: "Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Win some battles without losing" and "Finish a 4-hour production 12 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 19:

  • Cal Rogers: "Gain control over a province OR Solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expeditions"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 20:

  • Cal Rogers: "Finish 12 productions of your age or 15 of the previous age" and "Motivate or Polish 30 buildings of other players"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 21:

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a medium-sized army OR Solve a moderate negotiation"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 22:

  • Cal Rogers: "Gather some goods OR Donate goods to the Guild Treasury" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 23:

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 1 residential building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 24:

  • Cal Rogers: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Recruit 3 units from your age" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 25:

  • Cal Rogers: "Win some battles without losing OR Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury" and "Gather some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 26:

  • Cal Rogers: "Gain some happiness" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 27:

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a small army OR Solve a simple negotiation"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 28:

  • Cal Rogers: "Spend 300 Tavern Silver OR Defeat a very small army" and "Finish a 1-hour production 12 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 29:

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 1 production building from your age or 2 from the previous age" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 30:

  • Cal Rogers: "Solve a simple negotiation OR Spend some Forge Points" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs and The Reporter Portrait of The Reporter

Daily Quests[]

These quests are presented every day after completion of the Main Questline. Since it will take at least a few days for you to complete the Main Questline, the first few quests will stack.

Quest 31 (Tue 1-15):

  • Cal Rogers: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win some battles without losing" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 32 (Wed 1-16):

  • Cal Rogers: "Complete 6 encounters, in the Guild Expeditions, by fighting OR Acquire 4 sectors without fighting"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 33 (Thu 1-17):

  • Cal Rogers: "Gather some goods OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 34 (Fri 1-18):

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a medium sized army OR Solve a moderate negotiation" and "Finish each production option once"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 35 (Sat 1-19):

  • Cal Rogers: "Win some battles without losing OR Collect 1200 Tavern Silver" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 36 (Sun 1-20):

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat some units OR Solve a complex negotiation" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 37 (Mon 1-21):

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 5 decorations" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 38 (Tue 1-22):

  • Cal Rogers: "Complete the first difficulty level in the Guild Expeditions OR Defeat a large army"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 39 (Wed 1-23):

  • Cal Rogers: "Motivate or polish 35 buildings for other players" and "Finish an 8-hour production a number of times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 40 (Thu 1-24):

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age" and "Spend some Forge points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 41 (Fri 1-25):

  • Cal Rogers: "Solve a moderate negotiation OR Recruit 3 units from your age" and "Gather some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 42 (Sat 1-26):

  • Cal Rogers: "Spend 350 Tavern Silver OR Finish a 24-hour production 5 times" and "Gather some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 43 (Sun 1-27):

  • Cal Rogers: "Win some battles without losing OR Solve a moderate negotiation" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 44 (Mon 1-28):

  • Cal Rogers: "Finish 10 productions in a production building from your age or 12 from the previous age" and "Gather some goods"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 45 Tue 1-29):

  • Cal Rogers: "Gain some population" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 46 (Wed 1-30):

  • Cal Rogers: "Visit 12 Friends Tavern OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings for other players" and "Finish a 15-minute production 15 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 47 (Thu 1-31):

  • Cal Rogers: "Defeat a medium-sized army OR Solve a moderate negotiation" and "Pay some coins"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 48 (Fri 2-1):

  • Cal Rogers: "Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury OR Finish a 24-hour production 10 times"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 49 (Sat 2-2):

  • Cal Rogers: "Build 3 decorations from your age or 4 from the previous age" and "Spend some Forge Points"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Quest 50 (Sun 2-3):

  • Cal Rogers: "Complete 5 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiating without losing OR Defeat some units" and "Pay some supplies"
    Reward: 120 Footballs Footballs

Prize Systems[]


Each player has to be paid with Footballs Footballs. Then, he will give you a random reward based on what he offers.

Gold Players[]

Image Name of Player Prizes Possible Chance Cost Cost Ratio
Isaac Isaac
Daily Special
One Up Kit
Store Building
Boost Crate
5M Mass Supply Rush
Footballs 104 Footballs 14.8
Justin Justin
"Forge Points"
Daily Special
20 Forge Points
10 Forge Points
5 Forge Points
Footballs 105 Footballs 15
Ryan Ryan
"Special Buildings"
Daily Special
Contestants' Estate
Athlete Living Quarters
Victory Tower
Footballs 105 Footballs 15

Silver Players[]

Image Name of Player Prizes Possible Chance Cost Cost Ratio
Anthony Anthony
Daily Special
Extra Large Coins Package
Extra Large Supplies Package
25 of One Good
Footballs 86 Footballs 14.3
Brad Brad
Daily Special
100% Coin Boost
100% Supply Boost
10% Attacker Boost
30% Defender Boost
Footballs 86 Footballs 14.3
Noah Noah
Daily Special
Premium Decoration
Residential Building
Production Building
Culture Building
Footballs 88 Footballs 14.6

Bronze Players[]

Image Name of Player Prizes Possible Chance Cost Cost Ratio
Scott Scott
Daily Special
100 Medals
50 Medals
20 Medals
Footballs 74 Footballs 14.8
Carlos Carlos
Daily Special
1 Observatory Blueprint
2 Random Blueprints
1 Blueprint
Footballs 71 Footballs 14.2
Samuel Samuel
Daily Special
Shrine of Knowledge Fragment
Wishing Well Fragment
Wishing Well Shrink kit Fragment
Footballs 75 Footballs 15

Lazy Players[]

Image Name of Player Prizes Possible Chance Cost Cost Ratio
Bryan Bryan
"Forge Points"
Daily Special
5 Forge Points
2 Forge Points
Footballs 57 Footballs 14.25
Greg Greg
"Special Units"
Daily Special
Color Guard
Military Drummer
Footballs 58 Footballs 14.5
Kyle Kyle
Daily Special
Light Unit
Ranged Unit
Fast Unit
Heavy Unit
Artillery Unit
Footballs 53 Footballs 13.25

Sortable Cost ratio Players Summary[]

Name of Player Type Cost Cost Ratio % Daily Special
Isaac "Items" Jackson Gold 104 Footballs 14.8 08 %
Justin "Forge Points" Garcia Gold 105 Footballs 15 12 %
Ryan "Special Buildings" Thompson Gold 105 Footballs 15 08 %
Anthony "Resources" Perez Silver 86 Footballs 14.3 18 %
Brad "Boost" Johnson Silver 86 Footballs 14.3 10 %
Noah "Buildings" Wilson Silver 88 Footballs 14.6 14 %
Scott "Medals" Davis Bronze 74 Footballs 14.8 15 %
Carlos "Blueprints" Ramirez Bronze 71 Footballs 14.2 08 %
Samuel "Fragments" Campbell Bronze 75 Footballs 15 12 %
Bryan "Forge Points" Nelson Lazy 57 Footballs 14.25 10 %
Greg "Special Units" Simmons Lazy 58 Footballs 14.5 07 %
Kyle "Units" Washington Lazy 53 Footballs 13.25 10 %

Daily Specials[]

Daily Special Prizes can be won with each pass to a player.

You can find a list of Daily Specials as they appeared on Beta here

Day Icon Prize
15 January Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
16 January Watchfire Upgrade Watchfire Upgrade Kit
17 January Classical Garden Pool Classical Garden Pool
18 January Champion's Retreat Champion's Retreat
19 January Victory Tower Upgrade Victory Tower Upgrade Kit
20 January Classical Garden Statues Classical Garden Statues
21 January Wishing Well Wishing Well
22 January Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
23 January Classical Garden Patio Classical Garden Patio
24 January Watchfire Watchfire Lvl 1
25 January Watchfire Upgrade Watchfire Upgrade Kit
26 January Classical Garden Pool Classical Garden Pool
27 January Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
28 January Classical Garden Patio Classical Garden Patio
29 January Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
30 January Wishing Well Wishing Well
31 January Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
1 February Classical Garden Statues Classical Garden Statues
2 February Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
3 February Victory Tower Upgrade Victory Tower Upgrade Kit
4 February Watchfire Watchfire Lvl 1

League Rewards[]

This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit. The player's League depends on the total number of yards crossed during the event. All the players with the lowest 50% distance score join the Rookie league. The Amateur League is reached by the top 50%, the Bronze League by the top 25%, the Silver League by the top 5% and the golden League by the top 1%.

League Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3 Prize 4 Prize 5 Prize 6
Rookie League Forge 10 Forge Points
Amateur League Forge 20 Forge Points Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit
Bronze League Forge 50 Forge Points Renovation KitRenovation Kit Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit
Silver League Forge 100 Forge Points Renovation KitRenovation Kit Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit
Gold League Forge 200 Forge Points Renovation KitRenovation Kit Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit Colossus UpgradeColossus Upgrade Kit
Portrait 308

Touchdown Rewards[]

Touchdown Icon Prize
1 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
2 Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
3 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
4 Wishing Well Wishing Well
5 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
6 Watchfire Upgrade Watchfire Upgrade Kit
7 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
8 Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
9 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
10 Store Building Store Building
11 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
12 Colossus Colossus Level 1
13 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
14 Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
15 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
16 Rogue Hideout Rogue Hideout
17 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
18 Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
19 Colossus Upgrade Colossus Upgrade Kit
20 Forge 50 Forge Points

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Classical Garden Statues
Classical Garden Statues

Special decoration
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides Coin Boost coin boost and Supplies supply boost when placed next to other Classical garden Classical Garden Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Classical Garden Patio
Classical Garden Patio
Special residential building
Provides Coinscoins.
Provides Supplies supplies and Goods 3 goods when placed next to other Classical garden Classical Garden Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Classical Garden Pool
Classical Garden Pool
Special cultural building
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides Defense Boost for Defending Army +4% defense boost and Attack Boost for Attacking Army +5% attack boost when placed next to other Classical garden Classical Garden Set buildings.
Renovation Kit
Special residential building
Provides Population population, Coins coins and up to Attack Boost for Attacking Army 15% attack boost.
Provides double coins and additional Medals medals and up to Forge 6 Forge Points when motivated and can be plundered.
Renovation Kit
  1. Forge of Empires Tips - - retrieved 9th of January 2019
  2. Football Still Americans' Favorite Sport to Watch - - retrieved 9th of January 2019

Other Events[]

Seasonal Events
2024 St Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2023 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2022 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2021 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2020 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2019 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2018 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2017 Carnival EventSpring EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2016 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2015 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2014 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2013 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2012 Halloween EventWinter Event
Special Events
2024 Wildlife EventAnniversary EventHistory EventCare For Tomorrow EventFellowship Event
2023 Anniversary EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2022 10th AnniversaryArchaeology EventSoccer EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2021 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer CupWildlife Event
2020 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2019 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2018 FoE Soccer Cup
2017 5th Anniversary
2016 FoE Soccer Cup
2015 Memorial Event
2014 FoE Soccer Cup
2013 Leonardo's Visit EventBirthday Event
Historical Questlines
2018 Napoleon BonaparteCleopatraVincent van GoghSacajaweaGenghis Khan
2017 Martin Luther King Jr.Leap YearYuri GagarinIsadora DuncanMary StuartSisiThe Montgolfier Brothers
2016 Columbus
2015 Tour de FranceAlbert EinsteinArthur Conan DoyleShah JahanMarilyn MonroeGalileo GalileiMahātmā GandhiRosa Parks