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Forge of Empires Wiki
2019 Summer Event
2019 Summer Event

1st August 2019 - 21st August 2019

Get Doubloons from quests
Use them to spin The Wheel of Fortune and get fantastic prizes!
Give it a whirl and see what rewards she has in store for you!

Summer is here at last. And this year we return to Forge Island to take part in the annual Summer festival! As soon as you get there, you will hear from the local Governor, who will offer you to take a spin on the mysterious 'Wheel of Fortune' and see what rewards she has in store for you! Then journey with the famous Pirate Jane to find even more rewards.

The 2019 Summer Event is a seasonal event that will run from 1st August 2019 to 21st August 2019.

Milestone Rewards[]

2019 Summer Event Milestone Banner
The Crow's Nest Lvl 1 Doubloon Crow's Nest Upgrade Doubloon Crow's Nest Upgrade
The Crow's Nest Lvl 1 Doubloon 10 Doubloons The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit Doubloon 10 Doubloons The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit

Event Window[]

2019 Summer Event Example Window

As can be seen, the above picture contains the following elements:

  1. This is the Doubloon Counter. It tells the player how many Doubloon Doubloons they currently have.
  2. This is the Wheel of Fortune. It displays all the prizes currently available on the Wheel.
  3. These are the Spin and Refresh & Spin buttons. Spin is used to play on the Wheel while Refresh & Spin clears the board and spins again.
  4. This is the Compass Counter. It shows how many Compasses the player currently has.
  5. This is the Map. The player needs to collect Compasses to progress on the Map and reach the Grand Prize.

To access the event window, click on the Summer Event bar at the top left corner of the screen. The player will now see the Summer Event window (pictured above), containing the Wheel of Fortune, the Map, a neighborhood actions log, and some buttons to spin or refresh the wheel.

The Wheel of Fortune[]

In order to spin the wheel, the player first needs to earn Doubloon Doubloons. Each spin of the wheel costs one Doubloon Doubloon and results in one prize (see Wheel Prizes) and one compass to complete the Map. Any player can also refresh and spin the wheel at a cost of one Doubloon Doubloon to call up a whole new set of prizes for the neighborhood. Spinning or refreshing the wheel will still result in getting a prize on the new wheel.

Golden circle prizes are the most special prizes and can be won by one lucky spinner.
Silver circle prizes are other valuable items that can be won by two spinners.
Green circle prizes are the most common type of reward and can be won by four spinners.

You can see how many of each prize is left in the circle surrounding the image of the prize. If for example, you win one of a specific prize where four are available, it is removed from the wheel and only three of them will remain for your neighbors to win. This goes on until all the prizes in the wheel run out (or until one of your neighbors resets the wheel), at which point the wheel is automatically refreshed with a new set of prizes.

Getting Doubloons[]

It is possible to acquire the following amount of Doubloon Doubloons without using Diamonds Diamonds

  • You start the event with 3 Doubloons.
  • You will receive 1 Doubloon upon your first login of the day.
  • You may get them from quests, an average of 1 Doubloon per quest.
  • You may get them from the Quest Milestones 10 Doubloons twice.

This means a possible maximum of 101 Doubloons for completing the Event.

  • You may also find additional Doubloons as incident rewards in and around your city during the Event (they look like normal incidents).

You can buy additional doubloons using diamonds:

  • Doubloon 1 Doubloon for Diamonds 110 Diamonds
  • Doubloon 5 Doubloons for Diamonds 495 Diamonds
  • Doubloon 20 Doubloons for Diamonds 1750 Diamonds

Navigating the Map[]

At the right side of the event window you can find the Map. With each spin of the wheel you will get 1 Compass. To set sail simply click on the Compass at the bottom of the Compass Counter and then watch as it lets you know if you have travelled I, II or III Leagues along the map. For each complete map you will receive a Grand Prize. It takes 20 Leagues to complete a map and every Compass you collect will take you 1, 2 or 3 steps further on the map.

For example: Say you get an average of 2 Leagues each turn, then it will take you 10 turns (Compasses) to complete a map.


The event features two questlines. The Main Questline and the Daily Questline. Every solved quest grants the player with a reward. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quests are abortable. Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. The Lower Numbers in brackets are for BA. The second number in brackets is for the ME unless stated otherwise[AGE].

Main Questline[]

The main questline is presented by the Governor and Pirate Jane.

Quest 1:
    Governor: "Spend some (6 - 21 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 2:
    Governor: "Make people enthusiastic" and "Gather some (400 - 400,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 3:
    Governor: "Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Pay some (2,000 - 1,867,200 [SAM]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 4:
    Governor: "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (2 - 12 [SAM]) times" and "Spend some (7 - 25 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 5:
    Governor: "Build 7 decorations" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 6:
    Pirate Jane: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Defeat this small army"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 7:
    Pirate Jane: "Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age" and "Pay some (1,400 - 960,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 8:
    Pirate Jane: "Donate some (30 - 240 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury OR Spend some (24 - 84 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 9:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat this medium army OR Contribute some (24 - 84 [SAM]) Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Gather some (20 - 200 [SAM]) goods, from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 10:
    Pirate Jane: "Visit 13 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 27 buildings of other players" and "In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (3 - 18 [SAM]) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 11:
    Pirate Jane: "Finish some (2 - 12 [SAM]) productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish some (3 - 18 [SAM]) productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 42 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 12:
    Pirate Jane: "Win some (4 - 8 [SAM]) battles without losing OR Donate some (40 - 320 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 13:
    Pirate Jane: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 14:
    Pirate Jane: "In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24 [SAM]) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 15:
    Pirate Jane: "Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 42 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 16:
    Pirate Jane: "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (4 - 24 [SAM]) times" and "Gather some (1,500 - 1,275,000 [SAM]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 17:
    Pirate Jane: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 18:
    Pirate Jane: "Solve this moderate negotiation OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions" and "Pay some (2,100 - 1,440,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 19:
    Pirate Jane: "Spend 500 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 10 Forge Points" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (2 - 14 [SAM]) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 20:
    Pirate Jane: "Scout a province OR Defeat this large army"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 21:
    Pirate Jane: "Gain some (230 - 25,000 [SAM]) happiness" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,000,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 22:
    Pirate Jane: "Acquire some (1 - 2) sectors OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (2 - 12 [SAM]) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 23:
    Governor: "Gather some (24 - 240 [SAM]) goods, from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 320 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury" and "Spend some (14 - 50 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 24:
    Pirate Jane: "Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Defeat some (10 - 42 [SAM]) Units" and "Motivate or polish 45 buildings of other players"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 25:
    Pirate Jane: "Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat some (15 - 63 [SAM]) Units" and "Pay some (1,400 - 960,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 26:
    Governor: "Conquer some (1 - 2) sectors OR Donate some (50 - 400 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 27:
    Governor: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Recruit 3 units from your age" and "Pay some (2,000 - 1,867,200 [SAM]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 28:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Gather some (30 - 300 [SAM]) goods, from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 29:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat some (15 - 63 [SAM]) Units OR Donate some (60 - 480 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 30:
    Pirate Jane: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors" and "Buy 3 Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 31:
    Pirate Jane: "Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 18 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,100 - 1,440,000 [SAM]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 32:
    Governor: "Build 1 Goods building from your age OR Gather some (30 - 300 [SAM]) goods, from goods buildings or by trading" and "Gather some (2,000 - 1,700,000 [SAM]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 33:
    Governor: "In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (3 - 18 [SAM]) times" and "Spend some (12 - 42 [SAM]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon

and a portrait of the Pirate Governess Portrait 333

Quest 34:
    Pirate Jane: "Gain control over a province OR Solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expeditions"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon

and a portrait of the Pirate Chef Portrait 334

End of 2019 Summer Event Main Questline

Daily Quests[]

Upon completion of the Main Questline, the player will receive daily quests, at the rate of 1 per day. They will stack if the player isn't able to complete them on time.

Quest 35 - 1st August:
    Pirate Jane: "Build 1 Culture building from your age OR Build 2 Culture buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (45 - 18,000 [SAM]) total Population"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 36 - 2nd August:
    Pirate Jane: "Gather some (50 - 500 [SAM]) goods, from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 320 [SAM]) goods to the guild treasury" and "Gather some (1,500 - 1,275 000 [SAM]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 37 - 3rd August:
    Pirate Jane: "Win some (3 - 11[OF]) battles OR Collect 1,200 Tavern Silver" and "Spend some (12 - 38[OF]) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 38 - 4th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 17) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 39 - 5th August:
    Pirate Jane: "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (5 - 30[OF]) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 40 - 6th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Recruit 5 units from your age OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (2,100 - 750,000[OF]) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 41 - 7th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat this medium army OR Collect 2,000 Tavern Silver" and "Pay some (2,000 - 964,000 [OF]) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 42 - 8th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Complete 7 encounters by fighting OR Acquire some (2 - 4) sectors without fighting"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 43 - 9th August:
    Pirate Jane: "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (4 - 22) times" and "Gather some (1,000 - 156,000) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 44 - 10th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (2 - 11) times" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 45 - 11th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat some (15 - 39) Units OR Solve this complex negotiation"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 46 - 12th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Visit 10 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players" and "Finish each production option once"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 47 - 13th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Build 1 Goods building from your age OR Gather some (2,500 - 342,500) coins" and "Spend some (18 - 39) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 48 - 14th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 49 - 15th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Win some (4 - 6) battles without losing OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (5,000 - 585,000) coins"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 50 - 16th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Donate some (20 - 140) goods to the guild treasury OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (2 - 11) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 51 - 17th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Gather some (2,500 - 342,500) coins" and "Pay some (2,100 - 195,000) supplies"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 52 - 18th August:
    Governor: "Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 26) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 53 - 19th August:
    Governor: "Defeat this medium army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 11) times"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon
Quest 54 - 20th August:
    Pirate Jane: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win some (3 - 5) battles without losing" and "Gather some (20 - 140) goods, from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Doubloon 1 Doubloon

and a portrait of the Pirate First Mate Portrait 332

Quest 55 - 21st August:
    Pirate Jane: "Defeat some (12 - 31) Units OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Spend some (5 - 10) Forge Points"
    Reward: Doubloon 2 Doubloons

and a portrait of the Pirate Queen Portrait 331

End of 2019 Summer Event Daily Questline


Grand Prizes[]

This is the list of Grand Prizes you can win by completing a Map. After 20 Grand Prizes the list repeats itself

Icon Name
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Forge 50 Forge Points
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Medals Gigantic Medals
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Wishing Well Wishing Well
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
The Crow's Nest Lvl 1 The Crow's Nest Lvl 1
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Rogue Hideout Rogue Hideout
Crow's Nest Upgrade The Crow's Nest Upgrade kit
Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit

Wheel of Fortune Prizes[]

This is the list of the prizes that you can win on the Wheel of Fortune. Please be aware that you may see neighbours collecting prizes from the previous or next age of the game, that is because they play at that age in the game, you will only receive prizes at your age of the game or those that have No Age.

Golden Circle Prizes
Silver Circle Prizes
Green Circle Prizes
Icon Name
Forge 20 Forge Points
Guard Post Selection Kit Guard Post Selection Kit
Pirate Selection Kit Pirate Selection Kit
Royal Selection Kit Royal Selection Kit
Trader Selection Kit Trader Selection Kit
Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
Store Building Store Building
Sunken Treasure Sunken Treasure
The Crow's Nest Lvl 1 The Crow's Nest Lvl 1
Ship Upgrade The Ship Upgrade Kit
Wishing Well Wishing Well
Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Icon Name
Blueprint 1 Blueprint
Fragment SoK 1 Fragment of Shrine of Knowledge
Fragment WW 1 Fragment of Wishing Well
Fragment WWSK 1 Fragment of Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Forge 10 Forge Points
Attack medium 10% Attack Boost
Forge 5 Forge Points
Goods 50 Goods of Previous Age (10 of each)
Champion Champion
Color Guard Colour Guard
Medals Extra Large Medals
Fishing Hut Fishing Hut
Hammock Hammock
Mass motivation kit Mass Self-Aid Kit
Medals Medium Medals
Military Drummer Military Drummer
Oasis Oasis
One Up Kit One Up Kit
Pole House Pole House
Rogue Rogue
Shrine of Awe Shrine of Awe
Shrine of Inspiration Shrine of Inspiration
Stranded Boat Stranded Boat
Victory Tower A Victory Tower Lv.1
Victory Tower Upgrade Victory Tower Upgrade Kit
Watchfire Watchfire Lv.1
Watchfire Upgrade Watchfire Upgrade Kit
Icon Name
Artillery Unit 1 Artillery Unit
Fast Unit 1 Fast Unit
Heavy Unit 1 Heavy Unit
Light Unit 1 Light Unit
Ranged Unit 1 Ranged Unit
Coins small 10% Coin Boost
Supplies small 10% Supply Boost
Forge 2 Forge Points
Defend medium 20% Defender Boost
Coins medium 50% Coin Boost
Supplies medium 50% Supply Boost
Cultural Building Cultural Building
Decorated Baobab Decorated Baobab
Coins Large Coins
Palm Tree Palm Tree
Decoration Premium Decoration
Production Building Production Building
Residential Residential Building
Motivation kit Self-Aid Kit
Coins Small Coins
Medals Small Medals
Supplies Small Supplies
Tiki Totem Tiki Totem

Selection Kits[]

Among the Wheel Prizes you can find four Selection Kits and each kit gives you a choice from 3 to 4 special rewards:

Guard Post Selection Kit Guard Post Selection Kit

Pirate Selection Kit Pirate Selection Kit

Royal Selection Kit Royal Selection Kit

Trader Selection Kit Trader Selection Kit

New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
The Crow's Nest Lvl 8
The Crow's Nest
Special residential building
Provides Population population, Coins coins and Forge Forge Points and a random Bonus of Coins Coins, Supplies Supplies, Medals Medals, Forge Forge Points, Goods Goods or on the highest level even Diamonds Diamonds.
Renovation Kit
Trader Guard Post
Trader Guard Post

Special Decoration
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides a Coin Boost coin boost and a Supply Boost supply boost.
Renovation Kit
Pirate Guard Post
Pirate Guard Post

Special Decoration
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides an Attack Boost for Attacking Army attack boost.
Renovation Kit
Royal Guard Post
Royal Guard Post

Special Decoration
Provides Happiness happiness.
Provides a Defense Boost for Defending Army defense boost.
Renovation Kit


  1. 1.0 1.1 12 of each of the player's current era
  2. Amount depends on the player's current era

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