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Forge of Empires Wiki
2021 Spring Event
2021 Spring Event

25th March 2021 to 14th April 2021

The Cherry Blossom Festival makes a return in this years Spring Event. Your citizens all flock to the parks, to witness the joy of Cherry Blossoms flowering on the trees.


The Cherry Blossom blooms
A Frog jumps across the Ponds
The People collect the Prizes

Collect Spring Lanterns, and use them to collect origami animals.
Win upgrade kits to upgrade the New Suishun Mill, a tranquil place for your citizens to enjoy.

Milestone Rewards[]

Quest event spring2019
Suishun Mill Lvl 1 Lanterns Suishun Mill Upgrade Lanterns Suishun Mill Upgrade
Suishun Mill
Level 1
400 Lanterns Suishun Mill
Upgrade Kit
830 Lanterns Suishun Mill
Upgrade Kit

Event Window[]

Once the Spring Event has started, you can access the event window to begin the festivities.

Collect Spring Lanterns by completing quests in the Spring questline. You will also receive some lanterns for logging in every day and you will find Cherry Trees spawn in your city's surroundings from time to time. Click on these trees to gather more Lanterns. Use the Spring Lanterns to guide the Frog across the pond by selecting one of three lily pads to jump to. There will be an origami animal sitting on top of each lily pad. Each animal that you collect will offer you a different selection of rewards. Each of the individual lily pads have a chance to win the Daily Special, which will refresh every 24 hours with something new. With each jump, you move closer to the coveted Grand Prize:

Event Window

Origami animals[]

Origami animals are the key method of progressing and crossing the pond. The thing to wonder upon is that how far does each animal jump? This is shown below.

Each type of animal jumps over a certain distance:

  • White Animals: 1 Lily pad
  • Bronze Animals: 2 Lily pad
  • Silver Animals: 3 Lily pad
  • Gold Animals: 4 Lily pad

(The full distance of the pond is 25 Lily pads. The last jump will not be transferred to the next pond and you will be presented with limited options that will depend on how much distance you have left.

As can be seen above, the Gold Animals jump the furthest, while the White animals is the worst in this matter. However, simply on the basis of how far an animal jumps we cannot completely formulate how efficient it is.

Thus, the cost ratio added to the sortable Animals table, provides a clearer picture of how efficient each animal is. The cost ratio shows the amount of Lanterns needed for a distance of 1 Lily pad.

Getting Lanterns[]

The player starts the event with Lanterns 200 Lanterns and can win more through four ways, first, through the rewards of quests, second, is to login daily and collect the reward, third by finding and clicking on the cherry trees around your town. And Finally by buying them with diamonds:

Amount Cost Cost per Lantern
Lanterns 100 Lanterns Diamonds 200 Diamonds 2 Diamonds/Lanterns
Lanterns 400 Lanterns Diamonds 700 Diamonds 1.75 Diamonds/Lanterns
Lanterns 1200 Lanterns Diamonds 1,995 Diamonds 1.6625 Diamonds/Lanterns

Expected Lanterns Lanterns to receive during the 2021 Spring Event
Beginning of the Event 200 Lanterns Lanterns
Daily Connections 22 x 100 2,200 Lanterns Lanterns
Completing Main Quests 41 x 60 2,460 Lanterns Lanterns
Completing Daily Quests 21 x 90 1,890 Lanterns Lanterns
Milestone Bonus 1 x 400 and 1 x 830 1,230 Lanterns Lanterns
Total 7,980 Lanterns Lanterns

Summary table : Ponds completed in function of the Lanterns / Jumps ratio.

# Ponds completed Total Lanterns Total Jumps Max. Lanterns / Jumps Cost
5 7,980 125 63.84
6 7,980 150 53.20
7 7,980 175 45.60
8 7,980 200 39.90
9 7,980 225 35.47



The event features two questlines presented by the Hanako. The Main Questline and the Daily Questline. Every solved quest grants the player some Lanterns. The 41 main quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quests are abortable.

The Daily Questline will give you one quest per day, for the 21 days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questline. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questline on the first day. After completing the Main Questline, you will be able to complete stacked Daily Quests without any delay and after that, one quest per day.

Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. The Lower Numbers in brackets are for BA. The second number in brackets is for the SAAB.
To get a better idea of your exact requirements Click Here and use the Tables provided, please be aware that the Final Table is incomplete as we do have players from those Ages that could help.

Main Quests[]

Show/Hide Quests
Quest 1:
    Hanako: "Spend some (6 - 23) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 2:
    Hanako: "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 3:
    Hanako: "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (2 - 12) times" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,200,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 4:
    Hanako: "Defeat this very-small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Buy 2 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 5:
    Hanako: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (6 - 48) selected[2] goods from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (4 - 24) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 6:
    Hanako: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,000 - 2,416,000) coins"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 7:
    Hanako: "In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 14) times" and "Gather some (20 - 220) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 8:
    Hanako: "Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Buy 7 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 9:
    Hanako: "Spend some (18 - 68) Forge Points OR Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 10:
    Hanako: "Solve (6) encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Solve this moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 11:
    Hanako: "Win 3 battles without losing OR In production buildings, finish an 8-hour production 6 times" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 12:
    Hanako: "Build 2 residential buildings from your present era OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous era" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 13:
    Hanako: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gather some (30 - 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 14:
    Hanako: "Collect 5 incidents OR Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 15:
    Hanako: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Condition2=Gain some (30 - 15,000) total population"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 16:
    Hanako: "Win some (2 - 3) battles without losing OR Solve this complex negotiation"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 17:
    Hanako: "Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Contribute some (18 - 68) Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Build 3 decorations from your age OR Build 4 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 18:
    Hanako: "Collect 5 incidents OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer Building" and "Gather some (30 - 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 19:
    Hanako: "Pay some (6 - 48) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (8 - 60) selected[2] goods from the previous age" and "Gain some (30 - 30,000) happiness"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 20:
    Hanako: "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (4 - 22) times" and "Gather some (2,000 - 2,200,000) coins"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 21:
    Hanako: "Win some (2 - 4) battles without losing OR Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 22:
    Hanako: "Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Spend some (12 - 45) Forge Points" and "Buy 7 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 23:
    Hanako: "Win some (2 - 8) battles OR Build 1 military building from your age" and "Finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 24:
    Hanako: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer Building OR Defeat this small army" and "Gather some (20 - 220) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 25:
    Hanako: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (3 - 18) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 26:
    Hanako: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 45) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 27:
    Hanako: "Finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times in a production building" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,200,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 28:
    Hanako: "Gather some (40 - 440) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (50 - 430) goods to the guild treasury" and "Buy 2 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 29:
    Hanako: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 18) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 30:
    Hanako: "Visit 10 Friends Taverns OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 31:
    Hanako: "Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Buy 7 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 32:
    Hanako: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather some (500 - 700,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 33:
    Hanako: "Recruit 2 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,400 - 2,899,200) coins"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 34:
    Hanako: "Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer Building OR Finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times in a production building" and "Gather some (20 - 220) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 35:
    Hanako: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 36:
    Hanako: "Build 4 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age" and "Gather some (30 - 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 37:
    Hanako: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friend's Tavern OR Spend some (18 - 68) Forge Points" and "Pay some (2,100 - 1,800,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 38:
    Hanako: "Buy 5 Forge Points" and "Spend some (18 - 68) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 39:
    Hanako: "Win some (3 - 6) battles without losing OR Collect 1,200 Tavern Silver" and "Finish an 8-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building"
    Reward: Lanterns 60
Quest 40:
    Hanako: "Spend 500 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 7 Forge Points" and "Gain some (30 - 15,000) total population"
    Reward: Lanterns 60 and a Portrait of Saki Saki
Quest 41:
    Hanako: "Win some (3 - 6) battles without losing OR Gain some (460 - 60,000) happiness" and "Spend some (18 - 68) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 60 and a Portrait of Haruto Haruto

Daily Quests[]

Show/Hide Quests
Quest 42 (25th March):
    Hanako: "Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Lanterns 90 and an Event Surprise Box Event Surprise Box[3]
Quest 43 (26th March):
    Hanako: "Recruit 4 units from your age OR Donate some (60 - 510) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 44 (27th March):
    Hanako: "Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Defeat some (10 - 45) units" and "Pay some (2,400 - 2,899,200) coins"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 45 (28th March):
    Hanako: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (30 - 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 46 (29th March):
    Hanako: "Defeat this very-small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Spend some (12 - 45) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 47 (30th March):
    Hanako: "Collect 5 incidents OR Contribute some (30 - 113) Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Gain some (45 - 22,500) total population"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 48 (31st March):
    Hanako: "Visit 12 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Pay some (2,000 - 2,416,000) coins"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 49 (1st April):
    Hanako: "In production buildings, finish an 8-hour production 10 times" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 50 (2nd April):
    Hanako: "Win some (2 - 4) battles without losing OR Donate some (20 - 170) goods to the guild treasury" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 51 (3rd April):
    Hanako: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win some (3 - 6) battles without losing"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 52 (4th April):
    Hanako: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer Building OR Win some (4 - 16) battles" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,400,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 53 (5th April):
    Hanako: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Win some (8 - 32) battles"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 54 (6th April):
    Hanako: "Gather some (24 - 264) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 340) goods to the guild treasury" and "Spend some (14 - 54) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 55 (7th April):
    Hanako: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather some (1,000 - 1,400,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 56 (8th April):
    Hanako: "Spend 700 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 10 Forge Points" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 57 (9th April):
    Hanako: "Collect 3 incidents OR Visit 15 Friends Taverns" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 18) times"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 58 (10th April):
    Hanako: "Win some (4 - 16) battles OR Solve this moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 59 (11th April):
    Hanako: "Build 1 goods building from your age OR Recruit 2 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,100 - 1,800,000) supplies"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 60 (12th April):
    Hanako: "Gather some (20 - 220) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (20 - 170) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 61 (13th April):
    Hanako: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
Quest 62 (14th April):
    Hanako: "Build 1 residential building from your age OR Build 2 residential buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 45) Forge Points"
    Reward: Lanterns 90
  1. 1.0 1.1 One of the players five current age goods is selected randomly. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
  2. 2.0 2.1 One of the players five previous age goods is selected randomly. Should the player be in Bronze Age, the second option will be one of the four goods not selected in the current age option. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
  3. This special reward will reveal itself during the next event in Forge of Empires. Use this to gain a head start for the upcoming Archaeology Event!

Prize system[]

The origami animals are divided into 4 colour groups. Gold, silver, bronze and white.


Each Animal has to be paid with Lanterns Lanterns. Then, it will give you a random reward based on what is offered.

Gold Animals[]

Image Name of Animal Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Stag 'Stag' Daily Special 8% Lanterns 151
50 Forge Points 12%
5 Forge Points 20%
10 Forge Points 30%
20 Forge Points 30%
Lion 'Lion' Daily Special 12% Lanterns 152
20% Attack Boost 28%
10% Attack Boost 28%
30% Defence Boost 32%
Giraffe 'Giraffe' Daily Special 9% Lanterns 152
One Up Kit 13%
Store Building 20%
Mass Self-Aid Kit 25%
Self-Aid Kit 33%

Silver Animals[]

Image Name of Animal Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Swan 'Swan' Daily Special 12% Lanterns 110
Extra Large Medals 34%
Large Medals 34%
Medium Medals 20%
Racoon 'Racoon' Daily Special 13% Lanterns 110
50 Goods 24%
20 Goods 30%
10 Goods 33%
Elephant 'Elephant' Daily Special 10% Lanterns 113
2 Hr Mass Supply Rush 22%
1 Hr Mass Coin Rush 30%
30 Min Mass Supply Rush 38%

Bronze Animals[]

Image Name of Animal Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Fox 'Fox' Daily Special 10% Lanterns 84
2 Blue Prints 25%
Observatory Blue Print 30%
Blue Print 35%
Cat 'Cat' Daily Special 12% Lanterns 79
Residential Building 21%
Production Building 21%
Cultural Building 21%
Premium Decoration 25%
Dog 'Dog' Daily Special 12% Lanterns 80
Colour Guard 12%
Military Drummer 12%
Rogue 32%
Champion 32%

White Animals[]

Image Name of Animal Prizes Possible Chance Cost
Rabbit 'Rabbit' Daily Special 8% Lanterns 52
100% Coin Boost 14%
100% Supply Boost 14%
50% Coin Boost 32%
50% Supply Boost 32%
Mouse 'Mouse' Daily Special 5% Lanterns 50
2 Light Units 19%
2 Ranged Units 19%
2 Fast Units 19%
2 Heavy Units 19%
2 Artillery Units 19%
Butterfly 'Butterfly' Daily Special 7% Lanterns 55
Fragment of Shrine
of Knowledge
Fragment of Wishing Well 36%
Fragment of Wishing Well
Shrink Kit

Sortable Animals Table[]

The following table helps sorting animals by efficiency

Name of Animal Daily special chance Lantern Cost Cost/Daily Special% Ratio Cost/Distance Ratio
Stag Stag 8% Lanterns 151 18.88 37.75
Lion Lion 12% Lanterns 152 12.67 38.00
Giraffe Giraffe 9% Lanterns 152 16.89 38.00
Swan Swan 12% Lanterns 110 9.17 36.67
Racoon Racoon 13% Lanterns 110 8.46 36.67
Elephant Elephant 10% Lanterns 113 11.30 37.67
Fox Fox 10% Lanterns 84 8.40 42.00
Cat Cat 12% Lanterns 79 6.58 39.50
Dog Dog 12% Lanterns 80 6.67 40.00
Rabbit Rabbit 8% Lanterns 52 6.50 52.00
Mouse Mouse 5% Lanterns 50 10.00 50.00
Butterfly Butterfly 7% Lanterns 55 7.86 55.00

Daily Specials[]

Daily Special Prizes can be won with each jump.

You can find a list of Daily Specials as they appeared on Beta here

Day Icon Prize
Day 1 Hanami Bridge Selection Kit Hanami Bridge Selection Kit
Day 2 Spring Selection kit Spring Selection Kit
Day 3 Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
Day 4 Wishing Well Wishing Well
Day 5 Tactician's Tower Upgrade Tactician's Tower Upgrade Kit
Day 6 Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
Day 7 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
Day 8 Pagoda Selection Kit Pagoda Selection Kit
Day 9 Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
Day 10 Hall of Fame Selection Kit Hall of Fame Selection Kit
Day 11 Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
Day 12 Medals Gigantic Medals Pack
Day 13 Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Day 14 Rogue Hideout Rogue Hideout
Day 15 Tactician's Tower Lvl 1 Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
Day 16 Hanami Bridge Selection Kit Hanami Bridge Selection Kit
Day 17 Pagoda Selection Kit Pagoda Selection Kit
Day 18 Wishing Well Wishing Well
Day 19 Store Building Store Building
Day 20 Spring Selection kit Spring Selection Kit
Day 21 Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
Day 22 Mass Supply Rush (large) 6hr Mass Supply Rush

Grand Prize

The Grand Prizes repeat after the 14 Prize.

Pond Icon Prize
1 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
2 Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
3 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
4 Forge 50 Forge Points
5 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
6 Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
7 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
8 Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
9 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
10 Medal Gigantic Medals
11 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
12 Suishun Mill Lvl 1 Suishun Mill Level 1
13 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
14 Wishing Well Wishing Well

League Rewards[]

This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit. The player's League depends on the total number of ponds crossed during the event. All the players with the lowest 50% distance score join the Hobby league. The Amateur League is reached by the top 50%, the Bronze League by the top 20%, the Silver League by the top 5% and the golden League by the top 1%.

League Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3 Prize 4 Prize 5 Prize 6
Hobby League Forge 10 Forge Points
Amateur League Forge 20 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit
Bronze League Forge 50 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1 Sentinel Outpost Lvl.1
Silver League Forge 100 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Sentinel Outpost Lvl.2 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
Gold League Forge 200 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Sentinel Outpost Lvl.2 Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit Suishun Mill Upgrade Suishun Mill Upgrade Kit
Portrait 409


New Buildings[]

Building Size Function Upgrade
Suishun Mill Lvl 9
Suishun Mill
Special residential building
Provides Population population, Happiness happiness, Coins coins and from level 5 up to a 33% Supply Boost Supply Boost. Upon motivation Supplies supplies, Medals medals, Goods 25 goods and Forge 11 Forge Points are produced. Provides double coins when motivated and can get plundered.
Renovation Kit

Other Events[]

Seasonal Events
2024 St Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2023 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2022 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2021 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2020 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2019 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2018 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2017 Carnival EventSpring EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2016 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2015 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2014 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2013 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2012 Halloween EventWinter Event
Special Events
2024 Wildlife EventAnniversary EventHistory EventCare For Tomorrow EventFellowship Event
2023 Anniversary EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2022 10th AnniversaryArchaeology EventSoccer EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2021 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer CupWildlife Event
2020 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2019 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2018 FoE Soccer Cup
2017 5th Anniversary
2016 FoE Soccer Cup
2015 Memorial Event
2014 FoE Soccer Cup
2013 Leonardo's Visit EventBirthday Event
Historical Questlines
2018 Napoleon BonaparteCleopatraVincent van GoghSacajaweaGenghis Khan
2017 Martin Luther King Jr.Leap YearYuri GagarinIsadora DuncanMary StuartSisiThe Montgolfier Brothers
2016 Columbus
2015 Tour de FranceAlbert EinsteinArthur Conan DoyleShah JahanMarilyn MonroeGalileo GalileiMahātmā GandhiRosa Parks