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2022 Forge Bowl Event
2022 Forge Bowl Event

18th January 2022 to 7th February 2022

The 2022 Forge Bowl Event is a seasonal event that will run from 18th January to 7th February 2022. Complete the Quests to collect Footballs Footballs. Then select the Player for Cal to pass to and advance down the Grid to score a Touchdown. Receive rewards on every play and Touchdown.

The coaches feature is back again this year to help you as well, as you aim to win BIG.

Milestone Rewards[]

Quests event forge bowl 0
Fiore Village Lvl 1 Footballs Fiore Village Upgrade Footballs Fiore Village Upgrade
Fiore Village
Level 1
Fiore Village
Upgrade Kit
Fiore Village
Upgrade Kit

Event Window[]

Click to Show General Event Information
2022 Forge Bowl Event Window

As you can see, the window contains the following elements:

  1. This is your Coach. Choose wisely as each coach enhances different outcomes on each play.
  2. This indicates your League. The more active you are, the better League you will get and the more prizes will be yours at the end.
  3. The current Daily Special is displayed here. It will change every day.
  4. This is the Football Counter which indicates the total number of Footballs Footballs that you have to use.
  5. These are the Players. Each Player needs to be paid with Footballs Footballs. Once you select a Player, he will reward you with a random reward from his pool of available prizes. There are of four tiers of Players, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Others.
  6. This is the Touchdown Reward. There are two rewards shown here. The first one is the actual Touchdown reward which you will get upon completing 80 yards. The second reward (shown with a lock icon here), is the Bowl Prize, which will be unable by default unless the player purchases it with Diamonds Diamonds.

Players & Coaches[]

Players & Coaches are the key method of progressing and scoring Touchdowns as well as collecting rewards.

For every 80 yards the ball is advanced in total, a Touchdown is scored which will reward a grand prize.

Each type of player advances the ball a certain distance:

  • Gold players: 7 yards
  • Silver players: 6 yards
  • Bronze players: 5 yards
  • Other players: 4 yards

If the Progress Coach or the Ultimate Coach is selected, the Players gain an extra yard for the play.

While the full distance of the field from staring point to the goal line is 80 yards, all yards advanced in excess are carried over to shorten the next field.

As can be seen above, the Gold Players advance the ball the furthest, while the Other Players advance the least. However, simply on the basis of how far a player advances the ball we cannot completely formulate how efficient he is. Thus, the cost ratio can be seen in the Players table, which provides a clearer picture of how efficient each player is.

The coaches were introduced that alter different aspects of the rewards system. They may give a chance to double the won prize, heighten the chances for the Daily Special, increase the distance the players advance per play, double the league progress or do all of the before.

Forge bowl 2020 coaches


There are 5 leagues in this event, in ascending order:

  • Rookie League
  • Amateur League
  • Bronze League
  • Silver League
  • Gold League

The thing to be kept in mind is that the League system is not like the Top Gamester or Casanova (in Carnival events), or something like that, which offer rewards to the best player of the neighbourhood. There are 2 main differences:

  1. In Leagues, you are not competing with your neighbourhood, you are competing with the entire World, and the scale of competition is huge here.
  2. Also, prizes are not awarded at the end of each week. Instead, you have the entire event to make it to the Gold League! Use the days of the event to the fullest potential to reach the top, and prizes are awarded at the end of the event.

The prizes can be found below, in the Prize Systems section.

The yards required to make it into a League (or get relegated from one) differ according to the status of the World.

A few of points to be kept in mind. Firstly, you cannot be in more than one League at any particular time. Secondly, inactivity can even relegate you, that means push you to lower leagues. And finally, Leagues reward activity, i.e. more number of yards, so make sure to play this event and score as many Touchdowns as you can.

Getting Footballs[]

You start the event with 200 Footballs and can get more in different ways:- Firstly, by completing the quests. Secondly, By collecting the reward for logging in daily. Thirdly, by finding them in Incidents in and around your City. And finally, by buying them with Diamonds diamonds:

Amount Cost Cost per ball
Footballs 100 Footballs Diamonds 200 Diamonds 2 Diamonds/Footballs
Footballs 400 Footballs Diamonds 700 Diamonds 1.75 Diamonds/Footballs
Footballs 1200 Footballs Diamonds 1,995 Diamonds 1.6625 Diamonds/Footballs

Expected Footballs Footballs to receive during the Forge Bowl Event
Beginning of the Event 200 Footballs Footballs
Daily Collections 22 x 110 2,420 Footballs Footballs
Completing Main Quests 35 x 80 2,800 Footballs Footballs
Completing Daily Quests 21 x 140 2,940 Footballs Footballs
Milestone Bonus 1 x 350 and 1 x 1,000 1,350 Footballs Footballs
Total 9,710 Footballs Footballs


Cal Rogers

The event features two questlines presented by Cal Rogers - The Main Questline and the Daily Questline. Every solved quest grants the player some Footballs. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quests are abortable.

The Daily Questline will give you one quest per day, for the 20 days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questline. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questline on the first day. After completing the Main Questline, you will be able to complete stacked Daily Quests without any delay and after that, one quest per day.

The quest texts and stories may be read here.

Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. The Lower Numbers in brackets are for BA. The second number in brackets is for the SAV.

To get a better idea of your exact requirements Click Here and use the tables provided. Please be aware that the Final Table is incomplete as we need players from those Ages that could help.

If you are browsing this page on desktop, you can click on each individual quest to mark it as done, thereby making it easier to keep track of your upcoming quests.

Main Questline[]

Quest 1:
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (600 - 1,080,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 2:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 7 decorations" and "Pay some (2,000 - 2,966,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 3:
    Cal Rogers: "Spend some (6 - 24) forge points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 4:
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Gather (2,000 - 2,700,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 5:
    Cal Rogers: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (7 - 52) selected[2] goods from the previous age"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 6:
    Cal Rogers: "Recruit 3 Units from your age OR Recruit 4 Units from the previous age" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 7:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 2 cultural buildings from your age OR Build 3 cultural buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,440,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 8:
    Cal Rogers: "Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury OR Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 9:
    Cal Rogers: "Infiltrate 3 sectors OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Finish a 4-hour production some (1 - 8) times in a production building"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 10:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 2 goods buildings from your age OR Gather some (20 - 240) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading" and "Spend some (10 - 38) Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 11:
    Cal Rogers: "Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army" and "Pay some (2,400 - 3,559,200) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 12:
    Cal Rogers: "Win some (2 - 8) battles OR Spend some (12 - 48) Forge Points" and "Gather some (800 - 1,350,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 13:
    Cal Rogers: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (7 - 52) selected[2] goods from the previous age"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 14:
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Build 5 decorations"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 15:
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (24 -288) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 310) goods to the guild treasury" and "Gain some (30 - 18,000) total population"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 16:
    Cal Rogers: "Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 17:
    Cal Rogers: "Acquire some (1 - 2) sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 18:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 1 cultural building from your age OR Build 2 cultural buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (1,700 - 1,728,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 19:
    Cal Rogers: "Collect 5 incidents OR Finish 10 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (230 - 35,000) happiness"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 20:
    Cal Rogers: "Visit 15 Friends Tavern OR Defeat some (10 - 48) units" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,800,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 21:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 7 decorations" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 18) times"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 22:
    Cal Rogers: "Pay some (6 - 48) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (8 - 60) selected[2] goods from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,400 - 3,559,200) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 23:
    Cal Rogers: "Activate 2 boosts in Friends Tavern OR Win some (2 - 10) battles" and "Gather some (500 - 900,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 24:
    Cal Rogers: "Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 13) times"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 25:
    Cal Rogers: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 12) times" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,350,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 26:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 27:
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (24 -288) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (20 - 170) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 28:
    Cal Rogers: "Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,160,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 29:
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (3 - 17) times"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 30:
    Cal Rogers: "Collect 3 incidents OR Contribute some (30 - 120) Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,350,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 31:
    Cal Rogers: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (7 - 52) selected[2] goods from the previous age" and "Spend some (16 - 62) Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 32:
    Cal Rogers: "Visit 20 Friends Tavern OR Defeat some (10 - 48) units" and "Pay some (2,400 - 3,559,200) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 33:
    Cal Rogers: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 34:
    Cal Rogers: "Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 18 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (26) Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs
Quest 35:
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (18 - 216) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury" and "Gather some (800 - 1,440,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 80 Footballs and a Portrait of Sarah Sarah

Daily Questline[]

Quest 36 (01/18):
    Cal Rogers: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times" and "Pay some (1,700 - 1,728,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs and an Event Surprise Box Event Surprise Box[3]
Quest 37 (01/19):
    Cal Rogers: "Win some (3 - 12) battles OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gain some (30 - 18,000) total population"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 38 (01/20):
    Cal Rogers: "Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players OR Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age" and "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 39 (01/21):
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 14) times"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 40 (01/22):
    Cal Rogers: "Win some (3 - 8) battles without losing OR Gain some (460 - 70,000) happiness"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 41 (01/23):
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (40 - 480) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (50 - 430) goods to the guild treasury" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (3 - 18) times"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 42 (01/24):
    Cal Rogers: "Activate 2 boosts in Friends Tavern OR Solve this moderate negotiation"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 43 (01/25):
    Cal Rogers: "Collect 3 incidents OR Motivate or polish 20 buildings of other players" and "Pay some (5,000 - 7,415,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 44 (01/26):
    Cal Rogers: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 45 (01/27):
    Cal Rogers: "Build 2 cultural buildings from your age OR Build 3 cultural buildings from the previous age" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 46 (01/28):
    Cal Rogers: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (3 - 17) times" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,160,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 47 (01/29):
    Cal Rogers: "Recruit 5 Units from your age OR Pay some (10 - 80) selected[1] goods from your age" and "Gather some (900 - 1,530,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 48 (01/30):
    Cal Rogers: "Win some (2 - 6) battles without losing OR Collect 1,800 Tavern Silver" and "In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (2 - 12) times"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 49 (01/31):
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 50 (02/01):
    Cal Rogers: "Gather some (36 - 432) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 370) goods to the guild treasury"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 51 (02/02):
    Cal Rogers: "Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (4 - 22) times" and "Pay some (2,800 - 4,152,400) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 52 (02/03):
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat some (15 - 68) units OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "Spend some (10 - 36) Forge Points"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 53 (02/04):
    Cal Rogers: "Collect 3 incidents OR Visit 15 Friends Tavern" and "Pay some (2,200 - 2,304,000) supplies"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 54 (02/05):
    Cal Rogers: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (7 - 52) selected[2] goods from the previous age" and "Gather some (2,000 - 2,700,000) coins"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 55 (02/06):
    Cal Rogers: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs
Quest 56 (02/07):
    Cal Rogers: "Build 2 goods buildings from your age OR Gather some (20 - 240) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 14) times"
    Reward: Footballs 140 Footballs and a Portrait of Roy Roy
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 One of the players five current age goods is selected randomly. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 One of the players five previous age goods is selected randomly. Should the player be in Bronze Age, the second option will be one of the four goods not selected in the current age option. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
  3. This special reward will reveal itself during the next event in Forge of Empires. Use this to gain a head start for the upcoming St Patrick's event!

Prize Systems[]


Each player has to be paid with Footballs Footballs, then he will advance and give you a random reward based on what he offers.

Gold Players[]

Image Name of Player Possible Prizes Chance Cost
Brian Brian
Daily Special 12% 105 Footballs
2hr Mass Supply Rush 30%
30min Mass Supply Rush 32%
1hr Mass Coin Rush 26%
Justin Justin
Daily Special 12% 101 Footballs
20 Forge Points 24%
10 Forge Points 30%
5 Forge Points 34%
Ryan Ryan
Daily Special 12% 104 Footballs
Contestants' Estate 20%
Victory Tower Level 1 34%
Victory Tower Upgrade Kit 34%

Silver Players[]

Image Name of Player Possible Prizes Chance Cost
Issac Issac
Daily Special 10% 78 Footballs
10% Attack Boost 30%
5% Attack Boost 20%
20% Defence Boost 25%
10% Defence Boost 15%
Brad Brad
Daily Special 10% 76 Footballs
100% Supply Boost 30%
100% Coin Boost 30%
Boost Crate 30%
Noah Noah
Daily Special 10% 74 Footballs
Premium Decoration 30%
Residential Building 20%
Production Building 20%
Cultural Building 20%

Bronze Players[]

Image Name of Player Possible Prizes Chance Cost
Greg Greg
Daily Special 8% 62 Footballs
Rogue 36%
Champion 36%
Colour Guard 10%
Military Drummer 10%
Carlos Carlos
Daily Special 8% 64 Footballs
Observatory Blueprint 20%
2 Blueprints 12%
Blueprint 60%
Samuel Samuel
Daily Special 8% 60 Footballs
Fragment of Shrine of Knowledge 40%
Fragment of Wishing Well 30%
Fragment of Wishing Well Shrink Kit 22%

Other Players[]

Image Name of Player Possible Prizes Chance Cost
Anthony Anthony
Daily Special 5% 41 Footballs
10 Goods 45%
Extra Large Supplies 25%
Extra Large Coins 25%
Scott Scott
Daily Special 5% 48 Footballs
Large Medals 40%
Medium Medals 30%
Small Medals 25%
Kyle Kyle
Daily Special 5% 49 Footballs
2 Light Units 19%
2 Ranged Units 19%
2 Fast Units 19%
2 Heavy Units 19%
2 Artillery Units 19%

Sortable Cost ratio Players Summary[]

Name of Player Cost Yards Cost
per Yard
per Yard
boosted [1]
% Daily
per DS
per DS
boosted [2]
Brian "Rush" Nelson 105 7 15.00 13.13 12% 875 618
Justin "Forge Points" Garcia 101 7 14.43 12.63 12% 842 594
Ryan "Special Buildings" Thompson 104 7 14.86 13.00 12% 867 612
Issac "Military Boost" Jackson 78 6 13.00 11.14 10% 780 520
Brad "Boost" Johnson 76 6 12.67 10.86 10% 760 507
Noah "Buildings" Wilson 74 6 12.33 10.57 10% 740 493
Greg "Special Units" Simmons 62 5 12.40 10.33 8% 775 477
Carlos "Blueprints" Ramirez 64 5 12.80 10.67 8% 800 492
Samuel "Fragments" Campbell 60 5 12.00 10.00 8% 750 462
Anthony "Resources" Perez 41 4 10.25 8.20 5% 820 410
Scott "Medals" Davis 48 4 12.00 9.60 5% 960 480
Kyle "Units" Washington 49 4 12.25 9.80 5% 980 490
  1. if boosted by the Progress Coach or the Ultimate Coach
  2. if boosted by the Special Coach or the Ultimate Coach


The Coaches can be changed at any time during the Event. With the exception of the Default Coach, there are time limits and/or Diamonds Diamond costs for doing so. If you do change them they will automatically revert to the Default Coach when their time is up. If you wish to use a coach before their Cooldown time expires Diamonds Diamonds are needed.

Image Title Attribute Cost
to Use
in Play
Default Default Coach Gives a 3% chance to double the rewards won on a play Free Event 00:00 Free
Progress Progress Coach Grants +1 yard for each play Free up to 24:00 24:00 50 Diamonds Diamonds
Special Special Coach Grants +5% chance to win the Daily Special Free up to 24:00 24:00 50 Diamonds Diamonds
League League Coach Grants double the points earned towards the League Tables Free up to 24:00 24:00 50 Diamonds Diamonds
Ultimate Ultimate Coach Provides ALL the Attributes of the other Coaches combined 150 Diamonds Diamonds up to 24:00 00:00 Free

Daily Specials[]

Daily Special Prizes can be won with each pass to a player.

The list for the Beta server may be found here.

INNO have announced that they will be making changes to the Daily Specials compared to the Beta testing. A green check mark (✅) indicates that the prize is confirmed in the live servers.

Touchdown Rewards[]

Touchdown Rewards/Grand Prizes are awarded every time you get the ball into the Endzone, i.e. completing 80 yards. After 1600 yards the prizes repeat. A Forge 50 Forge Points bonus is provided at the start.

Yardage Icon Prize
80 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
160 Tactician's Tower Lvl 1 Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
240 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
320 Motivation kit Self-Aid Kit
400 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
480 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
560 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
640 Pillar of Heroes Selection Kit Pillar of Heroes Selection Kit
720 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
800 Shrine of Knowledge Shrine of Knowledge
880 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
960 Forge 50 Forge Points
1040 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
1120 Store Building Store Building
1200 Fiore Village Lvl 1 Fiore Village Lvl 1
1280 Wishing Well Shrink Kit Wishing Well Shrink Kit
1360 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
1440 Renovation Kit Renovation Kit
1520 Fiore Village Upgrade Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
1600 Medals Gigantic Medal Package

Bowl Prizes[]

The Bowl Prizes are an additional optional set of prizes which you can get if you pay Diamonds 1800 Diamonds. In simple terms, they can be considered as an "extra" set of touchdown rewards, as their requirements match those listed above.

A bonus "Goody Bag" is given at the start, which contains Forge 20 Forge Points, Goods 40 Current Era Goods and 30 Previous Era Goods and a Medals Gigantic Medal Package.

Yardage Icon Prize
80 Attack large 20% Attack Boost
160 Forge Bowl Trophy Forge Bowl Trophy
240 Portrait 473 Portrait of Eagle Mascot
320 Reward icon blueprint box Box of Blueprints[1]
400 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
480 One Up Kit One Up Kit
560 Forge Point 20 Forge Points
640 Reward icon unit regiment Unit Box[3]
720 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
800 Mass Supply Rush (medium) 2h Mass Supply Rush
880 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
960 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
1040 Forge Point 20 Forge Points
1120 Reward icon special unit regiment Special Unit Box[4]
1200 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
1280 Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
1360 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
1440 Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
1520 Forge Point 20 Forge Points
1600 Mass Supply Rush (medium) 2h Mass Supply Rush
1680 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
1760 Rogue Hideout Rogue Hideout
1840 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
1920 Attack medium 10% Attack Boost
2000 Forge Point 20 Forge Points
2080 Forge Bowl Trophy Forge Bowl Trophy
2160 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
2240 Blueprint 1 Blueprint
2320 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
2400 Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
2480 Forge Point 20 Forge Points
2560 Mass Supply Rush (medium) 2h Mass Supply Rush
2640 Medals Gigantic Medal Package
2720 Rogue Hideout Rogue Hideout
2800 Goods 50 Current Era Goods[2]
  1. Box contains 2 Blueprints and 2 Observatory Blueprints.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 10 of each kind.
  3. Box contains 2 of each class of Units of a Players Era (10 Units Maximum).
  4. Box contains 2 of each class of Special Unit (8 Special Units).

League Rewards[]

This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit. The player's League depends on the total number of yards crossed during the event. All the players with the lowest 50% distance score join the Rookie league. The Amateur League is reached by the top 50%, the Bronze League by the top 25%, the Silver League by the top 5% and the golden League by the top 1%.

League Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3 Prize 4 Prize 5 Prize 6
Rookie League Forge 10 Forge Points
Amateur League Forge 20 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit
Bronze League Forge 50 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
Silver League Forge 100 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Fiore Village Selection Kit Fiore Village Selection Kit
Gold League Forge 200 Forge Points One Up Kit One Up Kit Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Sentinel Outpost Lvl 2 Fiore Village Selection Kit Fiore Village Selection Kit Fiore Village Selection Kit Fiore Village Selection Kit Portrait 474
Portrait of Dog Mascot

New Building[]

Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Fiore Village Lvl 10
Fiore Village
Special residential building
Provides Population population, Happiness happiness, Coins coins, Medals medals, Goods 32 goods, Guild Goods 25 Guild Goods, Forge 9 Forge Points, up to a Coin Boost 30% Coin Boost and up to a Defense boost for attacking army 34% Defense Boost.
Can be motivated and can be plundered.
Renovation Kit

Useful Resources[]

Other Events[]

Seasonal Events
2024 St Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2023 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2022 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2021 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2020 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2019 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2018 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2017 Carnival EventSpring EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2016 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2015 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2014 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2013 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2012 Halloween EventWinter Event
Special Events
2024 Wildlife EventAnniversary EventHistory EventCare For Tomorrow EventFellowship Event
2023 Anniversary EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2022 10th AnniversaryArchaeology EventSoccer EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2021 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer CupWildlife Event
2020 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2019 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2018 FoE Soccer Cup
2017 5th Anniversary
2016 FoE Soccer Cup
2015 Memorial Event
2014 FoE Soccer Cup
2013 Leonardo's Visit EventBirthday Event
Historical Questlines
2018 Napoleon BonaparteCleopatraVincent van GoghSacajaweaGenghis Khan
2017 Martin Luther King Jr.Leap YearYuri GagarinIsadora DuncanMary StuartSisiThe Montgolfier Brothers
2016 Columbus
2015 Tour de FranceAlbert EinsteinArthur Conan DoyleShah JahanMarilyn MonroeGalileo GalileiMahātmā GandhiRosa Parks