The 2023 Anniversary Event is a new special event that will run from 28th March 2023 to 17th April 2023.
Dear Queens and Kings!
Forge of Empires is turning 11 years young! Those of you who were here last year will remember our big tenth anniversary celebration, but we thought - why stop there? We had such a great time we decided to celebrate our birthday again this year! So get your party hats ready and prepare to join us in our sparkly new event with brand new mechanics and some beautiful new prizes to be won.
As you can see in the following interactive image, the event window contains 10 main elements.
Event mechanics[]
Gaining Progress[]
By freeing up, in other word combining, gems behind a glass layer or by opening chests you gain some Progress towards Grand Prizes. The amount depends on a chest tier - the higher the more Progress they reward, and each freed up gem on the board yields some Progress - gem levels 1-3 reward 1 Progress, while level 4 gems 2 Progress.
Spawn and merge the gems[]
Press the Spawn button to spend 10 Energy and add a new gem to the board. All gems have a chance to spawn, but the higher level gems have a lower spawn chance compared to lower level gems.
Type of gem
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Progress when unlocked
The newly spawned gem can be used to unlock a locked gem of the same size and colour by merging them together. Each locked gem will also come with a key part: either a top part or a bottom part. Pay close attention to these when choosing which gems to merge! Remember - to make a full key you need to merge a top part and a bottom part, as well as matching the colors and sizes of the gems.
Convert gems into keys[]
Feed the gems with a full key into your Converter to remove the piece from the board and free up the key. Keys can be created on gems of many sizes, but the bigger the gem, the more keys will be received for converting that gem!
Additionally, for the duration of the event, one of the two treasure chests offered for Daily Challenges will always contain a key reward. This chest contains either 9 Water Keys (40%), 9 Wind Keys (40%) or 9 Fire Keys (20%). If acquired daily, this averages to 180 extra Keys.
Open chests for rewards[]
The objective is to clear all the gem combinations on the board and collect all of the keys required to open the reward chests to give you a chance to win the Daily Special, among a variety of other prizes! The composition of available rewards depends on the type of keys required to open each chest. Note! The first opened chest of each day will double received reward as well as double the Progress towards Grand Prizes!
Keys Required
Daily Special Chance
Reset the board[]
If you have unlocked all of the locked gems on the board, you can reset the board for free to populate it with new gems and keep matching. But most importantly, you get a board completion reward for the finished board!
You can also reset the board with locked gems still on it if you are stuck. Once refresh a day is free, but you will have to spend Energy to do the reset afterwards.
If you have a lot of pieces left on the board and you unlock all of the pieces, you will gain some bonus keys when you progress to a new board!
You will always recieve 1 key for each of the following:
10 same colour pieces without a key
4 same colour pieces with half a key
1 same colour piece with a full key
Getting Energy[]
You start the event with 110 Energy, you can get more in different ways:
Firstly, by completing the quests. Secondly, By collecting the reward for logging in daily. Thirdly by finding them in Incidents around your City, each has a chance to contain 20, 100 or 500 Energy. And Finally by buying them with diamonds:
Cost per Energy
60 Energy
220 Diamonds
3.67 /
310 Energy
990 Diamonds
3.19 /
820 Energy
1,990 Diamonds
2.43 /
Expected Energy receive during the Event
Beginning of the Event
110 Energy
Daily Connections
21 x 80
1,680 Energy
Completing Main Quests
40 x 90
3,600 Energy
Completing Daily Quests
21 x 170
3,570 Energy
Milestone Bonus
1 x 500 and 1 x 1,100
1,600 Energy
10,560 Energy
The event features two questlines presented by Lilith, the Key Master. The Main Questline and the Daily Questline. Every solved quest grants the player some Energy. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quests are abortable.
The Daily Questline will give you one quest per day, for the 21 days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questline. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questline on the first day. After completing the Main Questline, you will be able to complete stacked Daily Quests without any delay and after that, one quest per day.
Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. The Lower Numbers in brackets are for Bronze Age(BA). The second number in brackets is for the Space Age Jupiter Moon(SAJM).
If you are browsing this page on desktop, you can click on each individual quest to mark it as done, thereby making it easier to keep track of your upcoming quests.
Main Questline[]
Show/Hide Quests
Quest 1:
Lilith: "Pay some (2,000 - 2,966,000) coins" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 2:
Lilith: "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 3:
Lilith: "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (2 - 12) times" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,440,000) supplies" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 4:
Lilith: "Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Gather some (800 - 1,350,000) supplies" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 5:
Lilith: "Pay some (6 - 48) selected [1] goods from your age OR Pay some (5 - 40) selected [2] goods from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (4 - 24) times" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 6:
Lilith: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 48) Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 7:
Lilith: "Finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 14) times in a production building" and "Gather some (20 - 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 8:
Lilith: "Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Buy 7 Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 9:
Lilith: "Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points OR Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury" and "Make people enthusiastic" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 10:
Lilith: "Solve 6 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Solve this moderate negotiation" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 11:
Lilith: "Win 3 battles without losing OR In production buildings, finish an 8-hour production 6 times" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 12) times" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 12:
Lilith: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age" and "Buy 5 Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 13:
Lilith: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gather some (30 - 360) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 14:
Lilith: "Collect 5 incidents OR Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 15:
Lilith: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (30 - 18,000) Total Population" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 16:
Lilith: "Win some (2 - 4) battles without losing OR Solve this complex negotiation" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 17:
Lilith: "Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Contribute some (18 - 72) Forge Points to Great Buildings" and "Build 3 decorations from your age OR Build 4 decorations from the previous age" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 18:
Lilith: "Collect 5 incidents OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building" and "Gather some (30 - 360) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 19:
Lilith: "Pay some (6 - 48) selected [1] goods from your age OR Pay some (8 - 60) selected [2] goods from the previous age" and "Gain some (230 - 35,000) happiness" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 20:
Lilith: "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (4 - 24) times" and "Gather some (2,000 - 2,700,000) coins" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 21:
Lilith: "Win some (2 - 5) battles without losing OR Donate some (30 - 260) goods to the guild treasury" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 - 12) times" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 22:
Lilith: "Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Spend some (12 - 48) Forge Points" and "Buy 7 Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 23:
Lilith: "Win some (2 - 8) battles OR Build 1 military building from your age" and "Finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 24:
Lilith: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army" and "Gather some (20 - 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 25:
Lilith: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (3 - 18) times" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 26:
Lilith: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (12 - 48) Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 27:
Lilith: "Finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times in a production building" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,440,000) supplies" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 28:
Lilith: "Gather some (40 - 480) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (50 - 430) goods to the guild treasury" and "Buy 2 Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 29:
Lilith: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 18) times" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 30:
Lilith: "Visit 10 Friends Taverns OR Solve this simple negotiation" and "Make people enthusiastic" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 31:
Lilith: "Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Buy 7 Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 32:
Lilith: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather some (500 - 900,000) supplies" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 33:
Lilith: "Recruit 2 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,400 - 3,559,200) coins" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 34:
Lilith: "Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times" and "Gather some (20 - 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 35:
Lilith: "Win some (4 - 10) battles without losing OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 36:
Lilith: "Build 4 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age" and "Gather some (30 - 360) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 37:
Lilith: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,160,000) supplies" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 38:
Lilith: "Win some (3 - 8) battles without losing OR Collect 1,200 Tavern Silver" and "Finish an 4-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 39:
Lilith: "Spend 500 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 7 Forge Points" and "Gain some (30 - 18,000) Total Population" Reward: 90 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 40:
Lilith: "Win some (3 - 8) battles without losing OR Gain some (460 - 70,000) happiness" and "Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points" Reward: 90 Energy and a Portrait of a Hadwin
✔ Done
Daily Questline[]
Show/Hide Quests
Quest 41 - 28 March:
Lilith: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 24) times" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 42 - 29 March:
Lilith: "Gather some (50 - 600) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 340) goods to the guild treasury" and "Gather some (600 - 1,080,000) supplies" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 43 - 30 March:
Lilith: "Win some (3 - 12) battles OR Collect 1,200 Tavern Silver" and "Spend some (12 - 48) Forge Points" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 44 - 31 March:
Lilith: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 18) times" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 45 - 1 April:
Lilith: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (350 - 52,500) happiness" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 46 - 2 April:
Lilith: "Recruit 5 units from your age OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,160,000) supplies" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 47 - 3 April:
Lilith: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Collect 2,000 Tavern Silver" and "Pay some (5 - 40) selected [1] goods from your age OR Pay some (5 - 40) selected [2] goods from the previous age" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 48 - 4 April:
Lilith: "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (4 - 24) times" and "Gather some (2,000 - 2,700,000) coins" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 49 - 5 April:
Lilith: "Complete 7 encounters by fighting OR Acquire some (1 - 2) sectors without fighting" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 50 - 6 April:
Lilith: "Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Finish a 24-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building" and "Buy 5 Forge Points" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 51 - 7 April:
Lilith: "Defeat some (15 - 72) Units OR Solve this complex negotiation" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 52 - 8 April:
Lilith: "Collect 3 incidents OR Visit 15 Friends Taverns" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (4 - 24) times" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 53 - 9 April:
Lilith: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (18 - 72) Forge Points" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 54 - 10 April:
Lilith: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (45 - 27,000) Total Population" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 55 - 11 April:
Lilith: "Win some (4 - 10) battles without losing OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (5,000 - 7,415,000) coins" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 56 - 12 April:
Lilith: "Donate some (50 - 430) goods to the guild treasury OR Finish an 8-hour production some (3 - 18) times in a production building" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 57 - 13 April:
Lilith: "Pay some (5 - 40) selected [1] goods from your age OR Pay some (5 - 40) selected [2] goods from the previous age" and "Gather some (2500 - 3,375,000) coins" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 58 - 14 April:
Lilith: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win some (3 - 8) battles without losing" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,160,000) supplies" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 59 - 15 April:
Lilith: "Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (40 - 480) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" and "Finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 12) times in a production building" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 60 - 16 April:
Lilith: "Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (2 - 12) times" and "Pay some (5 - 40) selected [1] goods from your age OR Pay some (5 - 40) selected [2] goods from the previous age" Reward: 170 Energy
✔ Done
Quest 61 - 17 April:
Lilith: "Defeat some (12 - 58) Units OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Spend some (8 - 34) Forge Points" Reward: 170 Energy and a Portrait of Elise
✔ Done
↑ of the players five current age goods is selected randomly. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
↑ of the players five previous age goods is selected randomly. Should the player be in Bronze Age, the second option will be one of the four goods not selected in the current age option. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
Prize Systems[]
Daily Specials[]
Daily Special Prizes can be won with each opened chest on the board.
↑ 2.02.1In highest era current age goods are given instead.
↑Box contains 2 of each class of Units of a Players Era (10 Units Maximum).
↑Only given if a player has unlocked any special resource, else 90 random next age goods are given.
Anniversary Prizes[]
Anniversary Prizes are an additional optional set of prizes which can be unlocked for an equivalent of 15$. In simple terms, they can be considered as an "extra" set of Grand Prizes, as their requirements match.
This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit. The player's League depends on the total number of progress during the event. All players with the lowest 50% distance score join the Hobby league. The Amateur League is reached by the top 50%, the Bronze League by the top 25%, the Silver League by the top 5% and the golden League by the top 1%.