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Forge of Empires Wiki
2025 Wildlife Event
2025 Wildlife Event

14th January 2025 to 4th February 2025

We welcome you back to this years 2025 Wildlife Event!

Like other Events you need to complete the Quests to get either Wildlife Coin Wildlife coins, Wildlife Ticket Wildlife Tickets or Wildlife Golden Ticket Wildlife Golden Tickets.

You needWildlife Ticket Wildlife Tickets to enter the Wildlife Park, and then play the Mini-game to win prizes by moving Wildlife Paw Paws or Wildlife Piece Purple Reward chests to the bottom of the board.

The Wildlife Coin Wildlife coins are needed to purchase tools or moves, so need to be used wisely.

Milestone Rewards[]

2023 Wildlife Quests
Wildlife Coin Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit Wildlife Coin Wildlife Gold Ticket Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
95 Wildlife Coins Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit 145 Wildlife Coins 3 Golden Tickets 100 fragments of Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit

Event Windows[]

As you can see in the following interactive image, the event window contains 6 main elements.


As you can see, the Minigame window contains 8 main elements.

The mechanics of this event are different from anything previously seen. In a nutshell, the minigame needs to be played carefully: the player has a set number of moves to collect as many Wildlife Paw Paws and Rewards Chests as possible. It is a click to clear game so be careful with missclicks, or you could waste moves. The player may need or choose to use certain tools or implements for clearing blocks, These may be purchased using Wildlife Coin Coins. Each aspect is explained in detail in the following sections.

Playing the Board[]

Event Window
Event Window
  • This Game needs 2, 3 or 4 blocks of the same type to be touching in order to remove them from the board with a move.
  • If 5 or More blocks are touching instead of removing all the block the block you click on becomes a Reward Chest.
Event Window
Event Window
  • By clicking on the matching blocks below the Reward Chest you will allow it to drop off the board and you will collect the Reward.
  • By clicking on the matching blocks below the Wildlife Paw Paw you will allow it to drop off the board and it will count towards the Grand Prize Reward.
Event Window
Event Window
  • This indicates how many more you can click on the matching blocks to win more Rewards.
  • You also have a limited number of Tools. The first is the HAMMER it will remove only 1 block when used.
Event Window
Event Window
  • If you look you will see the block where the HAMMER was has gone and we now have matching blocks, also you will see that the Moves count has remained the same.
  • The Second tool is the WINDMILL. It will change the colour of the each block one above, below, to the left and the right of the selected block to match it.
Event Window
Event Window
  • As you can see we have turned a possible 1 star Reward Chest into a possible 4 star Reward Chest, also you will see that the Moves count has remained the same.
  • Finally you have the LIGHTNING tool if misused it can mess a board up, Here we have selected Orange, once activated all those blocks will be removed.
Event Window
Event Window
  • While there is still Orange blocks on the board they are near the top having just dropped into the game, also you will see that the Moves count has remained the same.
  • Once you have used all the Moves (note it is at 0) this screen will appear you may play another 5 Moves for Wildlife Coin 65 Coins or leave.
Event Window
  • If no tiles can be played while you have moves left the board will reshuffle so that you can play on.
  • Once you end your game you are brought back to the Event Window. X to exit.

Getting League Points[]

A League has been added to this years Event. To progress in the League you need to obtain points, these points are received for Popping GreenLeaf tiles, getting Wildlife Piece Purple Reward Chests to the bottom of the table or getting Wildlife Paw Paws to the bottom of the table. Points gained reflect on the number of tiles popped or the number of stars on the Wildlife Piece Purple Reward Chest dropped, the Wildlife Paw Paw will always give a fixed amount of points.

Show/Hide League Points Tables
League Points
Action Points
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 1 Star Chest to the bottom 100
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 2 Star Chest to the bottom 140
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 3 Star Chest to the bottom 200
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 4 Star Chest to the bottom 280
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest to the bottom 380
Drop a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest to the bottom 500
Drop a Wildlife Paw Paw to the bottom 600
Pop 1 GreenLeaf Tile (with a Wildlife Booster Hammer Hammer) 10
Pop 2 GreenLeaf Tiles
in one go
Pop 3 GreenLeaf Tiles
in one go
Pop 4 GreenLeaf Tiles
in one go
Pop 5 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 1 Star Chest) 110
Pop 6 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 2 Star Chest) 150
Pop 7 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 2 Star Chest) 200
Pop 8 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 3 Star Chest) 255
Pop 9 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 3 Star Chest) 320
Pop 10 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 3 Star Chest) 390
Pop 11 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 4 Star Chest) 465
Pop 12 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 4 Star Chest) 550
Pop 13 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 4 Star Chest) 640
Pop 14 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 4 Star Chest) 740
League Points
Action Points
Pop 15 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest) 845
Pop 16 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest) 955
Pop 17 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest) 1,075
Pop 18 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest) 1,200
Pop 19 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 5 Star Chest) 1,335
Pop 20 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 1,475
Pop 21 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 1,620
Pop 22 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 1,775
Pop 23 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 1,935
Pop 24 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 2,105
Pop 25 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 2,280
Pop 26 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 2,460
Pop 27 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 2,650
Pop 28 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 2,845
Pop 29 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 3,050
Pop 30 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 3,260
Pop 31 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 3,475
Pop 32 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 3,700
Pop 33 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 3,930
League Points
Action Points
Pop 34 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 4,170
Pop 35 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 4,415
Pop 36 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 4,665
Pop 37 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 4,925
Pop 38 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 5,190
Pop 39 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 5,465
Pop 40 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 5,745
Pop 41 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 6,030
Pop 42 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 6,325
Pop 43 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 6,625
Pop 44 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 6,935
Pop 45 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 7,250
Pop 46 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 7,570
Pop 47 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 7,900
Pop 48 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 8,235
Pop 49 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 8,580
Pop 50 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 8,930
Pop 51 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) ?
Pop 52 Tiles (get a Wildlife Piece Purple Reward 6 Star Chest) 9,650

Using Wildlife Booster Color Destroyer Lightning gives you the same number of points as Popping the GreenLeaf Tiles for Wildlife Piece Purple Reward Chests.
The Wildlife Booster Row Leafy line gives the number of points as popping the GreenLeaf Tiles.

Booster Tools[]

To progress on each level, the player needs to clear blocks from the board to claim the Rewards. They can do this with the help of certain tools which clear different parts of the board. There are 3 tools, namely:

  • Hammer Wildlife Booster Hammer

The Hammer clears exactly one block and only one block at a time. It is useful if one wants to obtain align blocks for prizes.

Cost: Wildlife Coin 60 Coins

  • Leafy Line Wildlife Booster Row

This will remove all blocks in a chosen row, excluding Wildlife Paw Paws and Wildlife Piece Purple Reward chests.

Cost: Wildlife Coin 85 Coins

  • Lightning Wildlife Booster Color Destroyer

This will remove all blocks of a chosen color from the board. It is useful for a mass clearance.

Cost: Wildlife Coin 110 Coins

How do I get Tools?[]

One must remember that depending on the situation, one might have different preferences for the tool required to be used. Tools are distinctive in the fact that they cannot be obtained from the rewards of quests. Instead, they have to be bought using the event currency, Wildlife Coin Coins. Tools can be obtained from the Tool Shop, highlighted in the picture. The shop sells individual items as well as 2 sets of the tools, with differing costs. It is important to keep in mind that tools cannot be purchased using diamonds. The individual costs have been mentioned above and the prices and components of the sets are mentioned below.

  • 6 Hammers + 4 Leafy Lines + 2 Lightning for Wildlife Coin 660 Coins
  • 16 Hammers + 8 Leafy lines + 6 Lightning for Wildlife Coin 1,230 Coins

The player begins with 5 Wildlife Booster Hammer Hammers, 2 Wildlife Booster Row Leafy Lines and 1 Wildlife Booster Color Destroyer Lightning.

Rewards and Prizes[]

A Grand Prize exists which is obtained upon collection of Wildlife Paw 25 Paws. A Daily Special is also available which changes every day and is obtainable from Reward Chests. League Rewards will be awarded at the end of the Event.

Event Currency[]

The currency of this event is Wildlife Coin Coins. They are different from currencies of other events in the fact that Wildlife Coin Coins by themselves are not used for clearing blocks. Wildlife Coin Coins over here play an indirect role. They are used for buying the tools and moves that clear Blocks.

Wildlife Coin Coins are obtainable from the Quests, Incidents in & around your city and logging in daily. You also start the Event with Wildlife Coin 200 Coins.

They can also be bought using diamonds:

  • Wildlife Coin 100 Coins = Diamonds 150 Diamonds (0.67 Coins per Diamond)
  • Wildlife Coin 400 Coins = Diamonds 500 Diamonds (0.80 Coins per Diamond)
  • Wildlife Coin 2,000 Coins = Diamonds 2,400 Diamonds (0.83 Coins per Diamond)

Wildlife Ticket Tickets can be obtained from the Quests and Incidents in & around your city. You also start the Event with Wildlife Ticket 4 Tickets. These Tickets regenerate at a rate of one every eight hours. They stop regenerating if you already have four or more Tickets.

They can also be bought using diamonds:

  • Wildlife Ticket 1 Ticket = Diamonds 200 Diamonds (200 diamonds per 1 Ticket)
  • Wildlife Ticket 4 Tickets = Diamonds 750 Diamonds (187.5 diamonds per 1 Ticket)
  • Wildlife Ticket 10 Tickets = Diamonds 1,800 Diamonds (180 diamonds per 1 Ticket)

Wildlife Gold Ticket Golden Tickets can be obtained from Grand Prize rewards. They allow the player to play unlimited games for the duration of 5 minutes. These cannot be bought with diamonds.

Some event currency or boosters can also be obtained from completing Daily Challenges during the event, with following chances:

  • 48% chance for Wildlife Coin 10 Coins
  • 25% chance for Wildlife Coin 15 Coins
  • 15% chance for Wildlife Booster Hammer 1 Hammer
  • 9% chance for Wildlife Booster Row 1 Leafy Line
  • 3% chance for Wildlife Booster Color Destroyer 1 Lightning

The player may be expected to receive the following amount of Wildlife Coin Coins, Wildlife Ticket Tickets and Wildlife Gold Ticket Golden Tickets if they complete the entire event and login at least once a day.

Source Wildlife Coin Wildlife Coins Wildlife Ticket Entrance Ticket Wildlife Gold Ticket Golden Ticket
Beginning of the Event 200 4
Daily Connections 21 x 15 315 (21 x 3) - 1[1] 62
Completing Main Quests 20 x 10 200 10 x 1 10
Completing Daily Quests 14 x 15 210 7 x 1 7
Milestone Bonus 95 + 145 240 3 3
Grand Prizes 1 + 2 3
Daily Challenges 21 x 4.8

21 x 3.75

Rival Challenge 1 100 10 3
Rival Challenge 2 100 10 5
Total 1,544.55 Wildlife Coins 106 Entrance Tickets 11 Golden Tickets


Questgiver Wildlife Diane


The event features two questlines presented by Diane.

The Main Questline, and the Daily Questline. Every solved quest grants the player some rewards. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented and no quest is abortable.

The Daily Questline, will give you one quest per day, for the 21 days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questlines. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questlines on the first day. After completing the Main Questline, you will be able to complete stacked Daily Quests without any delay and after that, one quest per day.

Note: Where the word "some" appears in the quest text below, the amount differs depending on the Age the player is at. The lower numbers in brackets are for BA. The second number in brackets is for SAJM. To get a better idea of your exact requirements Click Here and use the Tables provided, please be aware that the Final Table is incomplete as we do have players from those Ages that could help.

Main Questline[]

Show/Hide Quests
Questgiver Wildlife Diane


Quest 1:
    Diane: "Gather some (20 - 260) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 2:
    Diane: "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 3:
    Diane: "Pay some (2,000 - 3,517,200) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 4:
    Diane: "In a production building, finish an 1-hour production some (3 - 20) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 5:
    Diane: "Gather some (30 - 390) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury" and "Pay Some (1,400 - 1,680,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 6:
    Diane: "Recruit 1 unit from your age OR Recruit 2 units from the previous age" and "Gather some (500 - 1,100,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 7:
    Diane: "Defeat some (10 - 50) Units OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gain some (230 - 40,000) happiness"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 8:
    Diane: "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (4 - 29) times" and "Pay Some (2,000 - 3,517,200) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 9:
    Diane: "Build 3 culture building of your age OR Build 4 culture buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (400 - 880,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 10:
    Diane: "Gather some (60 - 780) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate some (60 - 540) goods to the guild treasury" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 11:
    Diane: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Build 2 production buildings from your age" and "Collect 2 incidents"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 12:
    Diane: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Solve any other quest" and "Pay some (4 - 32) selected[2] goods from your age"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 13:
    Diane: "Buy 5 Forge Points OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 14:
    Diane: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win some (2 - 9) battles" and "Finish a 4-hour production some (2 - 13) times in a production building"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 15:
    Diane: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Gain some (30 - 21,000) total population"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 16:
    Diane: "Recruit 2 units from your age OR Gather some (32 - 416) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 17:
    Diane: "Pay some (2,800 - 3,360,000) supplies" and "Pay some (3,000 - 5,275,800) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 18:
    Diane: "Spend some (10 - 43) Forge Points" and "Gather some (1,000 - 2,200,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 19:
    Diane: "Build 4 production buildings from your age OR Build 5 production buildings from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (3 - 20) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 20:
    Diane: "Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players" and "Pay some (2,800 - 3,360,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 21:
    Diane: "Pay some (5,000 - 8,793,000) coins" and "Gather some (24 - 312) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 22:
    Diane: "Buy 7 Forge Points OR Collect 1,000 Tavern Silver"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 23:
    Diane: "Visit 12 Friends Taverns OR Collect 4 incidents" and "Gather some (2,500 - 4,000,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 24:
    Diane: "Complete 2 encounters by fighting OR Gather some (52 - 676) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading" and "Complete 2 encounters by negotiating OR Buy 7 Forge Points"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 25:
    Diane: "Collect 6 incidents OR Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 26:
    Diane: "Solve this complex negotiation OR Win some (4 - 18) battles" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,520,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 27:
    Diane: "Recruit 2 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age" and "Pay some (2,400 - 4,220,600) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 28:
    Diane: "Build 1 goods building of your age OR Build 2 goods buildings from the previous age"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 29:
    Diane: "Complete 2 encounters without losing OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (3,000 - 5,275,800) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 10 Wildlife Coins
Quest 30:
    Diane: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 - 26) times" and "Spend some (18 - 81) Forge Points"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket and a Portrait

Daily Questline[]

Upon completion of the Main Questline, the player will receive daily quests, at the rate of 1 per day. They will stack if the player isn't able to complete them on time.

Show/Hide Quests
Questgiver Wildlife Diane


Quest 31 (14th January):
    Diane: "Win (3 - 14) battles OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Pay some (2,100 - 2,520,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 32 (15th January):
    Diane: "Buy 10 Forge Points" and "Build 2 culture buildings from your age OR Build 3 culture buildings from the previous age"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 33 (16th January):
    Diane: "Motivate or polish 25 buildings for other players OR Pay some (5 - 45) selected[2] goods from your age" and "Gather some (20 - 260) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 34 (17th January):
    Diane: "Collect 3 incidents OR Infiltrate 2 sectors" and "Pay some (2,200 - 2,688,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 35 (18th January):
    Diane: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (1,500 - 2,400,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 36 (19th January):
    Diane: "Gather some (36 - 468) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 400) goods to the guild treasury" and "Gain some (45 - 31,500) total population"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 37 (20th January):
    Diane: "Spend some (14 - 65) Forge Points" and "Pay some (1,400 - 1,680,000) supplies"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 38 (21st January):
    Diane: "Build 2 goods buildings from your age OR Gather some (30 - 390) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 20) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 39 (22nd January):
    Diane: "Recruit 4 units from your age OR Recruit 5 units from the previous age" and "Gather some (1,500 - 2,400,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 40 (23rd January):
    Diane: "In a production building, finish an 1-hour production some (4 - 26) times" and "Make people enthusiastic"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 41 (24th January):
    Diane: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 42 (25th January):
    Diane: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army" and "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 43 (26th January):
    Diane: "Contribute some (16 - 70) Forge Points to Great Buildings OR Gain some (460 - 80,000) happiness" and "In a production building, finish an 1-hour production some (4 - 26) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 44 (27th January):
    Diane: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "Gather some (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 45 (28th January):
    Diane: "Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (? - 312) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 46 (29th January):
    Diane: "Pay some (5 - 45) selected[2] goods from your age OR Pay some (7 - 59) selected[3] goods from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 - 20) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 47 (30th January):
    Diane: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Win some (5 - 23) battles"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 48 (31st January):
    Diane: "Collect 6 incidents OR Finish a 4-hour production some (3 - 20) times in a production building" and "Spend some (12 - 54) Forge Points"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket
Quest 49 (1st February):
    Diane: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish an 1-hour production some (2 - 13) times"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 50 (2nd February):
    Diane: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win some (3 - 13) battles" and "Pay some (5,000 - 8,793,000) coins"
    Reward: Wildlife Coin 15 Wildlife Coins
Quest 51 (3rd February):
    Diane: "Acquire 3 sectors OR Defeat some (20 - 100) Units"
    Reward: Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket and Avatar
  1. You won't get the third automatically regenerated ticket on the last day, since the event has already ended as soon as the third ticket would be available.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 One of the players five current age goods is selected randomly. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.
  3. One of the players five previous age goods is selected randomly. Should the player be in Bronze Age, the second option will be one of the four goods not selected in the current age option. The selection is independent of the players current stock of those goods.

Prize Systems[]

The prizes in the Wildlife Event can be claimed by getting either a Wildlife Paw Paw or a Chest to drop off the bottom of the game board. Wildlife Paw Paws count towards Grand Prizes.

Chest Rewards[]

There are 5 different types of Reward Chest, Blue , Green , Orange , Red and Yellow . Each one will have a star rating of 1 to 6, depending on the number of tiles merged to create it:

  • 5 tiles - 1 star chest
  • 6-7 tiles - 2 star chest
  • 8-10 tiles - 3 star chest
  • 11-14 tiles - 4 star chest
  • 15-19 tiles - 5 star chest
  • 20+ tiles - 6 star chest
Show/Hide Blue Chests

Show/Hide Green Chests

Show/Hide Orange Chests
Wildlife Piece Orange Reward Created by
Possible Prizes Chance
Wildlife Star Orange 5 touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 2%
Small Medals Pack 52%
Medium Medals Pack 35%
Blueprint 7%
Observatory Blueprint 4%
Wildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star Orange 6-7 touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 3%
Small Medals Pack 50%
Medium Medals Pack 35%
Blueprint 7%
Observatory Blueprint 5%
Wildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star Orange 8-10 touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 4%
Small Medals Pack 50%
Medium Medals Pack 32%
Blood Lilies 7%
Giant Kapok 7%
Wildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star Orange 11-14 touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 5%
Small Medals Pack 46%
Medium Medals Pack 31%
Blood Lilies 9%
Giant Kapok 9%
Wildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star Orange 15-19 touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 6%
Medium Medals Pack 52%
Blood Lilies 16%
Giant Kapok 16%
30min 400% Attack for Attacking Army for GE 10%
Wildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star OrangeWildlife Star Orange 20+ touching
Orange tiles
Daily Special 16%
30min 400% Attack for Attacking Army for GE 32%
Blood Lilies 22%
Giant Kapok 22%
Raccoon Hideout 8%

Show/Hide Red Chests

Show/Hide Yellow Chests
Wildlife Piece Yellow Reward Created by
Possible Prizes Chance
Wildlife Star Yellow 5 touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 2%
5 Goods 57%
10 Goods 39%
Fragment of Wishing Well 2%
Wildlife Star YellowWildlife Star Yellow 6-7 touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 3%
10 Goods 54%
15 Goods 39%
Fragment of Wishing Well 4%
Wildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star Yellow 8-10 touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 5%
15 Goods 51%
20 Goods 36%
Insect Hotel 4%
Fragment of Wishing Well 4%
Wildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star Yellow 11-14 touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 6%
20 Goods 46%
25 Goods 28%
30 Goods 12%
2 Fragments of Wishing Well 8%
Wildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star Yellow 15-19 plus touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 8%
40 Goods 40%
70 Goods 20%
Insect Hotel 15%
Raccoon Hideout 12%
2 Fragments of Wishing Well 5%
Wildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star YellowWildlife Star Yellow 20+ touching
Yellow tiles
Daily Special 16%
100 Goods 26%
150 Goods 19%
Insect Hotel 18%
Raccoon Hideout 16%
5 Fragments of Wishing Well 5%

Daily Specials[]

Daily Special Prizes can be won from any chest that you manage to drop and collect from the Minigame. During this Event the Daily Special will change at midnight like most other Events.

If you do not like the Daily Special you may switch it for an alternative Daily Special.


This one will then be your Daily special for the remainder of the time (You may not revert back to the original one if you find this one less desirable).

A green check mark (✅) indicates that the prize is confirmed in the live servers.

The daily special for the next day is usually posted at 5pm CET, or 11am EST, right as it appears on Japanese servers.

Original Daily Prizes
Date Icon Name
Day 1 Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
Day 2 Mountain Reserve Selection Kit Mountain Reserve Selection Kit
Day 3 Ascended Golden Dragon Gong Upgrade Ascended Golden Dragon Gong Upgrade Kit
Day 4 Panda Reserve Selection Kit Panda Reserve Selection Kit
Day 5 Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit
Day 6 Epic Ascended 2024 Selection Kit Epic Ascended 2024 Selection Kit
Day 7 Habitats Journey Selection Kit Habitats Journey Selection Kit
Day 8 Panda Pathway Selection Kit Panda Pathway Selection Kit
Day 9 Ascended Vagabond Library Upgrade Kit Ascended Vagabond Library Upgrade Kit
Day 10 Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit
Day 11 Epic Wildlife 2025 Selection Kit Epic Wildlife 2025 Selection Kit
Day 12 Ascended Sled Pup Monument Upgrade Kit
Day 13 Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit
Day 14 Ascended Holly Hauler Upgrade Kit
Day 15 Ascended Zheng's Golden Bell Upgrade Kit Ascended Zheng's Golden Bell Upgrade Kit
Day 16 Red Panda Selection Kit Red Panda Selection Kit
Day 17 Koi Pond Koi Pond
Day 18 Panda Shrine Upgrade Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit
Day 19 Animal Crossing Selection Kit
Day 20 Serene Animal Crossing Golden Upgrade Kit
Day 21 Usagi Bonbori Gate Usagi Bonbori Gate
Day 22 Finish Event Production Finish Special Production
List of possible Switched Prizes
No Icon Name Confirmed
1 Ascended Golden Dragon Gong Upgrade Ascended Golden Dragon Gong Upgrade Kit
2 Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit
3 Ascended Holly Hauler Upgrade Kit
4 Ascended Sled Pup Monument Upgrade Kit
5 Ascended Vagabond Library Upgrade Kit Ascended Vagabond Library Upgrade Kit
6 Ascended Zheng's Golden Bell Upgrade Kit Ascended Zheng's Golden Bell Upgrade Kit
7 Epic Ascended 2024 Selection Kit Epic Ascended 2024 Selection Kit
8 Epic Wildlife 2025 Selection Kit Epic Wildlife 2025 Selection Kit
9 Finish Event Production Finish Special Production
10 Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
11 Habitats Journey Selection Kit Habitats Journey Selection Kit
12 Koi Pond Koi Pond
13 Mountain Reserve Selection Kit Mountain Reserve Selection Kit
14 Panda Pathway Selection Kit Panda Pathway Selection Kit
15 Panda Reserve Selection Kit Panda Reserve Selection Kit
16 Panda Shrine Upgrade Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit
17 Red Panda Selection Kit Red Panda Selection Kit
18 Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit Ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit
19 Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit
20 Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit
21 Usagi Bonbori Gate Usagi Bonbori Gate

Grand Prizes[]

Left Grand Prizes are rewarded upon collection of 25 Wildlife Paw Paws.

Wildlife Pass Banner

0 Wildlife Paw    Shika Shrine Lvl 1

25 Wildlife Paw    Koi Pond Koi Pond

50 Wildlife Paw    Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

75 Wildlife Paw    Wildlife Ticket 1 Entrance Ticket

100 Wildlife Paw    Boudica 200 Fragments of uncommon Boudica

125 Wildlife Paw    Usagi Bonbori Gate Usagi Bonbori Gate

150 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

175 Wildlife Paw    Mountain Reserve Selection Kit Mountain Reserve Selection Kit

200 Wildlife Paw    Arminius 200 Fragments of uncommon Arminius

225 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

250 Wildlife Paw    Wildlife Ticket 2 Entrance Tickets

275 Wildlife Paw    Portrait 727 Portrait of Genjiro

300 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

325 Wildlife Paw    Boudica 200 Fragments of uncommon Boudica

350 Wildlife Paw    Mountain Reserve Selection Kit Mountain Reserve Selection Kit

375 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

400 Wildlife Paw    Arminius 200 Fragments of uncommon Arminius

425 Wildlife Paw    Quantum Incursion Units

450 Wildlife Paw    Finish Goods Production Finish Goods Production

475 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

500 Wildlife Paw    Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit 200 Fragments Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit

525 Wildlife Paw     Mountain Reserve Golden Selection Kit

550 Wildlife Paw    Shika Shrine Lvl 1

575 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momiji Shrine Silver Upgrade Kit

600 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

625 Wildlife Paw    Raccoon Hideout Raccoon Hideout

650 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

675 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momiji Shrine Silver Upgrade Kit

700 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

725 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momijidori Shrine Golden Upgrade Kit

750 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

775 Wildlife Paw    Giant Kapok Giant Kapok

800 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

825 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momiji Shrine Silver Upgrade Kit

850 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

875 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momijidori Shrine Golden Upgrade Kit

900 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

925 Wildlife Paw    Blood Lilies Blood Lilies

950 Wildlife Paw     Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit

975 Wildlife Paw    50 Fragments of Momijidori Shrine Golden Upgrade Kit

1000 Wildlife Paw    Koi Pond Koi Pond

1025 Wildlife Paw    Usagi Bonbori Gate Usagi Bonbori Gate

1050 Wildlife Paw     Mountain Reserve Golden Selection Kit

Wildlife's Silver Prizes[]

Left The Wildlife's Prizes are an additional optional set of prizes which are unlocked once an equivalent of $15 is paid. In simple terms, they can be considered as an "extra" set of Grand Prizes, as their requirements match those listed above.

Wildlife Pass Banner

0 Wildlife Paw    Momiji Shrine Silver Upgrade Kit

Wildlife's Golden Prizes[]

Left The Wildlife's Golden Prizes are an extra additional optional set of prizes which can be unlocked for an equivalent of 15$ once Silver Wildlife Prizes are purchased, or in combination with Silver Wildlife Prizes for a reduced price equal to equivalent of 25$.

Wildlife Event Pass Banner LS

0 Wildlife Paw Momijidori Shrine Golden Upgrade Kit Momijidori Shrine Golden Upgrade Kit

25 Wildlife Paw Wildlife Gold Ticket 1 Golden Ticket

50 Wildlife Paw Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate

125 Wildlife Paw Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Upgrade Kit Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Upgrade Kit

150 Wildlife Paw Double Quantum Incursion Units Double Quantum Incursion Units

200 Wildlife Paw Wildlife Gold Ticket 2 Golden Ticket

225 Wildlife Paw Portrait 730 Shikao (Portrait)

250 Wildlife Paw Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate

275 Wildlife Paw Portrait 731 Usami (Portrait)

325 Wildlife Paw Double Quantum Incursion Units Double Quantum Incursion Units

350 Wildlife Paw Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Upgrade Kit Ascended Usagi Bonbori Gate Upgrade Kit

League Rewards[]

This is a list of the League Rewards. You will win all of the rewards of your current league at the time the event ends, in the form of a kit which will be put in your inventory. The rewards will become available after opening this kit. The player's League depends on the total number of points gained during the event. All the players with the lowest 50% distance score join the Hobby league. The Trainee League is reached by the top 50%, the Apprentice League by the top 20%, the Professional League by the top 5% and the Zoologist League by the top 1%.

League Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3 Prize 4 Prize 5 Prize 6
Hobby League Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Trainee League Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
Apprentice League Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Shika Shrine Upgrade Kit
Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
Flamingo Habitat Selection Kit
Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
200 Fragments of Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
Professional League Momiji Shrine Silver Selection Kit
Momiji Shrine Silver Selection Kit
Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit
Serene Flamingo Habitat Silver Selection Kit
Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
200 Fragments of Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
Mountain Reserve Selection Kit
Mountain Reserve Selection Kit
Zoologist League Momijidori Shrine Golden Selection Kit
Momijidori Shrine Golden Selection Kit
Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit
Serene Flamingo Paradise Golden Selection Kit
Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
200 Fragments of Eternal Market Platinum Selection Kit
Mountain Reserve Golden Selection Kit
Mountain Reserve Golden Selection Kit
Inari Grand Shrine
Inari Grand Shrine
Portrait 726

Kitsune (Portrait)

New Buildings[]

Shika Shirne

inari grand shire

Usagi bonbori gate + ascedent version

koi pond + ascedent version

Other Events[]

Seasonal Events
2024 St Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2023 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2022 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2021 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2020 Forge Bowl EventSt Patrick's Day EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2019 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2018 Forge Bowl EventCarnival EventSpring EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2017 Carnival EventSpring EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2016 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventMay Day EventSummer EventFall EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2015 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2014 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2013 Valentine's Day EventEaster EventSummer EventHalloween EventWinter Event
2012 Halloween EventWinter Event
Special Events
2024 Wildlife EventAnniversary EventHistory EventCare For Tomorrow EventFellowship Event
2023 Anniversary EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2022 10th AnniversaryArchaeology EventSoccer EventWildlife EventFellowship Event
2021 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer CupWildlife Event
2020 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2019 Archaeology EventFoE Soccer Cup
2018 FoE Soccer Cup
2017 5th Anniversary
2016 FoE Soccer Cup
2015 Memorial Event
2014 FoE Soccer Cup
2013 Leonardo's Visit EventBirthday Event
Historical Questlines
2018 Napoleon BonaparteCleopatraVincent van GoghSacajaweaGenghis Khan
2017 Martin Luther King Jr.Leap YearYuri GagarinIsadora DuncanMary StuartSisiThe Montgolfier Brothers
2016 Columbus
2015 Tour de FranceAlbert EinsteinArthur Conan DoyleShah JahanMarilyn MonroeGalileo GalileiMahātmā GandhiRosa Parks
