Forge of Empires Wiki

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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Ad Features got released to all players June 29th 2022 consisting of Aid All, Purple Chests, a Quest and Tavern Boosts. On mobile all the features require a player to watch an ad if they do not buy Forge Plus or have spent a specific, but unknown amount buying regular ingame items since the time of account creation. On browser all the features are ad free for all players. Since August 15th having Forge Plus disables all ads. In September 2022 two more ad features for mobile players only was introduced in the form of Double Castle Points and a Build Time Reduction.

Aid All[]

Instead of aiding players manually it is also possible to aid them automatically. It's done for Neighbours, Guild and Friends separately.

On browser and also for mobile players who have Forge Plus or spent a certain amount of money on regular ingame items, all that is needed is to press a button for each group they want to aid. Other Mobile players need to watch an ad for each group.

Aid All screenshot

Aid all without ads

Aid all mobile

Aid all with ads

Then you have to wait a little while for it to complete, which makes it about as fast as manual aiding. You are able to do other things in the game while the aiding is in progress. All aid rewards gets put in a bag which you are able to collect afterwards.

Reward icon aid all bag

Purple Chests[]

Purple Chests appear on the ground around the city and function quite similar to normal incidents with a few exceptions. There are 3 types of chests, but unlike the regular incidents the different types all looks exactly the same. Without ads you do not know which type of chest it is, but you collect them for free, just like regular incidents. With ads it is possible to see the available rewards and chances before deciding to open a chest by watching an ad.

Purple Chest (ad)

Possible rewards:

Reward Common chest Uncommon chest Rare chest Chance
Supplies Supplies amount depends on age 40%
Goods Goods 5 15 20 30%
Forge Forge Points 3 5 10 20%
Military Unit Military Units 4 10%

Show/Hide Age Distribution of Supplies
Age Supplies
Bronze Age 130
Iron Age 1,000
Early Middle Ages 2,000
High Middle Ages 3,000
Late Middle Ages 5,000
Colonial Ages 7,500
Industrial Age 10,000
Progressive Era 15,000
Modern Era 20,000
Postmodern Era 30,000
Contemporary Era 45,000
Tomorrow 55,000
The Future 65,000
Artic Future 75,000
Oceanic Future 85,000
Virtual Future 100,000
Space Age Mars 124,000
Space Age Asteroid Belt 150,000
Space Age Venus 178,000
Space Age Jupiter Moon 208,000


There exist a daily quest presented by the musician Mirela.

Questgiver Mus Mirela


Greetings! It looks like a splendid opportunity has presented itself. Act now! Watch an ad and earn your reward.

Required (with ads):

  • Watch a Boost icon foe cam Video ad

Required (without ads):

  • Gather 1 Coins coin


Well done! Congratulations! You've earned a well deserved reward.

Possible rewards:

Supplies Small supply package
Forge 2 Forge Points
Goods 5 current era Goods

Tavern Boosts[]

Not to be confused with the boosts from the Tavern Shop bought with Tavern Silver there also exists 4 small boosts which you activate for 4 hours either by just clicking on the Friends Tavern or by watching an ad.
These boosts do NOT complete any "activate tavern boosts" Daily Challenges. You need to buy boosts from the Tavern shop to complete the challenge.

Friends tavern boosts

Tavern boosts without ads

Tavern boosts mobile

Tavern boosts with ads

Double Castle Points[]

For mobile players only an ad can be watched once a day to double the amount of Castle Point Castle Points from the Daily Castle Points Chest

Build Time Reduction[]

For mobile players only an ad can be watched to reduce building time with 10% once per building in the Main City and Space Colony.
