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The Ancient Egypt Settlement is the third of the Cultural Settlements, released on 18 March 2020. The purpose is to help Queen Nefertiti lead Ancient Egypt to prosperity.

This page explains the workings of the settlement and its buildings; for information about the quests, embassy advancements and rewards check the Ancient Egypt page.


When starting the Ancient Egypt Settlement the player will have a city grid the size of 8 expansions (4x2), with the Ancient Egypt embassy in the top corner, and a stock of Deben Coins 9,000 Deben Coins. Take notice of the impediments on the city grid, unmovable rocks that block part of the grid. Normally these cannot be removed; however with this settlement they've made it possible to remove some. You can't remove all of them, so it may still be necessary to build around the impediments, making it harder to arrange buildings. However keep in mind that every expansion apart from the main city grid will always have one impediment on it.

Ancient Egypt Start

With each start of a new Cultural settlement, the impediments will be arranged differently in the city. Abandoning a settlement will not rearrange the impediments.

Additional expansions can be unlocked by either paying cultural goods or diamonds. The player can unlock a total of 20 expansions by paying cultural goods and 13 with diamonds. The total city grid can fit 41 expansions, including the first 8.


The Ancient Egyptian Embassy

The Ancient Egypt embassy has a size of Size 6x8 and can be moved to another location on the grid. The embassy cannot be sold.

The Embassy produces Deben Coins 600 Deben coins per day.

Click on the embassy (or on the 'Develop' button) to open the Embassy Advancements window. This window shows the player's cultural goods stock at the top left. The main screen shows the embassy advancements and the costs to unlock them: the amount of cultural goods shown in the middle and on the bottom the amount of diplomacy needed. The amount of diamonds displayed to unlock an advancement depends on the amount of goods and/or diplomacy still needed. The player can choose to gain the amount of resources and diplomacy still needed, or pay the difference with diamonds.

Advancements Egypt

A list of all embassy advancements and their requirements can be found on the Ancient Egypt page.


Building Menu[]

The building menu consists of five types of buildings and an expansions window:

  • REBU Residential buildings
  • Cultural Goods Building Cultural Goods buildings
  • Diplomacy Diplomacy buildings
  • Military Building Military buildings
  • Road Required Roads
  • Size Expansions

At the start of the settlement, the player will have one of each type of building available in the building menu, except for Military Buildings that will have three buildings available: The Simple Clay Hut, the Grain Farm, the Potted Plant, the Training Camp, the Nubian Archery Range, the Camel Barn and the Path in the Sand. All other buildings become available by unlocking embassy advancements.

The building cost of each settlement building depends on the player's era and consists of resources from the main city, i.e., coins and supplies.

All resources gained from the settlement, stay in the settlement. Players cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Residential Buildings[]

Residential buildings provide Egyptians Egyptian population and Deben Coins Deben Coins. Deben Coins are needed for the recruitment of Egyptian military units and for building roads in the settlement.

Beware: When finishing or abandoning a settlement, all Egyptians population and Deben CoinsDeben Coins in stock will be lost.

Building Construction Egyptians Population Deben Coins Production
Simple Clay Hut
Simple Clay Hut
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1 min
Egyptians 24 Deben Coins 29 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Multi-Story Clay House
Multi-Story Clay House
Size 3x2
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1 h
Egyptians 51 Deben Coins 73 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Residential Block
Residential Block
Size 3x5
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
Egyptians 202 Deben Coins 587 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h
Luxury Estate
Luxury Estate
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
Egyptians 246 Deben Coins 248 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h

Cultural Goods Buildings[]

Cultural goods buildings provide an amount of cultural goods, from 5 to 20, depending on the chosen production time. The production is similar to goods production in the main city, but requires a resource that the player gets by winning battles in the settlement, Loot Loot. Cultural goods are used for unlocking embassy advancements and expansions.

Unlike main city goods, the player cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Production Bonus[]

Cultural goods buildings provide a production bonus: with each production the player has a chance of 5% to get 4x the amount of goods produced. With each finished settlement, this percentage increases by 2%, until 10 settlements are finished, after which it stays at 25%.

Beware: When finishing or abandoning a settlement, all cultural goods in stock will be lost.

Building Construction Cultural Goods Building Production Loot Costs
Grain Farm
Grain Farm
Egyptians -48
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1h
Barley 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4h
Barley 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h
Barley 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24h
Loot 50
Loot 100
Loot 200
Egyptians -48
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Pottery 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4h
Pottery 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h
Pottery 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24h
Loot 50
Loot 100
Loot 200
Flower Farm
Flower Farm
Egyptians -36
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Flowers 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4h
Flowers 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h
Flowers 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24h
Loot 50
Loot 100
Loot 200
Place of Prayer
Place of Prayer
Egyptians -36
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Sacrificial Offerings 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4h
Sacrificial Offerings 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h
Sacrificial Offerings 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24h
Loot 50
Loot 100
Loot 200

Diplomacy Buildings[]

Diplomacy buildings provide diplomacy, some of them also produce Deben Coins Deben Coins. Diplomacy is needed to unlock embassy advancements. Although diplomacy seems similar to happiness, it has no effect on the Egyptians Egyptian population or on settlement productions.

The buildings that produce Deben Coins have 6 different production options.

Beware: When finishing or abandoning a settlement, all diplomacy gained will be lost.

Building Construction

Diplomacy Diplomacy

Deben Coins Production
Potted Plant A
Potted Plant
Size 1x1
Road required
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 min

Diplomacy 7

Cultivated Palms (North) A
Cultivated Palms (North)
Size 1x2
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 min

Diplomacy 26

Cultivated Palms (East) A
Cultivated Palms (East)
Size 2x1
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 min

Diplomacy 26

Decorated Palm Garden (North)
Decorated Palm Garden (North)
Size 1x3
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 55

Decorated Palm Garden (East) A
Decorated Palm Garden (East)
Size 3x1
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 55

Oasis Egypt
Size 3x3
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 223

Divine Statue A
Divine Statue
Egyptians -41
Size 3x2
Road required
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 min

Diplomacy 39

Deben Coins 8 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Deben Coins 18 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Deben Coins 54 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Deben Coins 143 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Deben Coins 214 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Deben Coins 428 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Water Garden
Water Garden
Egyptians -61
Size 3x3
Road required
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 117

Deben Coins 13 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Deben Coins 31 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Deben Coins 91 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Deben Coins 242 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Deben Coins 363 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Deben Coins 726 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Egyptians -162
Size 6x4
Road required
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 437

Deben Coins 65 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Deben Coins 155 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Deben Coins 465 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Deben Coins 1.240 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Deben Coins 1.859 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Deben Coins 3.718 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Egyptians -242
Size 6x6
Road required
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h

Diplomacy 890

Deben Coins 143 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Deben Coins 343 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Deben Coins 1.029 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Deben Coins 2.742 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Deben Coins 4.113 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Deben Coins 8.225 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Military Buildings[]

Military buildings provide Egyptian units. Egyptian units are used in Egyptian Battles to gain LootLoot that is needed to start production of cultural goods.

The first 2 training spots in the Military buildings are unlocked for free. The remaining 3 have to be unlocked for Deben CoinsDeben Coins.

Building Construction Training spot unlock cost Trainable Unit
Training Camp
Training Camp
Egyptians -47
Size 3x3
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
3rd: Deben Coins 650
4th: Deben Coins 700
5th: Deben Coins 750
Khopesh Fighter
Khopesh Fighter
Camel Barn
Camel Barn
Egyptians -35
Size 4x3
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
3rd: Deben Coins 650
4th: Deben Coins 700
5th: Deben Coins 750
Camel Archer
Mounted Camel Archer
Nubian Archery Range
Nubian Archery Range
Egyptians -43
Size 2x5
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
3rd: Deben Coins 650
4th: Deben Coins 700
5th: Deben Coins 750
Nubian Archer
Nubian Archers
Chariot Workshop
Chariot Workshop
Egyptians -35
Size 3x4
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
3rd: Deben Coins 500
4th: Deben Coins 550
5th: Deben Coins 600
War Chariot
War Chariot
Elephant Stable
Elephant Stable
Egyptians -47
Size 3x3
Road required Yes
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h
3rd: Deben Coins 500
4th: Deben Coins 550
5th: Deben Coins 600
War Elephant
War Elephant

Egyptian Units[]

Name Unit Image Class Properties
Bonus Against Terrain Bonus Abilities Training Cost Healing Time
Khopesh Fighter Khopesh Fighter Light Unit Light 100 / 100/ 1 / 8 Fast Unit +70
Heavy Unit +60
Bushes A+20
Bushes D+20
Swarm 30 Deben Coins 200 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h 00:24:00
Mounted Camel Archer Camel Archer Ranged Unit Ranged 90 / 110/ 4 / 8 Light Unit +50
Artillery Unit +50
Bushes D+20 Contact! Deben Coins 200 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h 00:24:00
Nubian Archers Nubian Archer Artillery Unit Artillery 100 / 100/ 6 / 6 Heavy Unit +40
Light Unit +40
Rocks D+20 Stealth in Bushes Deben Coins 200 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4 h 00:24:00
War Chariot War Chariot Fast Unit Fast 100 / 90/ 3 / 10 Artillery Unit +50
Ranged Unit +40
Forest D+20 Close Quarters 30 Deben Coins 350 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 8 h 00:24:00
War Elephant War Elephant Heavy Unit Heavy 80 / 120/ 1 / 10 Fast Unit +70
Ranged Unit +70
Plains A+20
Plains D+30
Keen Eye 20 % Deben Coins 400 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 8 h 00:24:00

Egyptian Battles[]

The player will be offered 3 fights per day with different difficulties - one easy, one normal and one hard.

The production bonus (4x) has the same chance to occur when winning Loot Loot in battles as when harvesting a cultural goods building.

Military bonuses in the player's main city will have no effect on the Egyptian battles.

Each battle difficulty has a random amount of loot allotted. The amounts may be selected from the following ranges:

Battle difficulty Loot to be won
Easy 250 - 350
Normal 300 - 400
Hard 400 - 500


All settlement buildings except some diplomacy buildings require a road connection to the embassy.

The Ancient Egypt Settlement is the first settlement where the roads require the cultural currency. To compensate, the embassy provides a daily collection of Deben Coins Deben Coins.

Road Construction
Path in the Sand
Path in the Sand
Deben Coins 200 Size 1x1
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)0


To expand the settlement, the player can buy 20 expansions with cultural goods. The cost of an expansion is one of the four options shown below. Example: to place the 9th expansion the player can choose between paying Barley 44 Barley, or Pottery 24 Pottery, or Flowers 5 Flowers, or Sacrificial Offerings 1 Sacrificial Offerings.

There are also 13 expansions that can be unlocked with diamonds. The first one costs Diamonds 350.

Warning: Before using diamonds, be aware that when finishing a settlement (or abandoning one), the settlement will be reset and all buildings, goods in stock, advancements and expansions will be lost, including those unlocked with diamonds.

Expansion Barley Barley Pottery Pottery Flowers Flowers Sacrificial Offerings Sacrificial Offerings
1 1 1 1 1
2 5 1 1 1
3 12 1 1 1
4 17 1 1 1
5 24 1 1 1
6 31 5 1 1
7 38 12 1 1
8 41 17 1 1
9 44 24 5 1
10 48 31 12 1
11 51 38 17 1
12 54 41 24 5
13 57 44 31 12
14 61 48 38 17
15 64 51 41 24
16 67 54 44 31
17 71 57 48 38
18 74 61 51 41
19 77 64 54 44
20 81 67 57 48

Impediment Removal[]


Ancient Egypt was the first settlement to introduce the impediment removal tools. 6 Removal Tool free removal tools can be gained from solving quests in the settlement. Additionally, 13 Removal Tool Premium purchasable impediment removal tools are available per settlement using Diamonds diamonds. Each subsequent Removal Tool Premium impediment removal tool that is purchased increases the cost in Diamonds diamonds.

Impediment removal

To remove an impediment, enter the build mode and select an impediment. A window will open, giving the choice of

  • Using a Removal Tool free removal tool when available,
  • Using a Removal Tool Premium purchasable removal tool when available or
  • Abort the action


Diplomacy Buildings

See Also[]

