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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Bionics Research Lab is a goods building of the Contemporary Era that produces Bionics Data. The production requires the unrefined goods of Asbestos from the Progressive Era. If the player controls the good deposit of Honeycomb (which eventually can be found in the provinces of the Early Middle Ages, the Contemporary Era and the Virtual Future) the production is multiplied by five.


Bionics Research Lab 1 Bionics Research Lab 2 Bionics Research Lab 3 Bionics Research Lab 4
Bionics Data 1 (5) 2 (10) 4 (20) 6 (30)
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00 08:00:00 24:00:00 48:00:00
Coins 3,200 6,400 12,800 19,200
Supplies 3,200 6,400 12,800 19,200
Goods Asbestos 1 (5) Asbestos 2 (10) Asbestos 4 (20) Asbestos 6 (30)

Numbers within parentheses indicate good deposit boosted production.

Other Goods Buildings[]

Goods Buildings
Stone Age None
Bronze Age Dye WorksLumbermillMarble Mason
Stone MasonVineyard
Iron Age Ebony WoodworksIron FoundryJewelry Manufacturer
Limestone MasonWeaving Mill
Early Middle Ages Alabaster MasonBeekeeperCopper Foundry
GoldsmithGranite Mason
High Middle Ages BrickworksGlassblowerHerb Merchant
Late Middle Ages Basalt MasonBrass FoundryGunpowder Manufactory
Silk ManufactoryTalc Cutter
Colonial Age Coffee RoasterPaper MillPorcelain Manufactory
Tar KilnWiremill
Industrial Age Coke OvenFertilizer PlantRubber Plant
Textile MillWhaling Station
Progressive Era Asbestos FactoryExplosives FactoryMachine Workshop
Oil RefineryTinning Plant
Modern Era Concrete PlantConstruction WarehouseFlavor Laboratory
Food Processing PlantPackaging Factory
Postmodern Era Genetics Research LabIndustrial Filter FactorySemiconductor Factory
Steel PlantTree Nursery
Contemporary Era Bionics Research LabLNG PlantMagnet Factory
Plastics PlantRobotics Factory
Tomorrow Era Nutrition Research LabPapercrete FactoryPreservatives Factory
Smart Materials FactoryTranslucent Concrete Plant
Future Era Algae FarmEarth Science CenterNanoparticle Laboratory
Superconductor FactoryWater Purifier
Arctic Future A.I. Research CenterBioplastics FactoryNanowire Laboratory
Paper Battery FactoryTransester Gas Catalyzer
Oceanic Future Artificial Scale ArtisansCoral BreederDeep Sea Research LabOyster RanchPhytoplankton Factory
Virtual Future Botanic Fiber FarmCryptocurrency BankJade Crystal QuarryNano-Augmentation ClinicSustainable Rice Farm
Space Age Mars BioTech FarmChemical Milling FacilityFusion PlantMicrobe Research LabSurface Drill
Space Age Asteroid Belt Nickel ExcavatorBedrock ProcessorAsteroid DrillBromine PumpPlatinum QuarryBio Tech Crops SynthesizerMars Microbes SynthesizerSuperalloys SynthesizerLubricants SynthesizerFusion Reactors SynthesizerMars Ore Synthesizer
Space Age Venus Soy FarmSeaweed FarmSugarcane PlantationMicrogreen CapsulesHerb GardenAsteroid Ice SynthesizerBromine SynthesizerCompound Fluid SynthesizerNickel SynthesizerPlatinum Crystal SynthesizerProcessed Material Synthesizer
Space Age Jupiter Moon Red Algae FarmSponge FarmOceanariumResearch LaboratoryAdventurerVenus Carbon SynthesizerSoy Proteins SynthesizerMicrogreen Supplement SynthesizerHerbal Snack SynthesizerSugar Crystals SynthesizerGlowing Seaweed Synthesizer