The Butterfly House comes with the special set bonus. The amount of resources earned per day depends on the buildings age and to how many other Butterfly Sanctuary Set buildings it is adjacent to. Additionally, the number of neighbooring set pieces that provide a bonus to the Butterfly House depend on the level of the Butterfly House and is one for the lowest level and six for the highest level.
The Butterfly House can be upgraded by Butterfly House Upgrade Kit item. To upgrade the Butterfly House, use the Butterfly House Upgrade item on the Butterfly House that is already situated in your city. Its upgraded version will then be placed directly on the same spot in your city and the production timer will not be reset. Note that the upgraded building will be from your current era, even if the old one was from one of the earlier ages.
Risk of Plunder[]
As the Butterfly House does not produce special resources upon motivation, it has a low priority in the motivation order and will only get motivated randomly with the regular buildings after all special buildings that produce forge points, goods, guild power, medals, or blue prints have been motivated. Use a Self-Aid Kit if you want to make sure your Butterfly House is protected from plunderers if you cannot collect on time and you have regular plunderers coming along.
Every 24 hours the Butterfly House will produce the following resources. Base resources will always be produced. Bonus resources are determined by how many other unique Butterfly Sanctuary Set buildings it is connected to.