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Forge of Empires Wiki

Please note that this information is second hand information issued by InnoGames - the game developer.
Any questions or complaints are best handled by contacting them.

Also, please note that the release date given below is for the EN servers that receive the updates first.

Hello Queens and Kings,

We are happy to bring you Community Sprint's second wave, with the Changelog 1.210. This is the second batch of the changes we've been working on, thus complementing some features that have been delivered on Changelog 1.209.

The update to 1.210 will take place on Monday, August 2nd. There will be a short period of downtime during the update, we apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.

Now, without further ado, we hope you enjoy the improvements as much as we do! :)

Community Sprint Improvements[]

  • We have added 'reply' and 'copy & paste' functions for messages. Upon clicking (or tapping on mobile) a text in the Message Center, you will have two new options:
    • Copy & Paste: This will automatically copy the message and paste it to the text insert field.
    • Reply: This allows you to directly respond to a quoted message.
  • The Great Buildings tab of the Global Ranking window has been improved. A drop-down button has been added, allowing you to select your searching filter preference by player or great building (please note that this feature is only available on Browser for now, but it will soon be available on mobile as well).
  • A confirmation prompt has been added when attempting to delete a Cultural Settlement street. This confirmation prompt can be disabled at any time through the game settings menu.
  • It's now possible to search for specific player offers in the market window. With this change, you no longer need to browse tons of messages to find a specific trade offer that has been shared in one of your chats. If you know the player name who shared the offer, you can simply type his nickname in market window, and all of their offers will be displayed at a glance.
  • The animation behavior of jumping Stars on Motivated Buildings has been changed. From now on, the jumping animation will only be displayed in case the buildings are ready for collection.


  • We fixed an issue where sending an empty message in the Message Center (after writing and deleting the message), would sometimes result in an error.
  • Using a Wishing Well upgrade kit while building up the Wishing Well, would result in displaying a visual issue with the building progress bar.
  • There was an issue where collecting your Friend's Tavern would not refresh the counter correctly until the game was restarted. This issue has been fixed now.
  • We fixed an issue where the achievements were not properly showing the values when the number was too high.
  • We fixed an issue where buildings under construction were displaying the wrong age in the info window.

Mobile Only Changes[]

This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.


  • From now on, your inventory will have a saving state for the search functionality. In other words, whenever you write something in the search field, your research will remain there at the next time you open your inventory, even if you close this window or use an item. Your research will only disappear upon reloading the game or leaving the city overview (e.g. visiting cultural settlement).
  • The existing 'Great Buildings' and 'Medals' tabs from the Global Ranking window are now available on mobile version as well.

General Bugs[]

  • When posting simultaneously, the message center would sometimes display the wrong author of message. This issue has been fixed now.
  • We fixed an issue where the Townhall's event history filters were not closing after selection an option.

Thank you for playing Forge of Empires! Sincerely,

Your Forge of Empires Team and FoE Wiki

Original link to the changelog can be found here.














