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The Coin Boost is a feature of some buildings and items to increase all coin collections from the city by certain percent. Coin boosts can also be activated from the Friends Tavern by paying for it with Tavern Silver.

The Coin Boost is applied at collection time. The Coin Boost doesn't affect any coin collections from Great Buildings.

Coin Boost Providers[]

Great Buildings[]

Building Boost
St. Mark's Basilica St. Mark's Basilica After collection it provides for the first 90 coin collections Coin Boost+100% coin boost at level 1 and Coin Boost+250% coin boost at level 10. After level 10 Coin Boost+5% coin boost is gained with each consecutive level.

Special Buildings[]

Building Boost
Classical Garden Statues Classical Garden Statues Provides from Coin Boost+6% to Coin Boost+12% coin boost when adjacent to at least one other building from the Classical garden Classical Garden Set. The boost value depends on the buildings age.
Daylily Flowerbed Daylily Flowerbed Provides Coin Boost+10% coin boost when adjacent to at least one other building from the Butterfly Sanctuary Icon Butterfly Sanctuary Set. The boost value remains constant through the ages.
Elephant Fountain Elephant Fountain Provides from Coin Boost+8% to Coin Boost+14% coin boost when adjacent to at least one other building from the Indianfountainset Indian Fountain Set. The boost value depends on the buildings age.
Mighty Maypole Majestic Maypole Provides from Coin Boost+4% to Coin Boost+7% coin boost depending on the buildings age.
Maypole 3 Mighty Maypole An upgraded version of Mighty Maypole, provides from Coin Boost+8% to Coin Boost+14% coin boost depending on the buildings age.
The Ship Lvl 7-1 The Royal Ship Provides Coin Boost+10% coin boost. The boost value remains constant through the ages. The Royal Ship is one of the three options when upgrading The Ship to level 7.
Snapdragon Bloom Snapdragon Bloom Provides Coin Boost+5% coin boost when adjacent to at least one other building from the Butterfly Sanctuary Icon Butterfly Sanctuary Set. The boost value remains constant through the ages.
Tinkerer's Tent Tinkerer's Tent Provides Coin Boost+2% coin boost when adjacent to two other different buildings from the Winter Village Winter Village Set or Coin Boost+5% coin boost when adjacent to three different buildings from the set. The boost values remain constant through the ages.
Trader Guard Post Trader Guard Post Provides from Coin Boost+1% to Coin Boost+2% coin boost depending on the buildings age.


Coin boost items can be randomly gained from the boost crate and from various events. Items can only provide temporary boost.

Item Boost
Coins small Small Coin Boost Provides Coin Boost+10% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h.
Can also be found from rare incidents.
Coins medium Medium Coin Boost Provides Coin Boost+50% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h.
Coins large Large Coin Boost Provides Coin Boost+100% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8h.

Friends Tavern[]

Temporary coin boost can be bought from the Friends Tavern for Tavern Silver.

Item Cost Boost
Tavern Coin Boost 1 Tavern Silver 200 Activates Coin Boost+20% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4h.
Tavern Coin Boost 2 Tavern Silver 800 Activates Coin Boost+40% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12h.
Tavern Coin Boost 3 Tavern Silver 2000 Activates Coin Boost+60% coin boost for Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24h.


The happiness of the population also affects the coin boost of the city.

  • Happiness Enthusiastic population provides Coin Boost+20% coin boost.
  • Angry Angry population provides Coin Boost-50% coin boost.

See also[]

Supply Boost
Boost Crate
