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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Colonial Age (often shortened into CA) is the 7th era in Forge of Empires. It is preceded by the Late Middle Ages and followed by the Industrial Age. This era includes eight provinces to conquer: Narcien, Lavignon, Troulope, Lombardeaux, Deuxerres, Varseilles, Pisterrac, and Haulenois

The CA questline is also the last one to use the old world map, which has been in use since the Bronze Age.

This age is at the time when Europe, especially France was being gripped with revolutionary sentiments. In particular, the questline follows the trail of the French Revolution. The province leaders Louis XXI and Sophie Antoinette are a similarity to the actual Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Overall, this age follows a time of change, of revolution and of the famous quote "Let them eat cake!"


Old World Continent
Bronze to Colonial Age Map HR
Provinces Rewards
Narcien PvP Tower PvP Tournament Access
Lavignon Coins 20,000 Supplies 20,000
Troulope Goods Colonial Age Goods Deposit
Lombardeaux Goods Colonial Age Goods Deposit
Deuxerres Coins 20,000 Supplies 20,000
Varseilles Coins 20,000 Supplies 20,000
Pisterrac Size 1 Expansion
Haulenois Size 1 Expansion


Requirements for Research
Forge 1,000
Coins 115,337
Supplies 421,870
Alabaster 120
Copper 160
Gold 170
Granite 150
Honey 160
Brick 100
Dried Herbs 110
Glass 130
Rope 110
Salt 100
Basalt 160
Brass 60
Gunpowder 150
Silk 150
Talc Powder 140
Coffee 40
Paper 80
Porcelain 60
Tar 40
Wire 80


Residential Buildings[]

Arcade House Country House Gambrel Roof House Plantation House
Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x2
ArcadeHouse CountryHouse GambrelRoofHouse PlantationHouse
Coins 180 in 1h

Population +155

Coins 560 in 8hrs

Population +207

Coins 1,350 in 24hrs

Population +259

Coins 660 in 4hrs

Population +311

Construction Costs
Coins 5,800

Supplies 21,800

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 06:20:00

Coins 7,200

Supplies 27,300

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 07:30:00

Coins 8,700

Supplies 32,800

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:40:00

Diamonds 350

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:20

Production Buildings[]

Sailmaker Tobacco Plantation Clockmaker Perfume Distillery
Size 3x3 Size 4x4 Size 3x2 Size 3x2
Sailmaker Tobacco Plantation Clockmaker Perfume Distillery
Supplies 470 in 1h Supplies 900 in 1hr Supplies 320 in 1hr Supplies 620 in 1hr
Construction Costs
Coins 59,000

Supplies 7,700

Population 147

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 12:40:00

Coins 81,000

Supplies 15,700

Population 365

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 14:40:00

Coins 43,000

Supplies 7,400

Population 68

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:20:00

Diamonds 500

Population 78

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Goods Buildings[]

Coffee Roaster Paper Mill Porcelain Manufactory Tar Kiln Wiremill
Size 3x3 Size 2x3 Size 4x4 Size 3x5 Size 3x3
Coffee Roaster Paper Mill Porcelain Manufactory Tar Kiln Wiremill
Production: Coffee Production: Paper Production: Porcelain Production: Tar Production: Wire
Production Costs (4 Hours)
Coins 2,400 Supplies 2,400
Deposit: Coffee Beans Deposit: Spruce Wood Deposit: Kaolin Clay Deposit: Pine Wood Deposit: Nickel Ore
Construction Costs
Coins 37,000 Supplies 79,000 Population 720 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:30:00

Cultural Buildings[]

Exotic Goods Vendor Coiffeur Trading Company Travelling Circus
Size 3x2 Size 3x2 Size 3x4 Size 5x5
Exotic Goods Vendor Coiffeur Trading Company Travelling Circus
Happiness +400 Happiness +440 Happiness +900 Happiness +2,800
Construction Costs
Coins 27,000

Supplies 40,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 09:40:00

Coins 67,000

Supplies 26,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 10:50:00

Coins 80,000

Supplies 194,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 14:20:00

Diamonds 500

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Military Buildings[]

Musketeer Range Ranger Encampment Dragoon Stables Grenadier Barracks Field Gun Camp
Size 5x3 Size 4x2 Size 4x3 Size 4x3 Size 3x4
Musketeer Range Ranger Encampment Dragoon Stables Grenadier Barracks Field Gun Camp
Military Buildings Musketeer Military Buildings Ranger Military Buildings Dragoon Military Buildings Grenadier Military Buildings Field Gun
Construction Costs
Coins 76,500

Supplies 72,900

Population 737

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 10:50:00

Coins 84,200

Supplies 80,200

Population 829

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 12:10:00

Coins 91,800

Supplies 87,500

Population 921

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:30:00

Coins 99,500

Supplies 94,800

Population 1,013

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 14:50:00

Coins 107,100

Supplies 102,100

Population 1,105

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 16:10:00


Neptune Fountain Eagle Hedge Kite Globe Statue Peacock Hedge Clock Tower Flamingo Hedge Guillotine Ornamental Tree
Size 2x2 Size 1x1 Size 1x1 Size 1x1 Size 1x1 Size 2x2 Size 1x1 Size 2x2 Size 1x1
Neptune Fountain Eagle Hedge Kite Globe Statue Peacock Hedge Clock Tower Flamingo Hedge Guillotine Ornamental Tree
Happiness +188 Happiness +40 Happiness +48 Happiness +50 Happiness +48 Happiness +201 Happiness +52 Happiness +193 Happiness +105
Construction Costs
Coins 14,870

Supplies 32,230

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 4,570

Supplies 6,630

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 2,740

Supplies 9,710

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 3,000

Supplies 9,710

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 4,570

Supplies 6,630

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)0 0:00:05

Coins 26,740

Supplies 26,510

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 4,570

Supplies 6,630

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Coins 11,381

Supplies 36,879

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05

Diamonds 120

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:05


Paved Lane Brick Road
Paved Lane Brick Road
Happiness +25 Happiness +45
Size 1x1 Size 1x1
Construction Cost
Coins 900
Supplies 2,400
Diamonds 12

Great Buildings[]

Deal Castle Frauenkirche of Dresden
Size 7x7 Size 5x5
DealCastle DresdenFrauenkirche
MiB +3% Att/Def

(City Defense)

Happiness +1,500
Medals +40 every
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24:00:00
Goods +7 every
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24:00:00
Construction Costs
Paper 290
Coffee 230
Wire 340
Porcelain 180
Tar 210
Paper 210
Coffee 270
Wire 160
Porcelain 320
Tar 290


  • “Colonial age “ is a different name for Age of Discovers . This period covers the nearly 300 years between Columbus' voyage in 1492 and the French Revolution in 1789.
  • European explorers as Hernán Cortés , Juan Ponce de León , Francisco Pizarro or Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca explored the « New World» America .
  • At 18th century , the 13 English Colonies of America independence of UK . This historical event would be a example of freedom and inspired. France to make a war against the King . The French Revolution started on 1789 and finished at 1799 .
    As the last Age of the first Map, it does not involve any history in north america (this is for the next Era).