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Forge of Empires Wiki
Settlements Harbor (IA)

Cultural Settlements enable the player to explore new cultures of humanity’s past during the different ages of Forge of Empires. As the main game has already moved beyond those times, Cultural Settlements are introduced as a new way to explore and experience those rich cultures of our history.

These settlements are separate from the player's main city, themed according to the culture the player has chosen. Only one Cultural settlement can be active at the same time. Each Cultural settlement can be replayed multiple times, offering different rewards for each finished settlement. Finish a settlement within a certain time frame to gain additional rewards!

This page offers general information about Cultural Settlements, more detailed information can be found on the settlement pages.


Cultural Settlements are unlocked with the Iron Age technology Plowing. After unlocking it, the player will find the harbor ruin to the north of the city changed to an intact harbor and a boat will appear in that harbor. The boat and the harbor will bring the player to their new settlement. The boat displayed after the settlement was started will be different for each culture.

Click on the boat to start a settlement

Currently five settlements can be chosen - the Vikings, the Feudal Japanese, the Ancient Egyptian, the Aztecs and the Mughal Empire. The player can select other Cultural Settlements on the screen. The Aztecs and Mughal Empire unlocks later than the first three settlements. The Aztecs with the Colonial Age technology Colonies and the Mughal Empire with the Late Middle Ages technology Higher Education.

Choose a settlement from the selection screen

Start the settlement and set sail to a completely new map to build up a settlement as the new ruler!


Culture Settlement Rewards Time Reward Boat
Ragnar Lodbrok
Yggdrasil Lvl 9 Yggdrasil Lvl. 1

Yggdrasil Upgrade Kit Yggdrasil Upgrades

Emissary Harald 6 Emissaries

Emissaries Slot 3 Emissary Slots
Fragment Greater Runestone
Fragments of
Greater Runestone
Vikings Ship
Akeshi Mitsuhide
Feudal Japan
Shinto Temple Lvl 1 Shinto Temple Lvl. 1

Shinto Temple Upgrade Kit Shinto Temple Upgrades

Emissaries Nobunaga 4 Emissaries

Emissaries Slot 2 Emissary Slots

Timeless Dojo Selection Kit Fragment
Fragments of
Timeless Dojo
Japanese Ship
Ancient Egypt
Royal Bathhouse Lvl 1 Royal Bathhouse Lvl. 1

Royal Bathhouse Upgrade Kit Royal Bathhouse Upgrades

Euclid of Alexandria 4 Emissaries

Emissaries Slot 2 Emissary Slots

Ancient Obelisk Selection Kit Fragment
Fragments of
Ancient Obelisk
Egyptians Ship
Sun Temple Lvl 1 Sun Temple Lvl. 1

Sun Temple Upgrade Sun Temple Upgrades

Emissaries Acamapichtli 4 Emissaries

Emissaries Slot 2 Emissary Slots

Jade Statue Selection Kit Fragment
Fragments of
Jade Statue
Aztecs Ship
Akbar the Great
Mughal Empire
Mughal's Temple Lvl 1 Mughal's Temple Lvl. 1

Mughal's Temple UpgradeMughal's Temple Upgrades

Babur 4 Emissaries

Emissaries Slot 2 Emissary Slots

Fragment Minaret Selection Kit
Fragments of
Mughals Ship

Building the settlement[]

When the player enters a new settlement, they will be guided through building up the settlement and gaining the trust of the people in the form of a quest line. The player will need to gather new resources and will have new resources available that are only functional within the settlement. After collecting enough resources, the player will be able to unlock new buildings or expansions for the Cultural settlement. Once the quest line of a settlement is completed, the people will completely trust the player and the settlement is finished.

Each settlement can be abandoned at any point. Abandoning a settlement will not change the existing Impediments nor will it change the prices in certain goods for the Embassy advancements.

If you abandon the settlement without completing any quests there will be no waiting time to start the next one. If you have completed at least one quest the waiting time will be 24H.

Be careful though, whenever a settlement is completed or abandoned, all resources, advancements, buildings and expansions (including the premium ones), are reset again!


Building up a settlement is not as easy as one may think, as impediments, unmovable rocks in the settlement, block part of the city grid, making it harder to arrange buildings, since buildings need to be placed around the impediments. Also, to gather resources, large amounts of cultural coins are needed, making it even more important to use the given space as efficient as possible.

The Viking embassy and impediments at the start of the settlement

With each start of a new Cultural settlement, the impediments will be arranged differently in the city. Abandoning a settlement will not rearrange the impediments.

Some of the settlements, like Ancient Egypt, Aztecs and the Mughal Empire include the option to remove impediment. Impediment removal tools may be given as quest rewards or bought for Diamonds diamonds.


The embassy gives access to the embassy advancements and shows the player's stock of cultural goods. The embassy can be moved to another location on the city grid, but cannot be sold. Click on the embassy (or the 'Develop' button) to open the 'Embassy Advancements' window.

Embassy Advancements[]

Cultural Goods and Diplomacy[]

Embassy Advancements have to be unlocked in order to build new settlement buildings and to be able to unlock the next advancement. Embassy Advancements can be unlocked by paying a certain amount of cultural goods, while having the requested amount of diplomacy.
Although the total amount of cultural goods and the type of goods is the same for every player, the amount of each good can be different.

Viking Embassy Advancements window

Using Diamonds[]

When lacking cultural goods or diplomacy to unlock an advancement, the player can use diamonds. The amount of diamonds needed depends on the amount of cultural goods and diplomacy still needed to unlock the next advancement. Each Diplomacy 1 diplomacy costs Diamonds 1 diamond, each Cultural Goods Building 1 cultural good costs Diamonds 5 diamonds.

Example: the first Viking advancement costs Axes 10 axes and requires Diplomacy 55 diplomacy, the total diamond cost will be 10*5 + 55 = Diamonds 105 diamonds. A player has Axes 7 axes in stock and Diplomacy 50 diplomacy in their city, missing Axes 3 axes and Diplomacy 5 diplomacy. This will cost 3*5 + 5 = Diamonds 20 diamonds to unlock the advancement, plus the Axes 7 axes in stock.

Warning: before using diamonds, be aware that when finishing a settlement (or abandoning one), the settlement will be reset and all buildings, goods in stock, advancements and expansions will be lost, including those unlocked with diamonds.

Building Menu[]

The building menu consists of four types of buildings and an expansions window:

  • REBU Residential buildings
  • Cultural Goods Building Cultural Goods buildings
  • Diplomacy Diplomacy buildings
  • Road Required Roads
  • Size Expansions

At the start of the settlement, the player will have one of each type of building available in the building menu. All other buildings become available by unlocking embassy advancements.

Ancient Egypt also have Military Building Military buildings in the building menu with three buildings available from the start.

The building cost of each settlement building depends on the player's era and consists of resources from the main city: coins and supplies.

All resources gained from the settlement, stay in the settlement. Players cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Residential Buildings[]

Residential buildings provide settlement population and cultural currency. Population is needed to build cultural goods buildings and some of the diplomacy buildings. Cultural currency are needed to pay for the cultural goods productions in Viking Settlement, Feudal Japan Settlement, Aztec Settlement and Mughal Empire Settlement. In the Aztec Settlement and Mughal Empire Settlement cultural currency are also used for road costs. In Ancient Egypt Settlement cultural currency are used for the training of Egyptian military units and road costs.

Cultural Goods Buildings[]

Cultural goods buildings provide cultural goods. These are needed to unlock embassy advancements and expansions.

Cultural goods buildings provide an amount of cultural goods, from 5 to 20, depending on the chosen production time. The production is similar to goods production in the main city, but requires a resource that the player gathers in the settlement: viking copper coins, japanese koban coins, egyptian loot, aztecs cocoa or mughal rupees. Except for Ancient Egypt where Loot is won in Egyptian battles, the others are produced in residential buildings and certain diplomacy buildings of the respective settlement.

Unlike main city goods, the player cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Every settlement has a certain chance for goods productions to quadrupel (x4). This chance starts low and increases with every run of the settlement until it stays constant. This bonus chance also applies to the goods won in the japanese negotiation game, or the loot won in egypts battles or the mughals embassy production.

Diplomacy Buildings[]

Diplomacy buildings provide diplomacy and some of them also produce cultural currency. Diplomacy is needed to gain the trust of the settlement and unlock embassy advancements. Although diplomacy seems similar to happiness, it has no effect on the settlement population or on settlement productions.


All settlement buildings except some diplomacy buildings require a road connection to the embassy.


To expand the settlement, the player can buy a number of expansions with cultural goods. The cost of the expansion depends on the number of expansions already bought and the culture you are playing.

There is also a number of expansions that can be unlocked with diamonds. These cost Diamonds 500 each.

The number of expansions that can be bought with cultural goods or diamonds may vary between the cultures.

Warning: before using diamonds, be aware that when finishing a settlement (or abandoning one), the settlement will be reset and all buildings, goods in stock, advancements and expansions will be lost, including those unlocked with diamonds.

New Buildings[]


Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Greater Runestone Lvl 5
Greater Runestone
Special residential building
Provides Coins coins and up to Attack Boost for Attacking Army +2% attack boost.
Provides double coins and additional Medals medals, Goods 1 good and up to Forge 2 Forge Points when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Can only be obtained by collecting Fragment of Greater Runestone Selection Kit fragments of the Greater Runestone Selection Kit.
Requires completing a Viking settlement Viking settlement within a given time frame.
Renovation Kit
Yggdrasil Lvl 9
Special residential building
Provides Coins coins and up to Attack Boost for Attacking Army +30% attack boost.
Provides double coins and Supplies supplies and additional up to Forge 8 Forge Points and up to Goods 20 goods when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Requires completing a Viking settlement Viking settlement.
Renovation Kit

Feudal Japan[]

Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Timeless Dojo Lvl 5
Timeless Dojo
Special residential building
Provides Coins coins.
Provides double coins and additional Medals medals, up to Goods 5 good, up to Forge 4 Forge Points and up to Military Unit 1 random Military Unit of your age when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Can only be obtained by collecting Fragment of Timeless Dojo Selection Kit fragments of the Timeless Dojo Selection Kit.
Requires completing a Japanese settlement Feudal Japan Settlement within a given time frame.
Renovation Kit
Shinto Temple Lvl 9
Shinto Temple
Special residential building
Provides Coins coins, supplies and up to Supplies +25% supply boost.
Provides double coins and Supplies supplies and additional up to Forge 12 Forge Points and up to Goods 50 goods when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Requires completing a Japanese settlement Japanese settlement.
Renovation Kit

Ancient Egypt[]

Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Ancient Obelisk Lvl 4
Ancient Obelisk
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins and up to Defense boost for attacking army +6% Defense Boost.
Provides double coins and additional up to Goods 4 Goods and up to Forge 2 Forge Points when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Can only be obtained by collecting Fragment of Ancient Obelisk Selection Kit fragments of the Ancient Obelisk Selection Kit.
Requires completing an Ancient Egypt settlement Ancient Egypt Settlement within a given time frame.
Renovation Kit
Royal Bathhouse Lvl 6
Royal Bathhouse
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins and up to 12 Forge Forge Points and up to 30 Guild Goods Guild Goods.
Provides double coins and additional up to Military Unit 10 random Military Units of your age when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Requires completing an Ancient Egypt settlement Ancient Egypt Settlement.
Renovation Kit


Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Jade Statue Lvl 5
Jade Statue
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins.
Provides double coins and additional up to Goods 5 Goods, up to Forge 3 Forge Points and up to Guild Goods 10 Guild Goods when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Can only be obtained by collecting Fragment of Jade Statue Selection Kit fragments of the Jade Statue Selection Kit.
Requires completing an Aztec settlement Aztec Settlement within a given time frame.
Renovation Kit
Sun Temple Lvl 9
Sun Temple
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins and up to Defense boost for attacking army 30% defense boost for the attacking army.
Provides double coins and additionally Supplies supplies, up to Forge 10 forge points and up to Goods 40 goods when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Requires completing the Aztec settlement Aztec Settlements.
Renovation Kit

Mughal Empire[]

Building Size Function Age Advanceable
Minaret Lvl 4
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins.
Provides double coins and additional Supplies Supplies, up to Goods 5 Goods and up to Forge 3 Forge Points when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Can only be obtained by collecting Fragment of Minaret Selection Kit fragments of the Minaret Selection Kit.
Requires completing an Mughal Empire settlement Mughal Empire Settlement within a given time frame.
Renovation Kit
Mughal's Temple Lvl 6
Mughal's Temple
Special residential building
Provides Coins Coins and up to Forge 30 Forge Points.

Provides double coins and additionally Supplies supplies and up to Goods 15 goods when motivated. The building can be plundered if not motivated.
Requires completing the Mughal Empire settlement Mughal Settlements.

Renovation Kit


Open your cities Town Hall to enter the emissaries window. Here you can add and change emissaries to gain their boosts and unlock additional emissary slots, using Diamonds 800 diamonds per slot. Earn your first emissary and your first free emissary slot by completing any of the settlements two times. There are currently 12 emissary slots that can be unlocked. 9 of these can be unlocked by completing the settlements - additional slots can be unlocked using Diamonds diamonds.

Viking Emissaries Town Hall

Town Hall Emissaries Window

Viking Emissaries[]

There are 6 Emissaries in total available in the Vikings Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Harald Hardrada
Harald Hardrada
Forge 16 Forge Points
Erik the Red
Erik the Red
Goods 70 Goods
of your age
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age
Freydís Eiríksdóttir
Freydís Eiríksdóttir
Goods 80 Goods
of your age
Gudrid Thorbjarnardóttir
Gudrid Thorbjarnardóttir
Military Unit 13 Military Units
of your age
Aud the Deep-Minded
Aud the Deep-Minded
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age

Japanese Emissaries[]

There are 4 Emissaries in total available in the Feudal Japan Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobunaga
Forge 16 Forge Points
Takeda Shingen
Takeda Shingen
Goods 80 Goods
of your age
Tomoe Gozen
Tomoe Gozen
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age
Oda Oichi
Oda Oichi
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age

Egyptian Emissaries[]

There are 4 Emissaries in total available in the Ancient Egypt Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Euclid of Alexandria
Euclid of Alexandria
Forge 16 Forge Point
Military Unit 13 Military Units

of your age

Goods 100 Goods
of previous age
Maatkare Mutemhat
Maatkare Mutemhat
Military Unit 13 Military Units
of your age

Aztec Emissaries[]

There are 4 Emissaries in total available in the Aztecs Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Forge 16 Forge Point
Goods 70 Goods
of your age
Military Unit 13 Military Unit
of your age
Goods 80 Goods
of your age

Mughal Emissaries[]

There are 4 Emissaries in total available in the Mughal Empire Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Forge 16 Forge Point
Mumtaz Mahal
Mumtaz Mahal
Goods 70 Goods
of your age
Hamida Banu Begum
Hamida Banu Begum
Goods 80 Goods
of your age
Shah Jahan
Shah Jahan
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age

Polynesian Emissaries[]

There are 4 Emissaries in total available in the Polynesia Cultural Settlement.

Emissary Bonus
Forge 16 Forge Points
Hotu Matu'a
Hotu Matu'a
Military Unit 13 Military Units
of your age
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age
Hongi Hika
Hongi Hika
Goods 70 Goods
of your age


The Harbor to access the settlements changes its appearance through the ages:

See Also[]














