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The Food Printer is one of four production buildings of the Future Era. When the Food Printer is motivated, its production is doubled. The production is also affected by the town's happiness and by boosts of certain great buildings. The Food Printer can be plundered if it isn't motivated.


Supplies 178.13 per tile and hour.[1]

Production Options[]

Item Name Production Time Amount
Food Printer 1 Soy Mash Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:05:00 Supplies 480
Food Printer 2 Moebius Bacon Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:15:00 Supplies 1,190
Food Printer 3 Blue Milk Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00 Supplies 2,850
Food Printer 4 Printed Pizza Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00 Supplies 4,760
Food Printer 5 Entree Copy Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00 Supplies 7,130
Food Printer 6 Full day Meal Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 24:00:00 Supplies 14,270


  1. Efficiency is measured by an assumed maximum production per hour (with the 1-hour-production option) divided by the number of tiles that the actual building occupies. To be used as a simple and objective comparison towards other production buildings.

Other Production Buildings[]

Production Buildings
Stone Age Hunter's Cabin
Bronze Age BlacksmithDomestication Pen[1]Fruit FarmPottery
Iron Age ButcherGoat FarmTailor[1]
Early Middle Ages Bakery[1]ShoemakerTannery
High Middle Ages AlchemistFarmWindmill[1]
Late Middle Ages BreweryCooperageSpice Trader[1]
Colonial Age ClockmakerPerfume Distillery[1]SailmakerTobacco Plantation
Industrial Age Ceramics FactoryChemical PlantGunsmithWheelwright[1]
Progressive Era Cattle RanchDeli Shop[1]GarageLamp Factory
Modern Era Aircraft FactoryAppliance FactoryFilm Studio[1]Hatter
Postmodern Era Car FactoryGreenhouse Complex[1]JunkyardToy Factory
Contemporary Era Business CenterComputer Games Company[1]Fish MarketLogistics Center
Tomorrow Era 3D PrinterDrone FactoryPrivate Security CompanyUrban Farm[1]
Future Era Food PrinterHelium-3 Extraction FacilityLevitation OutletSealife Tower[1]
Arctic Future Crystal Flower StoreDry DockPlasma Generator[1]Recycling WheelVertical Farm[1]
Oceanic Future BoatyardDay Spa[1]Deep Sea Breeder[1]Geothermal Power Plant[1]Mineral Extraction PlantSea GardenSeaside StoreSeaweed HarvestShellfish Farm
Virtual Future Body Shop[1]Bonsai ShopHolographic Research LabVR Commodity Shop
Space Age Mars New Horizons Center[1]Rocket Testing Site
Space Age Asteroid Belt Universe Data Telescope[1]Space Food Farm
Space Age Venus Drone Hub[1]Floating Garden
Space Age Jupiter Moon Exhibition Bubble[1]Aerospace Pharmacy