Forge of Empires Wiki

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Forge of Empires Wiki
Forge of Empires Wiki

Users of Forge of Empires Wiki can get the following on-site achievements.

Edit Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-edit-0 First Step Awarded for making 1 edit on an article!
Badge-edit-1 Curious Editor Awarded for making 5 edits on articles!
Badge-edit-2 Learning the Ropes Awarded for making 10 edits on articles!
Badge-edit-3 Initiator Awarded for making 25 edits on articles!
Badge-edit-4 Acolyte Awarded for making 50 edits on articles!
Badge-edit-5 Adept Awarded for making 100 edits on articles!
Badge-edit-6 Disciple Awarded for making 250 edits on articles
Badge-edit-7 Ace Awarded for making 500 edits on articles!

The user will be re-awarded with "Ace" for every 500 edits.

Pictures Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-picture-0 This Must Be It! Awarded for adding 1 picture to an article!
Badge-picture-1 Looks Better Now! Awarded for adding 5 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-2 Illustrator Awarded for adding 10 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-3 Collector Awarded for adding 25 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-4 Art Lover Awarded for adding 50 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-5 Decorator Awarded for adding 100 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-6 Designer Awarded for adding 250 pictures to articles!
Badge-picture-7 Architect Awarded for adding 500 pictures to articles!

The user will be reawarded with "Architect" for every 500 pictures.

Category Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-category-0 Newbie Connector Awarded for adding 1 article to a category!
Badge-category-1 Amateur Connector Awarded for adding 5 articles to categories!
Badge-category-2 Good Connector Awarded for adding 10 articles to categories!
Badge-category-3 Better Connector Awarded for adding 25 articles to categories!
Badge-category-4 Great Connector Awarded for adding 50 articles to categories!
Badge-category-5 Pro Connector Awarded for adding 100 articles to categories!
Badge-category-6 Champ Connector Awarded for adding 250 articles to categories!

The user will be reawarded with "Champ Connector" for every 250 articles.

Blog Post Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-blogpost-0 Something to Say Awarded for writing 1 blog post!

Blog Comment Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-blogcomment-0 Opinionator Awarded for writing a comment on 3 different blog posts!
Badge-blogcomment-1 And One More Thing Awarded for writing a comment on 10 different blog posts!

Wiki Love Track[]

Image Name Description
Badge-love-0 Key to the Wiki! Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 5 days!
Badge-love-1 Two Weeks on the Wiki Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 14 days!
Badge-love-2 Devoted Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 30 days!
Badge-love-3 Dedicated Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 60 days!
Badge-love-4 Addicted Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 100 days!
Badge-love-5 A FoE Life Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 200 days!
Badge-love-6 FoE Hero Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for 365 days!

The user will be reawarded with "FoE Hero" for every 365 days.

Special Achievements[]

Image Name Description
Badge-welcome Welcome to Forge of Empires Wiki! Awarded for joining the wiki!
Badge-introduction Hi! Awarded for adding to your own user page!
Badge-sayhi Hello, Friend Awarded for leaving a message on someone else's talk page!
Badge-caffeinated Sleepless! Awarded for making 100 edits on pages in a single day!
Badge-luckyedit Lucky Edit Awarded for making the Lucky 1,000th edit on the wiki!

"Lucky Edit" is awarded every time the 1,000th edit is made on the wiki.
