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The Golden Orrery is a special residential building given as a reward during the Tenth Anniversary Event.

The Golden Orrery produces supplies in 24 hours. The supply production is affected by the town's happiness and by boosts of certain Great Buildings. It also produces Forge Points, previous era goods and a Defense boost for attacking army defense boost for the attacking army.

Additional to its base production, the Golden Orrery gives a random reward on collection. The random rewards consists of Fragments for either 30min Mass Supply Rush, Large Attack Boost or One Up Kit. The amount and chances for the rewards vary depending on the buildings level.

The building can not get motivated or plundered.


Golden Orrery Upgrade

The Golden Orrery can be upgraded by using the Golden Orrery Upgrade Kit. To upgrade the Golden Orrery, use the Golden Orrery Upgrade on the Golden Orrery already built in your city. The upgraded version will take the place of the old one. Its production timer will not reset. Note that the upgraded building will be from your current era, even if the old one was from one of the earlier ages

Golden Orrery Golden Upgrade Kit

A unique upgrade to this building is the Celestial Orrery Golden Upgrade Kit, which allows the building to be upgraded from level 10 to Celestial Golden Orrery. Regular Upgrade Kit cannot do this.


Age Population Supplies
BA +81 576
IA +173 787
EMA +266 871
HMA +374 967
LMA +491 1,080
CA +620 1,271
INA +757 1,434
PE +904 1,575
ME +1,061 1,687
PME +1,222 1,755
CE +1,393 2,041
TE +1,570 2,475
FE +1,755 2,964
AF +1,947 3,453
OF +2,145 3,987
VF +2,349 4,764
SAM +3,718 7,621
SAAB +4,040 8,280
SAV +4,366 8,949
SAJM +4,715 9,665
SAT +5,092 10,439

Age Population Supplies
BA +83 593
IA +178 810
EMA +273 897
HMA +385 996
LMA +505 1,112
CA +638 1,309
INA +779 1,477
PE +931 1,622
ME +1,092 1,737
PME +1,258 1,807
CE +1,434 2,102
TE +1,617 2,549
FE +1,807 3,052
AF +2,005 3,556
OF +2,209 4,106
VF +2,419 4,906
SAM +3,829 7,849
SAAB +4,161 8,528
SAV +4,496 9,217
SAJM +4,856 9,954
SAT +5,244 10,752

Age Population Supplies
BA +85 610
IA +183 834
EMA +281 923
HMA +396 1,025
LMA +520 1,145
CA +657 1,348
INA +802 1,521
PE +958 1,670
ME +1,124 1,789
PME +1,295 1,861
CE +1,477 2,165
TE +1,665 2,625
FE +1,861 3,143
AF +2,065 3,662
OF +2,275 4,229
VF +2,491 5,053
SAM +3,943 8,084
SAAB +4,285 8,783
SAV +4,630 9,493
SAJM +5,001 10,252
SAT +5,401 11,074

Age Population Supplies Forge
BA +87 628 1
IA +188 859
EMA +289 950
HMA +407 1,055
LMA +535 1,179
CA +676 1,388
INA +826 1,566
PE +986 1,720
ME +1,157 1,842
PME +1,333 1,916
CE +1,521 2,229
TE +1,714 2,703
FE +1,916 3,237
AF +2,126 3,771
OF +2,343 4,355
VF +2,565 5,204
SAM +4,061 8,326
SAAB +4,413 9,046
SAV +4,768 9,777
SAJM +5,151 10,559
SAT +5,563 11,406

Age Population Supplies Forge
BA +89 646 2
IA +193 884
EMA +297 978
HMA +419 1,086
LMA +551 1,214
CA +696 1,429
INA +850 1,612
PE +1,015 1,771
ME +1,191 1,897
PME +1,372 1,973
CE +1,566 2,295
TE +1,765 2,784
FE +1,973 3,334
AF +2,189 3,884
OF +2,413 4,485
VF +2,641 5,360
SAM +4,182 8,575
SAAB +4,545 9,317
SAV +4,911 10,070
SAJM +5,305 10,875
SAT +5,729 11,748

Age Population Supplies Forge
BA +91 671 3
IA +198 919
EMA +305 1,017
HMA +431 1,129
LMA +567 1,262
CA +716 1,486
INA +875 1,676
PE +1,045 1,841
ME +1,226 1,972
PME +1,413 2,051
CE +1,612 2,386
TE +1,817 2,895
FE +2,032 3,467
AF +2,254 4,039
OF +2,485 4,664
VF +2,720 5,574
SAM +4,307 8,918
SAAB +4,681 9,689
SAV +5,058 10,472
SAJM +5,464 11,310
SAT +5,900 12,217

Age Population Supplies Forge Defense boost for attacking army
BA +93 697 4 4%
IA +203 955
EMA +314 1,057 5%
HMA +443 1,174
LMA +584 1,312 6%
CA +737 1,545
INA +901 1,743
PE +1,076 1,914 7%
ME +1,262 2,050
PME +1,455 2,133
CE +1,660 2,481 9%
TE +1,871 3,010
FE +2,092 3,605 10%
AF +2,321 4,200 11%
OF +2,559 4,850 13%
VF +2,801 5,796
SAM +4,436 9,274 14%
SAAB +4,821 10,076 15%
SAV +5,209 10,890 17%
SAJM +5,627 11,762
SAT +6,077 12,705 18%

Age Population Supplies Forge 70% for
Fragment of 30min Mass Supply Rush
20% for
Fragment Large Attack Boost
10% for
Fragment of One Up Kit
Defense boost for attacking army
BA +95 724 6 3 1 1 7%
IA +209 993
EMA +323 1,099 8%
HMA +456 1,220
LMA +601 1,364 9%
CA +759 1,606 10%
INA +928 1,812 11%
PE +1,108 1,990
ME +1,299 2,132 12%
PME +1,498 2,218
CE +1,709 2,580 13%
TE +1,927 3,130
FE +2,154 3,749 14%
AF +2,390 4,368 15%
OF +2,635 5,044 16%
VF +2,885 6,027 17%
SAM +4,569 9,644 18%
SAAB +4,965 10,479 19%
SAV +5,365 11,325 21%
SAJM +5,795 12,232
SAT +6,259 13,213 22%

Age Population Supplies Previous Era Goods Forge 55% for
Fragment of 30min Mass Supply Rush
30% for
Fragment Large Attack Boost
15% for
Fragment of One Up Kit
Defense boost for attacking army
BA +97 760 5 8 6 3 1 9%
IA +215 1,042
EMA +332 1,153 10%
HMA +469 1,281
LMA +619 1,432 11%
CA +781 1,686
INA +955 1,902 12%
PE +1,141 2,089
ME +1,337 2,238 13%
PME +1,542 2,328 14%
CE +1,760 2,709 15%
TE +1,984 3,286 16%
FE +2,218 3,936 17%
AF +2,461 4,586 18%
OF +2,714 5,296 19%
VF +2,971 6,328 20%
SAM +4,706 10,126 21%
SAAB +5,113 11,002 22%
SAV +5,525 11,891 24%
SAJM +5,968 12,843
SAT +6,446 13,873 25%

Age Population Supplies Previous Era Goods Forge 45% for
Fragment of 30min Mass Supply Rush
35% for
Fragment Large Attack Boost
20% for
Fragment of One Up Kit
Defense boost for attacking army
BA +99 805 10 10 10 5 2 11%
IA +221 1,104
EMA +341 1,222 12%
HMA +483 1,357
LMA +637 1,517 13%
CA +804 1,787
INA +983 2,016 14%
PE +1,175 2,214 15%
ME +1,377 2,372 16%
PME +1,588 2,467 17%
CE +1,812 2,871 18%
TE +2,043 3,483 19%
FE +2,284 4,172 20%
AF +2,534 4,861 21%
OF +2,795 5,613 22%
VF +3,060 6,707 23%
SAM +4,847 10,733 24%
SAAB +5,266 11,662 25%
SAV +5,690 12,604 27%
SAJM +6,147 13,613
SAT +6,639 14,705 28%

Age Population Happiness Happiness/Size Supplies Previous Era Goods Forge 80% for
Fragment of 30min Mass Supply Rush
20% for
Fragment of One Up Kit
This is produced only when the building is motivated
3 Fragment of Stage of Ages Selection Kit
Defense boost for attacking army Defense boost of attacking army in Guild Battlegrounds Defense boost of attacking army in Guild Expeditions Defense Boost for Defending Army Defense boost of defending army in Guild Battlegrounds Defense boost of defending army in Guild Expeditions
BA +260 +1,090 +55 1,960 140 30 20 10 3 11% 59% 48% 21% 70% 58%
IA +570 +1,880 +94 4,700
EMA +870 +2,080 +104 7,830 12% 22%
HMA +1,230 +2,320 +116 10,970
LMA +1,610 +2,590 +130 14,490 13% 23%
CA +2,030 +3,040 +152 18,410
INA +2,480 +3,430 +172 22,330 14% 24%
PE +2,960 +3,770 +189 26,240 15% 25%
ME +3,470 +4,030 +202 30,550 16% 26%
PME +4,000 +4,200 +210 34,860 17% 27%
CE +4,560 +4,880 +244 39,170 18% 28%
TE +5,140 +5,930 +297 43,870 19% 29%
FE +5,750 +7,100 +355 48,180 20% 30%
AF +6,370 +8,270 +414 52,880 21% 31%
OF +7,020 +9,550 +478 57,970 22% 32%
VF +7,690 +11,400 +570 62,670 23% 33%
SAM +12,170 +18,250 +913 101,450 24% 34%
SAAB +13,220 +19,830 +992 108,890 25% 35%
SAV +14,280 +21,420 +1,071 116,720 27% 37%
SAJM +15,380 +23,080 +1,154 124,170
SAT +16,500 +24,750 +1,238 132,000 28% 38%


Other Special Buildings[]

Special Buildings
Residential Buildings Abandoned AsylumAirshipAltar GardenAncient ObeliskAnimal CrossingAthlete Living QuartersAthlon AbbeyBlack TowerButterfly HouseCaravansaryCeltic FarmsteadCharming CottageCheckmate SquareClassical Garden PatioClown TownColossusContestants' EstateDark DoorwayDruid TempleEastern Palace TowerElephant Fountain GateEmperor's EntranceFaery RingsFerris WheelFishing HutFiore VillageFlower MaidensForest of FallGentiana WindmillGingerbread HouseGolden CropsGolden OrreryGovernor's VillaGrand BridgeGrand KingGrand QueenGreater RunestoneHanami BridgeHarvest BarnHaunted HouseHelter SkelterHeroes TavernHippodrome CarceresHippodrome SphendoneHouse of HorrorsJade StatueKing StatueKioskKnights PavilionLog CabinMaharaja's PalaceMemorial ChhatriMenagerieMill of FallMinaretMoon GateMoose MeadowMountain ReserveMughal's TempleOasisObelisk GardenOlympic TreasuryPagodaPillar of HeroesPiazza CafePiazza HomesPirate's HideoutPole HousePrivateer's BoathouseQueen StatueRenaissance MansionRenaissance VillaRoyal BathhouseRoyal CascadeRoyal Marble GatewaySacred Sky WatchSeptember CottageShinto TempleShrine of AweShrine of InspirationShrine of KnowledgeSnow GlobeSpeaker's CornerStage of AgesStatue of HonorStranded BoatStraw HutSugar Baker's BoothSunflower PatchSuishun MillSun TempleSundial SpireTerracotta VineyardThe Crow's NestThe KingThe Lord's ManorThe QueenThe ShipTholos of IdolsTimeless DojoToymaker's BoothTribal SquareWestern Palace TowerWinter BakeryWinter CanalWinter SpireWinter TrainWorld's FairYggdrasilZen ZoneZiggurat
Production Buildings Arena of VictorsAviaryBazaarBeach BarCider Mill / Blooming / Fruitful / Bountiful / Prosperous / FlourishingConfectionary / Large / Huge / LegendaryFan ShopFoeberge ShopGondola Dock MarketInsect HotelLuauMad Scientist's LabMagnum OpusMasquerade BallReindeer PaddockRosariumSanta's WorkshopSleigh BuilderSoccer FieldSunken TreasureTerrace FarmWitch Doctor
Cultural Buildings Balloon SiteBotanical RotundaCarouselClassical Garden PoolDruid WillowElephant FountainGlobe FountainGrandstandGraveyard / Old / Ancient / Legendary / Monumental / NecropolisHaunted TowerMaypole / Mighty / MajesticOrnate BathsPavilionPiazza Clock TowerPond of FallPrimrose BloomSandcastleTerror TeacupsTigers' DenWildflower MeadowWinners' PlazaWinter GateWinter MarketWinter Pyramid
Decorations Award TrophyBandar PlaygroundBleachersBronze AwardCandlemaker's TentCaptain's AnchorageChhatri GardenClassical Garden StatuesCypress PassDaylily FlowerbedDecorated BaobabDining CarFace of the AncientFestive TreeFisherman's PierFlower PathFoE CupForge Bowl TrophyFreight CarGarden RuinsGate of the Sun GodGate Statue EastGate Statue WestGift TowerGold AwardGrapevinesHalmbockHammockJack O'Lantern ChapelLavender LawnLeukoi TrackMaharaja's Jungle PondMarigold PatchMask StatueMementoMobilithMystical OrganNeighborhood CupNishikigoi PondNutcrackerOchre YardOlive GroveOlive Tree PathPalm TreeParlor CarPhoenix StatuePiazza FountainPirate Guard PostReindeer SleighRoad to VictoryRocky PathRousioi TrackRoyal Guard PostSakura RockScarecrowShark ShallowsSilver AwardSleeping CarSmörgåsbord FeastSnapdragon BloomSphinxStanding StoneStone AwardSundialTiki TotemTinkerer's TentTitan Arum PlantTrader Guard PostTree of Love / Great / EternalVenetoi TrackVenice CanalVitruvian ManWell of WelcomeWheat FieldWheat PathWheel of DeathWisteria TopiaryZanni Mask Statue
Military Buildings Champion's RetreatColor Guard CampDrummer SchoolRogue DenRogue Hideout
Other Buildings Antiques DealerArctic HarborAutumn ScarecrowBegonia BenchForge FountainFountain of YouthFriends TavernGong of WisdomHall of FameHedge MazeMadame Fortuna's TentMagenta ArchMajestic Fawn/StagMonasteryOceanic TerminalPiazza Mask VendorRitual FlameSapphire ArchSentinel OutpostStraw Star TentTactician's TowerTown HallVictory TowerWatchfireWishing Well / Little
Building Items FragmentsOne Up KitRenovation KitSelection KitShrink KitStore BuildingUpgrade Kit