There’s nothing more frustrating than asking for help and getting a response which makes no sense because you don’t speak the language. With your fingers crossed, you write back to get help about the “help,” hoping the information will be clearer. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.
Below are some common acronyms and phrase(s) you may come across.
- AD - Antiques Dealer
- A/D (or just AD) - attack and defense boost
- AF - Arctic Future (era) (sometimes called AFE)
- AI, or AIC - A.I. Core (Great Building)
- Aid - Motivate/Polish
- AO - Arctic Orangery (GB)
- Arc - The Arc (GB)
- Atlantis - Atlantis Museum (GB)
- Atom - Atomium (GB)
- BA - Bronze Age (era)
- Babel - Tower of Babel (GB)
- BG - The Blue Galaxy (GB)
- BP - Blueprint
- Bricks (or "in bricks") - A Great Building (or other structure) which is no longer in the process of being built; completed construction.
- CA - Colonial Age (era)
- Cap - Capitol (GB)
- Cape/CC - Cape Canaveral (GB)
- CdM - Castel del Monte (GB)
- CE - Contemporary Era
- CF - Chateau Frontenac (GB)
- cMap - Continent Map
- CoA - Cathedral of Aachen (GB)
- Colo - Colosseum (GB)
- DA - Defensive Army (typically refers to GvG sector defense)
- DC - Deal Castle (GB)
- Deal - Deal Castle (GB)
- Dias - Diamonds (premium currency)
- DS - Daily Special (advanced prize in an Event, changes for all players on daily basis)
- DT - Dynamic Tower (GB) or TT (was renamed to Truce Tower)
- EMA - Early Middle Ages (era)
- FASP - Finish All Special Productions (Item)
- FE - Future Era
- FoD - Frauenkirche of Dresden (GB)
- Frau - Frauenkirche of Dresden (GB)
- FL - Friend list
- FoE – Forge of Empires
- FoY - Fountain of Youth (Special Building)
- FP - Forge Point (used for Research, Trades outside the Guild & Great Building donations)
- FR - Friend request
- FSP - Finish Special Production (Item)
- FI - Flying Island (GB)
- GB - Great Building
- GBG - Guild Battlegrounds
- GE - Guild Expedition
- GS - Gaea Statue (GB)
- GT - Galata Tower (GB)
- GvG - Guild vs Guild
- Hab - The Habitat (GB)
- HAU - Higher Age Unit
- HMA - High Middle Ages (era)
- HoF - Hall of Fame (Special Building)
- hood - Neighborhood
- HC - Himeji Castle (GB)
- HP - Hit Point
- HS - Hagia Sophia (GB) (also called Hagia)
- IA - Iron Age (era)
- INA - Industrial Age (era) (sometimes called IndA)
- INDY - Industrial Age (era)
- INNO - Innovation Tower (GB) or InnoGames (FoE Developer), depending on context.
- IT - Innovation Tower (GB)
J, K[]
- Kraken - The Kraken (GB)
- LMA - Late Middle Ages (era)
- LoA - Lighthouse of Alexandria (GB)
- Lotus - Lotus Temple (GB)
- LP - League Point
- LT - Lotus Temple (GB)
- MA - Mounted Archer (EMA)
- ME - Modern Era
- MP - Motivate/Polish (See also "Aid")
- Mud (or "in Mud") - A building which has been placed in a city, but construction has not completed. Typically references a Great Building (GB), but sometimes regular buildings as well. (See also "Sticks")
- NAP - non-aggression pact (two guilds' promise to not attack each other)
- ND – Notre Dame (GB)
- OBS - Observatory (GB)
- OF - Oceanic Future (era)
- Oracle, OoD - Oracle of Delphi (GB)
- PE - Progressive Era
- PME - Postmodern Era
- Polivate - Polish/Motivate, aka "MP" or "Aid"
- PvP - Player vs. Player; can refer to PVP Tournaments or PvP Arena
Q, R[]
- QI - Quantum Incursions
- RAH - Royal Albert Hall (GB)
- RH - Rogue Hideout (Special Building)
- Reno - Renovation Kit (item)
- RFP - Rain Forest Project (GB) (also called Rainforest)
- RQ - Recurring Quest
- RtV - Road to Victory (Special Building)
- SA - Stone Age (era)
- SAAB - Space Age Asteroid Belt (era)
- SAJM - Space Age Jupiter Moon (Era)
- SAM - Space Age Mars (era)
- SAT - Space Age Titan (Era)
- SAV - Space Age Venus (era)
- SBC - St. Basil's Cathedral (GB) (more commonly called Basil)
- SC - Space Carrier (GB) or, depending on context, Siege Camp (GBG province building)
- SG - Star Gazer (GB)
- SMB - St. Mark's Basilica (GB) (more commonly called St. Mark's)
- SN - Space Needle (GB) (generally referred by its full name)
- SoA - Stage of Ages (Special Building), or less commonly, Shrine of Awe (Special Building)
- SoH - Statue of Honor (Special Building)
- SoI - Shrine of Inspiration (Special Building)
- SoK - Shrine of Knowledge (Special Building)
- SoZ - Statue of Zeus (GB)
- SSW - Sacred Sky Watch (Special Building)
- Sticks (or "in sticks") - A Level 0 Great Building; any building which has been placed, but is not yet completed (built)
- SV - Seed Vault (GB)
- TA - Terracotta Army (GB)
- TE - Tomorrow Era
- TF - Terrace Farm (Special Building)
- TH - Town Hall
- TS - Tribal Square (Special Building)
- TT - Truce Tower (GB)
- ToB - Tower of Babel (GB)
- ToR - Temple of Relics (GB)
- Traz - Alcatraz (GB)
U, V, W, X, Y[]
- UBP - Unbirthday Party (recurring quest)
- V1 - Voyager V1 (GB)
- VF - Virtual Future (era)
- Virgo - The Virgo Project (GB)
- Voyager - Voyager V1 (GB)
- VP - Victory Point or The Virgo Project (GB)
- WP - Winners' Plaza
- WW - Wishing Well (Special Building)
- Zeus - Statue of Zeus (GB)