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Forge of Empires Wiki

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Welcome to the Beginers Guide to Forge Of Empires .

Having not found a good refereence for beginners, I am writing about  concepts I have learned that I wish I knew when I first started play Forge Of Empires. If you find this information useful, consider passing a link on to your lower age players.


Following is a list of references which you may find useful:

Building your city[]

Your city is your home in . When you first create your account, you will be placed in a world. You may also create cities in other worlds. While there are many ways in which to play the game, here are some things to consider.

What age is appropriate[]

As you move through The Ages you may want to Research to the end of your current age and stop researching. This provides you with all the Expansions , Residential Buildings ,  Production Buildings, Goods Buildings, Military Buildings , and Cultural Buildings  for that age. If you Research once in the next age you will then be battling against Military Units of the next age

At this point consider staying in your current age so you can use your Forge Points to obtain various Great Buildings. If you zip through The Ages, you will eventually get to a point where there is no enjoyment in the game. It is quite reasonable to start a new city, move to the end of Iron Age and stay there for months before moving to the Early Middle Ages. Consider setting a goal for when you want to advance to the next age.

City layout[]

This section needs a lot of work
Your City Planning  is very important. All buildings must connect to your Town Hall by Roads  Your goal should be to fit everything you obtain into your city using as few roads as possible. As you run out of space, you need to be creative. One thing you can do is to take your Residential Buildings off-road. You will no longer be able to collect Coins from the building, but you will still have the associated Population .
As you add Great Buildings to your city you will probably want to use the city editor to reorganize your city
create popup here to describe some layout strategies
I need to figure out how to create popups like the ones found in the 2019 Winter Event and then provide a popup screen shot for various city layouts. Better yet, create a Sample City Layouts page if there is interest.
A suggestion is to place all your population buildins in 3 rows extending out from your Town Hall. Then group your other buildings base on size extending off the road where your population resides. (Need a screenshot here)

Great Buildings[]

Obtaining Greate Buildings[]

  • In order to construct a Great Buildings you need to obtain a set of 9 bluepints. The Blueprints page lists the ways in which blueprints may be obtained.
  • In order to construct the Great Building, you need to first obtain the requisite Goods.
    • A lower age player constructing a higher age Greate Building, like The Arc, will have to find a way to obtain said goods. You may be able to work with the higher age players.
    • Try posting in your guild thread to see if a guild member can help you out.
    • You may need to contact your local Goods Dealer unable to find an appropriate reference. Ask within your guild for a reputable dealer. You will set up a private swap and place the reuired number of Forge Points on their Greate Building. Once you have paid dor the goods you will have to post trades in the swap thread.
  • Once you have the goods you will need to construct your Great Building. You may have to reorganize your city in order to place the Great Building. You should use the City Editor for this purpose unable to find a reference for the city editor which is enabled somewhere in the Iron Age research tree

What Great Buildings should you obtain?[]

This is very dependant on the type of player you want to be.
  • I


The Guild  is where the social aspect of FOE comes into play. You should try to find a guild that you are comfortable with. Some things to consider if you are looking for the social side of Forge Of Empires.
  • Look for guilds with which are at a somewhat high level with a good mix of players at various ages. Join the guild and ask to be added to their threads. Peruse the threads to get an idea of what the guild members are like.
  • There are guilds that advertise no rules. That is fine for some, but remember that no rules can lead to chaos.
  • Most guilds require that you finish a minimum of level one in the weekly Guild Expedition. You hould want to do this since you get rewards in the Guild Expedition which help you advance in the game.
  • Are there swap threads? How many? Some guilds only have a few Swap Threads START could not find a swap thread page END while others will have many. How active are the Swap Threads?
  • Is there a 1.9 thread, also known as a 190% thread? Not all successful guilds have a 1.9 thread, so this should not be a requirement.. However, a properly run 1.9 thread allows higher age members to advance their GBs quickly while lower age members can obtain prints for their target GBs quickly and at a reasonaale cost. 
  • Are there social threads where non game things are discussed, allowing you to develep friendships with your guild mates.