Forge of Empires Wiki

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Forge of Empires Wiki

Just something I put togeather for an FP Swap thread in one of my guilds.


What: This thread is a Great Buildings (GB) Forge Point (FP) swap.  Starting with 5fp. If required, other threads will be started for 10,15 etc. Open to all guild members.

When: No commitment except for the one you make each time you participate.

Why: A Great Way to build the guild's members GB's.

How: The last post in the thread should say "GB1 done, GB2 please" GB1 being what you put your FP's on and GB2, your GB you want the next FP to be used on.

NOW if you do not have any GB's, you can still join in. Yours would be "GB1 done, open request." The first person to grab the open request, lucky them, they get to remember that and contribute back to when your GB is in the mud. Others will just donate to the mud as you have a good reputation already. Then you have a ready supply of FP for your GB's. Just putting FP on your own GB is wasting additional rewards.


Try not to finish off a GB. Leave to the owner.

Is best to type "GB1 done, GB2 please"  before contributing. Type First, Contribute next. This reduces greatly the double ups.Keep note of your points. People sometimes forget to actually put the points on.

Yes, some say that this style of swap/club is unfair but to me, you put a lot of points in to get the same back and no nasty spreadsheets to maintain.

