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Forge of Empires Wiki

Have you decided to start playing in a new world?
Or do you want to speed up your progress and move to the later eras?


This is my guide on fast progressing in Forge of Empires. If you have just started playing, I do not advise you to rush, but rather to enjoy the game. If it's not your beginning, then welcome!

By using this strategy I have reached Arctic Future in 168 days without spending real money on the game. I hope it will help you, too. If you have any questions feel free to comment here or you can contact me on wiki or on the Beta server (Harleen).

Getting Started[]

Stocking Up Goods[]

First of all you need to stock up goods needed to progress. There are two ways to do it:

  1. Buy Oceanic Future / Arctic Future Goods goods for Forge forge points.
  2. Get blueprints for the Dynamic Tower Dynamic Tower and then buy Goods goods for it. You will need:

BlankBlank Nutrition Research Nutrition Research: 450
BlankBlank Papercrete Papercrete: 375
BlankBlank Preservatives Preservatives: 500
BlankBlank Smart Materials Smart Materials: 250
BlankBlank Translucent Concrete Translucent Concrete: 300

Dynamic Tower is the Holy Grail for all the players under the Tomorrow Era. You will need to have around 30 people from Oceanic Future (guild+friends) to be able to motivate/polish oceanic buildings around 21 times per day. That will give you 21 OF goods (on DT lvl 4). You need more people in this era than the actual amount of Aid GoodsAid Goods boost your DT gives you, because there will always be someone who is absent or whose OF buildings are already aided. And if you aid buildings from the lower eras, you will get lower eras' goods. So be wise. If you are in the first Ages, it would be much better to manually aid those players by visiting their cities and clicking exactly on the OF buildings.

Dynamic Tower gives you 15 goods on the level 2. And if you're in a good guild, they will help you to raise your GB to this level.

Then, 15 OF Goods goods per day = 30 AF = 60 FE = 120 TE = 240 CE = 480 PM = 960 M = 1920 PE = 3840 IND = 7680 COL = 15,360 LMA Goods goods per day, and so on. Of course, better to exchange them once in a week for mass gain.

Try to level your Dynamic Tower at least to the level 4, to get 21 goods per day.

Or you can buy OF or AF Goods goods for Forge fps and also exchange them down.

Counting Goods[]

How to find out the exact amounts of goods you will need? Check this table for reference:


[] - goods you need divided by ages; () - unrefined goods you can get from your GBs, Wishing Wells, Hedze Maze & Fountains of Youth starting from Modern Era.

BRONZE UP TO HMA: Marble: [2]+[16+21]+[22]+[94] Lumber: [2]+[30*+30*]+[34]+[79] Dye: [0]+[12+15*]+[46]+[90] Stone: [0]+[5+20]+[61]+[66] 71* Wine: [0]+[8+50]+[35]+[0]

IRON UP TO LMA: Cloth: [11]+[49+28]+[30+130] Ebony: [4]+[28+35]+[42+140] Jewelry: [16]+[20+70*]+[10*+140] Iron: [13*]+[42+40]+[47+100] Limestone: [3*]+[40+30]+[28+150]

EMA UP TO COLONIAL: Copper: [23]+[20*]+[150]+[50+110] Gold: [30*]+[41]+[110]+[40+20+110] Granite: [4]+[60]+[140]+[150] Honey: [20]+[30]+[140]+[160] Alabaster: [14]+[20]+[200]+[120]

HMA UP TO INDUSTRIAL: 40* Bricks: [0]+[60]+[100]+[90+130] Ropes: [4]+[120]+[110]+[80+110] Glass: [50]+[80]+[130]+[50+50+60] Herbs: [34]+[80]+[110]+[190] Salt: [11]+[100]+[100]+[100+110]

LMA UP TO PROGRESSIVE: Talc: [70]+[140]+[130]+[60+90+90] Silk: [40]+[90+60]+[100+30*+100*]+[150] Gunpowder: [50]+[70+80]+[110*+100*]+[160] Brass: [50]+[60]+[200+60*]+[130+80] Basalt: [80]+[60+100]+[60+110]+[180]

Finishing Touches[]

There are some techs that you don’t need to progress further, don’t research them (it’s a waste of goods and fps; leave them for the events). As you see I have some goods marked with *. Those are goods from unneeded techs. Have those goods in stock to be able to unlock techs instantly.

Also, check on wiki the amounts of coins & supplies needed to research those eras. Then write down your amounts in the beginning of your day and 24 hours later. You’ll get your daily coins/supplies income. Remember, there are awesome tavern boosts to increase those amounts. And use MO kits on unfinished productions from major buildings to double them.

Then, count the total fps amounts for those eras and divide them by your fps income. (you get plus around 6 fps per day from taverns if you have 90 friends). Don’t count the unneeded techs. You’ll get the amount of days you need to progress. Then check your coins/supplies income. Divide total neede amounts of them by the number of days and see if you produce enough resources. Get more buildings working if you need to.

And spend all FPs into tech. If you got DT, St Marks & LoA/RAH don’t bother to collect other blueprints. You’ll get lots of them anyway. But, of course, if you stumble upon a good fps investment (when you’ll get the same or more fps as a reward), then invest your fps.

Fast Run Through Ages[]


Now you're stocked up with goods and know your daily incomes (Forge/Coins/Supplies).


Continent Map[]

Guild Expeditions[]

With this amount of Goods goods you can do all 4 GE levels with negotiating and delete all your current goods buildings. Now you also don’t need even to conquer the Continent Map (just do it when your event/daily quests say it), because you don’t need goods deposits anymore. While doing GE with negotiating remember to use 15-min tavern boost at the second half of lvl1,2,3 and twice on lvl 4.

This way you’ll win many Terrace Farms and Sacred Sky Watches, also there are useful Forge 100 fps & Forge 20 fps rewards. Put your farms to produce FPs and you’ll have a lot of income per day. Also, save all the free Diamonds diamonds if you play on Beta (and those you get in GE) for main events. Like Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. And exchange them for event currencies when there’s a good way to improve your Forge fps.



Small Tips for the Ages[]

Basical notes:

  • When reaching a new era, first of all check the tech tree to find a suitable route for your game style. And research those technologies first. So, for example, if you see a tech you need, hover (in bowser) or click on it (in the app) to see which technologies you need to research to unlock it, then do the same for them, and again, and again until you reach the beginning of your new technologies. This will be your route. This route will also have sub-routes in it, check them all to see which one you prefer to unlock first.
  • Almost all Eras have unneeded technologies. How do you find one? It’s easy. It’s a dead-end. Such dead-ends technologies need other technologies to be unlocked. Sometimes those needed ones are required only for the dead-ends, and you don’t need to research them to go further in your tech tree.
  • Sometimes you don’t need to research all the latest techs even if they are required for the next era techs. You can research the one that will guarantee you going to the next era, research what you can there and then come back for them.
  • In the beginning ask some high era players to give you small amount of goods from their era to trade them down. If you have such players in your guild, they will most likely help you. This will get ou enough goods for going through the first eras.
  • Since you have all the goods you have a lot of free space in your city. That’s why you can miss a few expansions in the tech tree and those you have on the Continent Map. You will come back for them later when you feel like it :)

Bronze Age:

  • Do not research Growing (tech) unless you have Wine / Dye goods deposits and want to produce those goods.
  • Research Craftwork (tech) in Iron Age when you have free forge points. This way you will save yourself up to 16 fps to progress faster. Research it in Bronze Age ONLY if you badly need another expansion. If you decide that you hac manage without it for a while, don’t research Stonework (tech) and/or Woodwork (tech) unless you have their goods deposits and want to produce those goods.

Iron Age:


  • Don’t research Multistory Houses (tech). They need a lot of fps and you will have to play diamonds to be able to unlock this tech. Diamonds have a much better use later in the game. It’s a waste unless you don’t care about anything rather than those buildings’ looks.
  • From now one you will need many goods. Go and buy them if you already haven’t!
  • Have you bought your goods? Yes? Then don’t waste time researching Casting (tech), Apiary (tech) & Quarries (tech). You can also stop conquering your Continent Map as you don’t need any goods deposits anymore.
  • Leave Monarchy (tech), Fertilization (tech) & Crop Rotations (tech) for now. You will come back for them later when you need them. You have more important things waiting for you in High Middle Ages, so spend you forge points wisely.


  • Best way to move though this age is to skip Quality Products (tech), Guilds (tech), Conservation (tech) & all the expansions you see after them. Yes, you will need them very soon. But first you should go to the LMA. Then, as you remember, you saved a few expansions in previous eras. Now it’s the best time to use them. At that time you thought they require so many fps and so many goods, but now it’s just funny to look at all those requirements, right? A very pleasant feeling :) Like a reward for all the good work.
  • Miss the Town Houses (tech) as well. This is another dead-end tech with absolutely no use.
  • If you haven’t got your goods by now, you should do it immediately. From the next age on you will require lots of them and will need either many goods buildings and much time OR trading down the higher eras’ goods.





Progressing in Arctic Future[]

First of all you definitely need to buy AF goods from someone, enough for science. If you don't have a steady everyday supply of these goods from your buildings (the best ones would be special buildings like Tribal Square, Oasis or set parts) to cover for harbor, you'll need to buy even more. Just find the right dealer with the cheapest prices.

Next is the hard part. You can't outrun the harbor, so you will need to find a GB or some in your city you're going to level while waiting.

You will need 3,940 promethium in total for AF. You get an average of 67p if you use mostly miners (to get more promethium from a single trip). For the first upgrade you need 1,140p equals 17-18 days from the harbor opening. And 690 fps. Divide this amount by your daily income and substract the number from 17-18. This amount of days you can spend leveling your GB. You can either do it simultaneously, first investing in science until you stuck, or you can simply go for your GBs for the counted amount of days, just 1-2 days before it times out start investing in the next tech.

From the first upgrade up it goes easier. You can either try to level up your speed crew or continue with the miners. If you choose the first one you will spend more goods per day but will make more trips. If you choose the latter, you will get more promethium per day. Either way you should do the same counting you did before. And once again for the 2nd upgrade.

I can’t advise you on new crew members as I haven’t tried those yet and so haven’t created a special strategy for them. But it’ll be mostly the same, though you could benefit from family crew members from time to time.

What I can say, though, is that you don’t really need to go for the Continent Map. Unless you run out of all other sectors. Of course, there are some expansions, but you will lose much more going for them than if you just don’t bother. For a while. You don’t need those goods deposits also, because buying goods for fps turns out to be much cheaper than producing them with those awful 3-steps buildings. My Dynamic Tower worked for me as a holy grail until the Future era. But even in Arctic & Oceanic it’s still worth the space if you have enough OF friends/guildmates/neighbours to aid. So build it if you haven’t already and level it up at least to lvl 5.

Moreover, if you’re a fighter, go for all 4 GE levels to get a lot of terrace farms/tribal squares to help you with goods. I won’t advise negotiating in AF/OF in the last levels because of the needed amount of goods (& promethium/orichalcum) which you currently need for your science & harbor. But when you get a steady run of them, go for it :)

One more thing about the science. In (almost) every era there are some technologies you don't really need to progress. Those which lead to a dead end. Just ignore them. There's no use in spending goods & fps for them. Unless they are in the first eras and unlock new expansions, of course.
