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Forge of Empires Wiki

To get an unsecured bonus when leveling one of your Great Buildings, Forge Point swap threads are of great use and come in all sizes. No Arc required.

How it Works[]

It is very simple: Post your Great Building and contribute the number of Forge Points in the thread's title to the previous Great Building. The next person will then do the same, adding the same number of Forge Points to the Great Building you posted.

Why Participate[]

When you post your Great Building you may get a spot on that person's Great Building which means if you are not pushed down you will receive an extra reward when that Great Building levels up. This does not happen every time you participate but if you do it enough you will get some bonus rewards.

These bonuses can consist of:

  • Medals (based on level and age of the Great Building)
  • Forge Point packages (based on level)
  • Blueprints (based on level):

Furthermore no Arc is required and all active guilds will have this thread . If you can't get the requirements done for Guilds will Swap Threads you can always try and set one up with your friends however these usually end up rather in-formal and also require all members to all be friends with each other.


Forge Point Guild Swap Thread (Friend Swap Threads often have totally different rules) Rules :

  1. Add exactly the number of Forge Points in the thread title unless it would level a Great Building which could double produce if the owner flipped it after collection. If this happens make sure to message the owner telling them to flip and then you will add the remaining Forge Points .
  2. No loaning , unless it would level a Great Building which could double produce if the owner flipped it after collection. If this happens make sure to message the owner telling them to flip and then you will add the remaining Forge Points .
  3. Forge Points must be added immediately.


Friend and Guild Swap Threads alike both rarely have moderation however if someone does catch you cheating then punishments are usually very high.
