As space is the true limiting factor in production, I felt it would be helpful to relate all efficiency back to space efficiency. As production buildings don't exist in a vacuum, you need to consider not only the space used by the footprint of the building, but the space used for the infrastructure required to support it. For example, a farm requires 20 tiles in land by itself but in order to provide the roads, residential buildings for population, and cultural buildings to support that population, you need to build an additional 14.88 tiles per farm, making the true size of a farm 34.88 tiles. Similarly, while the per tile efficiency of a farm is 36.5 production per tile per hour for the 20 tiles it covers, that drops to 20.9 when you consider the true space it needs.
Here is a spreadsheet of my findings.
Age is the age the production building comes from.
column denotes whether the building is purchased with Diamonds.
Output is the production output per hour.
Tiles is the space required for the production building itself.
Tiles+ is Tiles for the building plus the space required for the supporting infrastructure of the Era.
Efficiency shows the Output/Tiles calculation.
Efficiency+ is Output/Tiles+.
Note that the space required for supporting infrastructure is done using the average residential and cultural building efficiency from that era, from among the buildings that can be bought without diamonds. The road tiles required was calculated as half the size of the shortest dimension of the building.