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Forge of Empires Wiki

As space is the true limiting factor in production, I felt it would be helpful to relate all efficiency back to space efficiency. As production buildings don't exist in a vacuum, you need to consider not only the space used by the footprint of the building, but the space used for the infrastructure required to support it. For example, a farm requires 20 tiles in land by itself but in order to provide the roads, residential buildings for population, and cultural buildings to support that population, you need to build an additional 14.88 tiles per farm, making the true size of a farm 34.88 tiles. Similarly, while the per tile efficiency of a farm is 36.5 production per tile per hour for the 20 tiles it covers, that drops to 20.9 when you consider the true space it needs.

Here is a spreadsheet of my findings.

  • Age is the age the production building comes from.
  • Diamonds column denotes whether the building is purchased with Diamonds.
  • Output is the production output per hour.
  • SizeTiles is the space required for the production building itself.
  • SizeTiles+ is Tiles for the building plus the space required for the supporting infrastructure of the Era.
  • Efficiency shows the Output/Tiles calculation.
  • Efficiency+ is Output/Tiles+.

Note that the space required for supporting infrastructure is done using the average residential and cultural building efficiency from that era, from among the buildings that can be bought without diamonds. The road tiles required was calculated as half the size of the shortest dimension of the building.

Age Name Diamonds Output Size Tiles Size Tiles+ Efficency Efficency+
SA Hunter No 34 9 19.900 3.778 1.709
BA Domestication Pen Yes 224 16 14.000
BA Pottery No 50 12 20.788 4.167 2.405
BA Fruit Farm No 130 20 30.857 6.500 4.213
BA Blacksmith No 32 4 7.031 8.000 4.551
IA Tailor Yes 360 12 21.645 30.000 16.632
IA Goat Farm No 220 20 33.315 11.000 6.604
IA Butcher No 160 12 19.499 13.333 8.205
EMA Bakery Yes 480 12 19.966 40.000 24.041
EMA Tannery No 160 9 13.646 17.778 11.725
EMA Shoemaker No 210 9 15.204 23.333 13.812
HMA Windmill Yes 770 12 20.481 64.167 37.598
HMA Alchemist No 180 6 8.727 30.000 20.626
HMA Farm No 730 20 34.882 36.500 20.928
LMA Spice Trader Yes 730 9 13.550 81.111 53.873
LMA Cooperage No 490 12 19.780 40.833 24.773
LMA Brewery No 400 9 15.621 44.444 25.607
CA Perfume Distillery Yes 620 6 9.238 103.333 67.112
CA Sailmaker No 470 9 14.851 52.222 31.648
CA Tobacco Plantation No 900 16 29.398 56.250 30.614
CA Clockmaker No 320 6 8.907 53.333 35.926
INA Wheelwright Yes 1,500 12 17.979 125.000 83.433
INA Chemical Plant No 720 12 19.206 60.000 37.487
INA Gunsmith No 380 6 9.149 63.333 41.537
INA Ceramics Factory No 980 15 25.360 65.333 38.644
PE Garage No 1,450 16 24.758 90.625 58.567
PE Lamp Factory No 1,510 18 31.566 83.889 47.837
PE Cattle Ranch No 3,100 42 67.429 73.810 45.974
PE Deli Shop Yes 1,770 12 17.386 147.500 101.807
ME Appliances Factory No 2,150 20 34.682 107.500 61.992
ME Aircraft Factory No 2,490 24 37.723 103.750 66.007
ME Hatter No 740 9 12.823 82.222 57.707
ME Film Studio Yes 6,830 35 49.040 195.143 139.275
PME Car Factory No 3,660 30 50.856 122.000 71.968
PME Greenhouse Complex Yes 3,200 15 21.131 213.333 151.434
PME Toy Factory No 1,790 25 38.109 71.600 46.971
PME Junkyard No 3,020 20 28.819 151.000 104.791
CE Fish Market No 2,400 20 120
CE Business Center No 3,780 25 151.2
CE Logistics Center No 3,310 24 137.9167
CE Computer Games Company Yes 2,940 12 245
TE 3D Printer No 2400 16 150
TE Private Security Company No 1800 12 150
TE Drone Factory No 3000 18 166.667
TE Urban Farm Yes 7260 24 302.5
FE Levitation Outlet No 1990 12 165.833
FE Food Printer No 2850 16 178.125
FE Helium-3 Extraction Facility No 5540 30 184.667
FE Sea Life Tower Yes 8300 25 332
AF Dry Dock No 7780 30 259.333
AF Recycling Wheel No 4860 20 243
AF Vertical Farm Yes 8100 20 405
AF Plasma Generator Yes 6050 16 378.125