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Heavy units (Heavy Unit) are the "heavy armored" class of military units. They generally have the highest defense, slow movement or other defensive capabilities as seen in eras past the Contemporary Era. Heavy units, like Light Units and Fast Units, will retaliate once per turn when an opposing unit attacks them on an adjacent tile.

Bronze Age to Industrial Age[]

From the Bronze Age to the Late Middle Ages, heavy units have the highest defense, bonuses against light units and when on plains, slow movement (11 or 12) and melee range. In the Colonial Age, the Grenadier has a range of 2, allowing them to attack units without fear of retaliation too.

Heavy units are very effective against light and fast units due to their strong defense, giving them the advantage in melee combat against them. Due to their moderately low speed, the Heavy Units are seldom used as an attacker, and is most often used as a defender. E.g. Heavy units in conjunction with ranged and artillery units can be synergetic by acting as meat shields to absorb hits from opposing light and fast units.

However, heavy units are countered by both ranged units and artillery units who have bonuses against them. They struggle against them as they make themselves vulnerable on the first turn, and their slow movement means that they often take many hits from the ranged units before the heavy units are able to retaliate.

In the Industrial Age, the Howitzer becomes a sort of cross between a ranged unit and a heavy unit. It has lower defense compared to other same age units to compensate for its increase in range. Heavy Units from the Industrial Age and below should not be used to fight units from the Progressive Era and above, as the 1.5 scaled battlefield will severely limit their mobility to the point that they become almost unusable.

Progressive Era to Future Era[]

Heavy Units from the Progressive Era to the Future Era are associated with Tanks – heavy armored vehicles with a turret. They now possess bonuses against fast and ranged units, whilst being theoretically weak against light and artillery units.

With a sufficiently strong enough boost, however, heavy units are still able to counter many types of army configurations, as they have good base stats and enough mobility and range to compete with same age units. They pair well with rogues as their lower initiative allows the enemy units to transform the rogues into the heavy units, and counterattack on the next turn. The Stealth Tank and the Hover Tank are the two best heavy units in their era, as their Hides on Plains (Stealth) ability making them exceptional as they are invisible on the first turn.

*In the update of version 0.17(19.9.2012), heavy infantry class is featured with terrain defense bonus, instead of previous attack bonus on plain.


WarriorLegionnaireArmored InfantryHeavy InfantryImperial GuardGrenadierHowitzerTankBattle TankUniversal TankAssault TankStealth TankHover TankBattle FortressBehemothC.R.A.B. MechOctopodRonin BotSteel WardenShredderSteel FistGlacier HikerIcebreakerGalactic Juggernaut

Name Properties
Terrain Bonus and Special Skill Training Cost
Warrior 6 / 10 / 1 / 11 Light +3 Plain D+2 160 / - / 1h Warrior Barracks
Legionnaire 8 / 13 / 1 / 11 Light +4 Plain D+4 230 / - / 2h Legionnaire Barracks
Armored Infantry 12 / 18 / 1 / 11 Light +5 Plain D+5 340 / - / 4h Armored Infantry Barracks
Heavy Infantry 16 / 26 / 1 / 12 Light +6 Plain D+6 430 / - / 4h Heavy Infantry Barracks
Imperial Guard 23 / 33 / 1 / 12 Light +7 Plain D+7 560 / - / 4h Imperial Guard Barracks
Grenadier 28 / 40 / 2 / 12 Light +10 Plain D+10 760 / - / 4h Grenadier Barracks
Howitzer 35 / 35 / 6 / 10 Light +15 Plain D+14; Blast (Gains +6 attack for each space closer to opponent; ignores stealth.) 560 / - / 4h Howitzer Factory
Tank 30 / 60 / 9(6) / 14

Ranged +50; Fast +50

- 1640 / - / 4h Tank Factory
Battle Tank 45/ 65 / 10(7) / 20

Ranged +55; Fast +55

- 560 / - / 4h Battle Tank Factory
Universal Tank 80/ 75 / 10(7) / 22

Ranged +65; Fast +65

Plains A+15 560 / - / 4h Universal Tank Factory
Assault Tank 105/ 90 / 10(7) / 22

Ranged +65; Fast +30

Plains A+20 ; Reactive Armor (Cannot take more than 4 damage per attack.) 5000 / - / 4h Assault Tank Factory
Stealth Tank 120/ 105 / 7(5) / 20

Ranged +50; Fast +30

"Stealth on plains" 2600 / 2600 / 4h Stealth Tank Factory
Hover Tank 120/ 120 / 12(8) / 15

Ranged +100; Fast +20

"Stealth on plains"; Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.) 3000 / 3000 / 4h Hover Tank Base
Battle Fortress 150/ 150 / 12(8) / 20 Light +70; Ranged +50 on Hills A+30; on Plains A+30; on Plains D+40; in Forest D+20; Reactive Armor (Cannot take more than 3 damage per attack.) 1500 / 6000 / 4h Battle Fortress Factory
Behemoth 200/ 120 / 12(8) / 12 Light +100; Ranged +60 in Bushes A+40; in Forest A+50; in Houses D+40; on Rubble D+50; "Stealth on hills"; Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.) 3750 / 3750 / 4h Behemoth Hangar
C.R.A.B. Mech 210/ 130 / 7(5) / 20 Fast +80; Ranged +60 on Hills A+60; on Rubble D+50; in Entrenchment D+80; Reactive Armor (Cannot take more than 4 damage per attack.); Blast (Gains +6 attack for each space closer to opponent; ignores stealth.) 1500 / 6000 / 4h C.R.A.B. Lab
Octopod 180/ 220 / 10(7) / 20 Fast +120; Ranged +60 on Hills A+60; on Rubble D+50; in Forest D+80; on Plains D+80; Frenzy (Deals 50% damage to enemy units within 1 tile range of unit on top of damaging targeted unit.) 4500 / 3000 / 4h Octo Depot
Ronin Bot 230/ 250 / 12(8) / 15 Fast +170; Ranged +230 on Hills A/D+30; Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.) 3600 / 8400 / 4h Combat Robot Factory
Steel Warden 400/ 600 / 10(7) / 18 Fast +250; Ranged +250 on Rocks A/D+70/80; Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.); Keen Eye (Provides a 20% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) 8400 / 3600 / 4h Steel Warden Station
Shredder 550/ 800 / 2(2) / 18 Fast +300; Ranged +300 Close Quarters (Gains attack bonus when attacking an adjacent field.) A+200; Keen Eye (Provides a 25% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) 6000 / 9000 / 4h Shredder Factory
Steel Fist 750/ 950 / 2(2) / 18 Fast +350; Ranged +350 on Hills A/D+80/70; Reactive Armor (Cannot take more than 4 damage per attack.); Keen Eye (Provides a 30% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) 6000 / 9000 / 4h Steel Fist Bunker
Glacier Hiker 900/ 1100 / 2(2) / 18 Fast +400; Ranged +400 Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.); Keen Eye (Provides a 35% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) 6000 / 9000 / 4h Glacier Galvanizer
Icebreaker 850/ 1150 / 3(2) / 18 Fast +450; Ranged +450 "Stealth on rocks"; Keen Eye (Provides a 40% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) 9000 / 6000 / 4h Heavy Metal Barracks
Galactic Juggernaut 925/ 1225 / 4(3) / 18 Fast +500; Ranged +500 Force Field (A unit with this skill absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point.); Keen Eye (Provides a 45% chance to double the damage when attacking enemy units.) ? / ? / 4h Juggernaut Assembly Vessel

Combat Strategy[]

Static Phalanx Wall

Deployed Units: 3-5 heavy units, 1-3 light units, 2-3 ranged units

The idea is to pick the best spot of terrain you can and hold your position. Heavy and light units form a line of defense to protect the ranged units while ranged units stay behind them to attack. Waiting for the enemies to come and eliminate them. Using ranged units to attack foe's ranged classes. However, this strategy is vulnerable when encountering many ranged units or having artillery units class.

Mobile Wall

Deployed Units: 3-4 heavy units, 2-3 light units, 1-3 ranged units

The deployment is same as above but advancing the whole army. Both melee classes form a line of defense to cover the ranged unit class who is behind them. Moving the whole army at the speed of heavy units. Effective against combination of both melee classes and fast units. Due to the slow advancing, the army is vulnerable to ranged units class and artillery units class. It is suggested to use light units to charge to ranged classes to eliminate them. However, it is ineffective when the map contains water in the middle, it forces player to break apart the army, or rocks terrain that greatly slows down the advancing of the army.

Pure Heavy

Deployed Units: 8 heavy units

It may seem ineffective and slow, but still effective against combination without any ranged classes. However, it is very vulnerable when encounter when enemy contains ranged classes and it has a slow progress due to the moderate attack and slow speed.
