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Forge of Empires Wiki

Herse Baugneson is the one of the four rulers in the Bronze Age, being the first to be introduced. He owns the first province of the game, Dunarsund.


Herse calls himself the "Slayer of Thousands." He is the chief of the Dunarsund tribe, one of the four tribes that appear in the Bronze Age.


He was first introduced in the Combat Tutorial, where the player conquers one of the sectors of Dunarsund.[1] The player then takes the remaining two sectors to defeat Herse.[2] Following his defeat, he reported to the player.[3]


  1. Scout and Conquer: The player conquers their first province against Herse Baugneson.
  2. Conquer Another Sector: The player conquers their second province against Herse Baugneson.
  3. Go Get Dunarsund: The player takes their third and final sector from Herse Baugneson. Herse fell under the player's command.

Other Province Owners[]

Province Owners
Bronze Age Herse BaugnesonSweom HunussonFrigga HengisdottirGunnar Snotir
Iron Age Hasdrubaal Barkas
Early Middle Ages Freifrau HagazussaFreiherr von GreifensprungKaiserin Konstanze
Early Middle Ages Bonus Bogdan the BeastGeneral Celeas
High Middle Ages Lothair IIIKarl der KrummeChilderich IVLudwig der Listige
Late Middle Ages Sir Richard DragonclawKing Godefrey Darkblood
Late Middle Ages Bonus Kaiserin KonstanzeFreifrau HagazussaKing Godefrey DarkbloodLudwig der Listige
Colonial Age Sophie AntoinetteLouis XXI, roi de VarseillesVictor Bonneparte
Industrial Age Sitting DuckPresident CartwrightGeneral Dee
Industrial Age Bonus Barthelemy PhilipeauxEl Hacha Gonzales
Progressive Era Baudoin, Prince d'HavreQueen Lydia IGeneral Jean JoffreGeneralfeldmarschall SchledorfKaiser Joseph FranzVittorio EmanueleTsar Piotr
Modern Era Rin GozenIshiwara KatsuYamamoto IsaoHisao Hito
Postmodern Era Che GuerreroQuai Vat DinhMinh Ho-ChiColonel Lang
Contemporary Era Sheik Al-RaisAbdul AlhazredAbu Harbi
Tomorrow Era Pietro EscovarComandante VirozMiranda Dolores FerozMiguel Mantos
Future Era Joy DanbaPrincess Hope OmorhenDr. Charles CouturierColonel Oumee
Arctic Future KassuqCEO JohnsonWokaSiren
Oceanic Future Murray NessJoan CampbellRyan GreenSiren
Virtual Future Latisha BytesmithOrelph KeysPete Schominski (aka Dr. Neurodeath)
Space Age Mars Gabe McPhersonHelena O'DonellViktor AleksandrovLeila Ruddeberger
Space Age Asteroid Belt Remington McMahon IIIAyesha MayTiberius BoyerMrs. Miri
Space Age Venus Dr. Volonia GrantStellan StoneIndigo LansbrightViolet Lansbright