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Karl der Krumme is a ruler in the High Middle Ages. He controls Frathia and Breturia.


He is the brother of Lothair III, Childerich IV, and Ludwig der Listige. His father died prior to the events of the questline, and fought with his brothers over control of his kingdom.

Ragu describes him as "cunning and manipulative" during the quest Four Brothers, One Kingdom, which is shown when Karl attempts to turn the player against Childerich IV. He is the most well-mannered of the four brothers, and seeks peaceful solutions even when the player shows hostility.


After defeating the tyrannical Queen Kaiserin Konstanze, the player is urged to scout the provinces south of Kaiserin's kingdom, revealing that Breturia was ruled by Karl.

After taking over Veletrites, the player must choose to side with either Karl or Childerich IV, who are currently battling each other. If the player decides to side with Karl, the player would then defeat Childerich. If, however, the player chooses to side with Childerich, the player would defeat Karl, only to defeat Childerich later on in order to reach Moravaria.


His surname, "der krumme," literally translates to "the crooked" in German, which likely refers to his crooked posture. This name implies that he is of Germanic origin; however, both he and Childerich wear what appears to be a fleur-de-lis, a symbol associated with the French.

The Story of the four brothers reflects actual history and custom under the Frankish Empire. Charlemagne had one son when he died, so his son became Emperor of all the lands of the Franks this was all of Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland & France (except Brittany), Spain north of the Ebro, Italy as far south as Rome (except Venice), Germany to the West of the Elbe, However Charlemagnes Son had 3 sons when he died and the lands were split between them.

As Charlemagne was the first King of France (Gaul being the Roman name for the area) and Holy Roman Emperor, it is possible for items associated with one country today actually to come from the Franks and their dominance of Western Europe at the time.

Other Province Owners[]

Province Owners
Bronze Age Herse BaugnesonSweom HunussonFrigga HengisdottirGunnar Snotir
Iron Age Hasdrubaal Barkas
Early Middle Ages Freifrau HagazussaFreiherr von GreifensprungKaiserin Konstanze
Early Middle Ages Bonus Bogdan the BeastGeneral Celeas
High Middle Ages Lothair IIIKarl der KrummeChilderich IVLudwig der Listige
Late Middle Ages Sir Richard DragonclawKing Godefrey Darkblood
Late Middle Ages Bonus Kaiserin KonstanzeFreifrau HagazussaKing Godefrey DarkbloodLudwig der Listige
Colonial Age Sophie AntoinetteLouis XXI, roi de VarseillesVictor Bonneparte
Industrial Age Sitting DuckPresident CartwrightGeneral Dee
Industrial Age Bonus Barthelemy PhilipeauxEl Hacha Gonzales
Progressive Era Baudoin, Prince d'HavreQueen Lydia IGeneral Jean JoffreGeneralfeldmarschall SchledorfKaiser Joseph FranzVittorio EmanueleTsar Piotr
Modern Era Rin GozenIshiwara KatsuYamamoto IsaoHisao Hito
Postmodern Era Che GuerreroQuai Vat DinhMinh Ho-ChiColonel Lang
Contemporary Era Sheik Al-RaisAbdul AlhazredAbu Harbi
Tomorrow Era Pietro EscovarComandante VirozMiranda Dolores FerozMiguel Mantos
Future Era Joy DanbaPrincess Hope OmorhenDr. Charles CouturierColonel Oumee
Arctic Future KassuqCEO JohnsonWokaSiren
Oceanic Future Murray NessJoan CampbellRyan GreenSiren
Virtual Future Latisha BytesmithOrelph KeysPete Schominski (aka Dr. Neurodeath)
Space Age Mars Gabe McPhersonHelena O'DonellViktor AleksandrovLeila Ruddeberger
Space Age Asteroid Belt Remington McMahon IIIAyesha MayTiberius BoyerMrs. Miri
Space Age Venus Dr. Volonia GrantStellan StoneIndigo LansbrightViolet Lansbright