King Godefrey Darkblood is a ruler in the Late Middle Ages, owning Wolvhampton, Four Gallows, Spearth, Mount Killmore (LMA) and Grand Gap (LMA Bonus).
He is ruthless and cold-blooded. He is extremely arrogant and proud of his power. Sir Richard Dragonclaw and an extremely powerful wizard are under his command, although depending on the choices you make during the questline, Dragonclaw may become loyal to you. Eventually, he is defeated and his wizard is killed, but he makes a reappearance during the Late Middle Ages Bonus Questline, allying himself with Kaiserin Konstanze, Freifrau Hagazussa and Ludwig der Listige. He is once again defeated and taken alive once the player completes the quest King's Ending. He is either executed or sentenced to life in prison.