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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Late Middle Ages (often shortened into LMA) is the 6th era in Forge of Empires. It is preceded by the High Middle Ages and followed by the Colonial Age.

This era includes seven provinces to conquer: Cragshire, Eldenborough, Cuttingham, Spearth, Wolvhampton, Four Gallows, and Mount Killmore.


Late Middle Ages Map
Late Middle Ages Section
Provinces Rewards
Cragshire PvP Tower PvP Tournament Access
Eldenborough Goods LMA Goods Deposit
Cuttingham Size 1 Expansion
Spearth Size 1 Expansion
Wolvhampton Goods LMA Goods Deposit
Four Gallows Coins 10,500 Supplies 10,500
Mount Killmore Size 1 Expansion

Bonus Provinces and related Quests


Requirements for Research
Forge 1,072
Coins 155,000
Supplies 427,500
Limestone 150
Ebony 140
Iron 100
Cloth 130
Jewelry 140
Alabaster 200
Copper 150
Gold 110
Granite 140
Honey 140
Brick 60
Dried Herbs 80
Glass 80
Rope 120
Salt 100
Basalt 80
Brass 50
Gunpowder 50
Silk 40
Talc Powder 70


Residential Buildings[]

Estate House Apartment House Manor
Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x2
Estate House ApartmentHouse Manor
Coins 120 in 1h

Population +123

Coins 440 in 8hrs

Population +205

Coins 400 in 4hrs

Population +246

Construction Costs
Coins 3,900

Supplies 14,500

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)05:30:00

Coins 5,800

Supplies 21,800

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)07:20:00

Diamonds 300

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:20

Production Buildings[]

Cooperage Brewery Spice Trader
Size 3x4 Size 3x3 Size 3x3
Cooperage Brewery Spice Trader
Supplies 490 in 1hr Supplies 400 in 1hr Supplies 730 in 1hr
Construction Costs
Coins 61,000

Supplies 10,800

Population 164

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10:30:00

Coins 56,000

Supplies 9,500

Population 136

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:50:00

Diamonds 500

Population 86

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:20

Goods Buildings[]

Basalt Mason Brass Foundry Gunpowder Manufactory Silk Manufactory Talc Cutter
Size 4x4 Size 4x4 Size 3x3 Size 3x3 Size 3x3
Basalt Mason Brass Foundry Gunpowder Manufactory Silk Manufactory Talc Cutter
Production: Basalt Production: Brass Production: Gunpowder Production: Silk Production: Talc Powder
Production Costs (4 Hours)
Coins 1,600 Supplies 1,600
Deposit: Basalt Rock Deposit: Zinc Ore Deposit: Sulphur Blocks Deposit: Cocoons Deposit: Soapstone
Construction Costs
Coins 27,000 Supplies 54,000 Population 580 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11:20:00

Cultural Buildings[]

Cartographer Library Academy Palace
Size 3x2 Size 4x4 Size 4x4 Size 4x4
Cartographer Library Academy Palace
Happiness +320 Happiness +940 Happiness +980 Happiness +1,500
Construction Costs
Coins 30,000

Supplies 19,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00

Coins 81,000

Supplies 111,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13:30:00

Coins 115,000

Supplies 111,000

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14:00:00

Diamonds 500

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:20

Military Buildings[]

Great Sword Warrior Barracks Longbow Archer Range Heavy Knight Stable Imperial Guard Barracks Cannon Camp
Size 3x3 Size 3x3 Size 4x4 Size 3x4 Size 3x4
Great Sword Warrior Barracks LongbowArcheryrange HeavyKnightStable Pikemanbarracks Canoncamp
Military Buildings Great Sword Warrior Military Buildings Longbow Archer Military Buildings Heavy Knight Military Buildings Imperial Guard Military Buildings Cannon
Construction Costs
Coins 48,300

Supplies 43,310

Population 391

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)09:00:00

Coins 60,370

Supplies 54,130

Population 521

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10:10:00

Coins 72,440

Supplies 64,960

Population 846

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11:20:00

Coins 84,520

Supplies 75,780

Population 716

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12:20:00

Coins 96,590

Supplies 86,610

Population 846

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13:30:00


Group of Trees Tower Ruin Potted Plant Nautical Statue Waterspout Fountain
Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 1x1 Size 1x1 Size 1x1
Group of Trees Tower Ruin Potted Plant Nautical Statue Waterspout Fountain
Happiness +160 Happiness +170 Happiness +41 Happiness +39 Happiness +85
Construction Costs
Coins 28,750

Supplies 18,940

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:05

Coins 24,250

Supplies 27,740

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:05

Coins 6,831

Supplies 6,584

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:05

Coins 4,817

Supplies 1,843

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:05

Diamonds 110

Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)00:00:05

Great Buildings[]

Saint Basil's Cathedral Castel del Monte
Size 5x5 Size 5x5
Cathedral of St. Basil Castel del Monte
MiB +3% Att/Def

(when Defending)

MiB +3% Att/Def

(when Attacking)

Coins 4,900 every
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24:00:00
Forge +1 every
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24:00:00
Construction Costs
Basalt 130
Brass 230
Silk 260
Talc Powder 250
Gunpowder 130
Basalt 270
Brass 170
Silk 140
Talc Powder 150
Gunpowder 270


  • The Late Middle Ages is the third and final medieval period. This age roughly began with the disintegration of the Mongol Empire into four different hordes by the 14th century and the initiation of the hundred years war fought from 1337 to 1453 between the French and the English as the later stages of the crusades began to conclude. The subsequent decline and conquest of the remaining khanates over the next two centuries first by Ming China in the east in 1368 and the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the west by 1480 would later result in the emergence of gunpowder empires in the Middle East by the 1500s. They consist of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires which would proliferate over the next several centuries extending into the Colonial Age. Following the fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks by 1453, these gunpowder kingdoms would later monopolize overland trade along the silk road. The onset and widespread use of gunpowder towards the end of the age is shown in the game featuring the Cannon as an artillery unit and the Gunpowder Manufactory as a goods building.
  • This trade monopoly imposed on western kingdoms would eventually pave the way for the discovery of the New World and its immediate colonization by western European powers through explorers such as and Christopher Columbus (who wanted to go to Asia through the East). Christopher Columbus went to America in the name of Spain, where the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula over the Moors was just ended. This historic event would mark the end of this age. Buildings such as the Spice Trader as a premium production building and Silk Manufactory as a goods building reflect the beginning of this trade monopoly. The end of this age also coincides with the beginning of Italian Renaissance. This is evident through cultural buildings such as the Cartographer, the Library and the Academy.