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Life Support


To survive in the space ages, your colony needs to be healthy. They rely on you to keep them productive, so its your task to keep in mind the amount of Life Support you provide to your Colonists.

Life Support Life Support is provided by certain buildings in the space ages's colonies (Mars, Asteroid Belt, Venus and Jupiter Moon). It is the Space Colony equivalent of Happiness Happiness. On Earth, Happiness boosts the productivity of the citizens by producing more income, supplies etc. However, having a high Life Support in the respective colony provides the player with discounts in goods production costs. The actual discount received varies depending on the level of Life Support, but it is always discounts in Coins Coins and Supplies Supplies costs.

If no goods are produced in the colony, it is not necessary to have a high Life Support value to keep the colonists alive.

Life Support Calculations[]

The following values are relevant while calculating productivity percentage:

  • Demand for Life Support is equal to Outpost's total population (of Colonists).
  • Provided Life Support is equal to the sum of Life Support provided by all Life Support Buildings.
  • Life Support Ratio is calculated by dividing the provided Life Support with the demand for Life Support.
  • Life Support Color is Red when the Ratio is below 100%, Yellow between 100% and 125%, and Green 125% and above.

Discounts for Life Support Levels[]

The life support is represented by the red-yellow-green colors. The discount will only affect the gold and supply cost for producing goods. The following table has the cost for the 2 days production option as an example. The higher amount in parentheses of goods obtained is the boosted amount.

Color Discount SAM (2d for 18 (90) goods) SAAB (2d for 24 (120) goods) SAV (2d for 24 (120) goods) SAJM (2d for 24 (120) goods) SAT (2d for 24 (110) goods) SASH (2d for 24 (120) goods)
Red No discount 900,000 Coins and Supplies + 45 ore 1,728,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 ice 2,340,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 carbon 3,240,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 DNA 4,700,000 Coins and Supplies + 66 hydrocarbon 19,000,000 Coins and Supplies + 35,136 Credits
+ 0% Production Bonus chance
Yellow 50% 450,000 Coins and Supplies + 45 ore 864,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 ice 1,170,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 carbon 1,620,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 DNA 2,300,000 Coins and Supplies + 66 hydrocarbon 9,500,000 Coins and Supplies + 35,136 Credits
+ 10% Production Bonus chance
Green 75% 225,000 Coins and Supplies + 45 ore 432,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 ice 585,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 carbon 810,000 Coins and Supplies + 60 DNA 1,100,000 Coins and Supplies + 66 hydrocarbon 4,700,000 Coins and Supplies + 35,136 Credits
+ 25% Production Bonus chance

Life Support Buildings[]

Currently the only way to gain Life Support is through Life Support Buildings. As mentioned earlier, the Space Age Mars and Space Age Asteroid Belt utilize this feature as of now. A list of these buildings can be found below.

Mars Buildings[]

Image Building Life Support Life Support
Autonomous Food Dispenser Autonomous Food Dispenser +625
Oxygen Generator Oxygen Generator +18
Recombination Machine Recombination Machine +108
Refinement Station Refinement Station +337
Solar Panel East Solar Panel East +42
Solar Panel South Solar Panel South +42

Asteroid Belt Buildings[]

Image Building Life Support Life Support
Storage Container Storage Container +70
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank +130
Underground Reactor Underground Reactor +220
Space Wharf Space Wharf +590

Venus Buildings[]

Image Building Life Support Life Support
Gas Station Gas Station +782
Cargo Platform Cargo Platform +279
Maintenance Ship Maintenance Ship +174
Gas Tank - Version 1 Gas Tank +96

Jupiter Moon Buildings[]

Image Building Life Support Life Support
Oxygen Concentrator - Version 1 Oxygen Concentrator +102
Organic Oxidator Organic Oxidator +192
Deep Aquamarine Deep Aquamarine +305
Hydrographic Hub Hydrographic Hub +844