The Maharaja's Palace is a special building released during the 2017 Summer Event. The Maharaja's Palace is part of the Indian Palace Set. It does not provide any population.
The Maharaja's Palace comes with the special set bonus. The amount of resources earned per day depends on the buildings age and to how many other Indian Palace Set buildings it is adjacent to.
It requires a road connection and can be plundered.
Set Bonus[]
For more information see the Set Bonuses.
The Maharaja's Palace comes with the special set bonus. When it is adjacent to other buildings belonging to the Indian Palace Set the properties of the building are improved.
Every 24 hours the Maharaja's Palace will produce the following resources. Base resources will always be produced. Bonus resources are determined by how many other unique Indian Palace Set buildings it is connected to.
See also[]
Indian Palace Set
Set Buildings