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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Mounted Warrior Stable is an Iron Age Military Building. It is where a player can train Mounted Warriors, the fast unit of the age. It is the third unlocked military building of the age. In order to construct the Mounted Warriors Stable, a player needs to have unlocked the Military Tactics technology.

It is recommended to build the Mounted Warrior Stable to have a good unit for attacking Ballistas and Archers. However, it is not as good as the Soldier, which has better defense.

For more information visit the Mounted Warrior page.



In update 1.85, the graphic of the Mounted Warrior Stable was reworked.


Mounted Warrior Stable (old)

Mounted Warrior Stable before 1.85

Other Military Buildings[]

Military Buildings
All Ages Rogue HideoutChampion's RetreatDrummer School
Color Guard Camp
Bronze Age Horseman StableSlinger RangeSpearfighter Barracks
Thrower CampWarrior Barracks
Iron Age Archery RangeBallista CampLegionnaire Barracks
Mounted Warrior StableSoldier Barracks
Early Middle Ages Armored Infantry BarracksCatapult CampHeavy Cavalry Stable
Mercenary BarracksMounted Archer Range
High Middle Ages Berserker BarracksCrossbow RangeHeavy Infantry Barracks
Knight StableTrebuchet Camp
Late Middle Ages Cannon CampGreat Sword Warrior BarracksHeavy Knight Stable
Imperial Guard BarracksLongbow Archer Range
Colonial Age Dragoon StablesField Gun CampGrenadier Barracks
Musketeer RangeRanger Encampment
Industrial Age Breech Loader FactoryHowitzer FactoryJaeger Encampment
Lancer StablesRifleman Range
Progressive Era Armored Car FactoryConscription OfficeOrdnance Factory
Sniper CampTank Factory
Modern Era Battle Tank FactoryHeavy Weapons CenterMechanized Artillery Factory
Mechanized Infantry BarracksParatrooper Camp
Postmodern Era Commando CampIFV FactoryMachinegun Range
Rocket Artillery FactoryUniversal Tank Factory
Contemporary Era Air Defense FactoryAssault Tank FactoryAttack Helicopter Base
Missile SiteStrike Team Center
Tomorrow Era Anti-Materiel RangeCombat Drone BaseMicrowave Blaster Factory
Stealth Tank FactoryUltra AP Factory
Future Era Drone Swarm HubExoskeleton FactoryHover Tank Base
Rail Gun RangeSatellite Uplink Center
Arctic Future Battle Fortress FactoryDragon Drone BaseRecon Raider GarageSurrogate AssemblyPlasma RangeBehemoth Hangar
Oceanic Future C.R.A.B. LabCruiser PortGlider HiveHydroelectric FacilityManta BayMedusa SiloNautilus DropOcto DepotTurturret DockScimitar Hangar
Virtual Future Combat Robot FactoryDojoHidden SchoolRocket RangeWarrior Monk School
Space Age Mars Sentinel DomeSniperbot FacilitySpace Marine BarracksSteel Warden StationTesla Works
Space Age Asteroid Belt Hover Hammer ParkourB.E.L.T. SiteDrill Ranger DepotShredder FactoryNail Storm Range
Space Age Venus Energy Cannon ConstructorPower Dragon Firing RangeObserver Drone PlatformSteel Fist BunkerGhost Blaster Production Line
Space Age Jupiter Moon Glider FoundryCavitation AssemblerGlacier GalvanizerAqua Drone SystemsGrenadier Armory