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Forge of Empires Wiki

"The Oracle of Delphi spoke for, and received words from the god Apollo. The ancient Greeks and foreign enquirers would ask her questions in order to gain insight into their own futures."

The Oracle of Delphi is the first Great Building. It increases happiness and produces a small amount of supplies every 24 hours.

The Oracle of Delphi serves as an example Great Building and is not really useful for advanced players, though it competes well on return per tile and on Forge Point investment with the later Notre Dame. It can be obtained by completing a short questline which will be offered as part of the initial Story Quests in Bronze Age. The quest remains available only up to mid-Iron Age on the Tech Tree. The questline will guide new players through the process of obtaining blueprints and leveling up Great Buildings. Therefore, it will provide the player with all necessary blueprints. The only other way of getting blueprints is by contributing to other players' Oracles.

It requires a road connection.


0 → 1 20 300 550
1 → 2 40 370 860
2 → 3 60 480 1,260
3 → 4 130 610 1,730
4 → 5 210 750 2,270
5 → 6 290 920 2,860
6 → 7 370 1,100 3,510
7 → 8 460 1,290 4,200
8 → 9 550 1,490 4,940
9 → 10 650 1,700 6,990
10 → 11 667 1,783 7,875
11 → 12 683 1,863 8,780
12 → 13 700 1,939 9,704
13 → 14 718 2,012 10,645
14 → 15 736 2,083 11,604
15 → 16 754 2,151 12,579
16 → 17 773 2,217 13,569
17 → 18 792 2,281 14,574
18 → 19 812 2,344 15,593
19 → 20 833 2,405 16,626
20 → 21 853 2,464 17,671
21 → 22 875 2,522 18,729
22 → 23 897 2,579 19,799
23 → 24 919 2,634 20,881
24 → 25 942 2,688 21,974
25 → 26 965 2,742 23,078
26 → 27 990 2,794 24,193
27 → 28 1,014 2,845 25,318
28 → 29 1,040 2,895 26,453
29 → 30 1,066 2,945 27,599
30 → 31 1,092 2,994 28,753
31 → 32 1,120 3,042 29,917
32 → 33 1,147 3,089 31,090
33 → 34 1,176 3,135 32,272
34 → 35 1,206 3,181 33,463
35 → 36 1,236 3,226 34,663
36 → 37 1,267 3,271 35,870
37 → 38 1,298 3,314 37,086
38 → 39 1,331 3,358 38,310
39 → 40 1,364 3,400 39,542
40 → 41 1,398 3,443 40,781
41 → 42 1,433 3,484 42,029
42 → 43 1,469 3,526 43,283
43 → 44 1,505 3,566 44,545
44 → 45 1,543 3,607 45,814
45 → 46 1,582 3,647 47,090
46 → 47 1,621 3,686 48,373
47 → 48 1,662 3,725 49,663
48 → 49 1,703 3,764 50,960
49 → 50 1,746 3,802 52,263
50 → 51 1,789 3,840 53,573
51 → 52 1,834 3,877 54,889
52 → 53 1,880 3,914 56,212
53 → 54 1,927 3,951 57,540
54 → 55 1,975 3,987 58,875
55 → 56 2,025 4,023 60,217
56 → 57 2,075 4,059 61,564
57 → 58 2,127 4,095 62,917
58 → 59 2,180 4,130 64,276
59 → 60 2,235 4,165 65,640
60 → 61 2,290 4,199 67,010
61 → 62 2,348 4,233 68,386
62 → 63 2,406 4,267 69,768
63 → 64 2,467 4,301 71,155
64 → 65 2,528 4,335 72,547
65 → 66 2,591 4,368 73,945
66 → 67 2,656 4,401 75,348
67 → 68 2,723 4,434 76,757
68 → 69 2,791 4,466 78,170
69 → 70 2,860 4,498 79,589
70 → 71 2,932 4,530 81,013
71 → 72 3,005 4,562 82,441
72 → 73 3,080 4,594 83,875
73 → 74 3,157 4,625 85,314
74 → 75 3,236 4,656 86,757
75 → 76 3,317 4,687 88,206
76 → 77 3,400 4,718 89,659
77 → 78 3,485 4,748 91,117
78 → 79 3,572 4,779 92,579
79 → 80 3,661 4,809 94,046


1 33.3 61.1
2 41.1 95.6
3 53.3 140
4 67.8 192.2
5 83.3 252.2
6 102.2 317.8
7 122.2 390
8 143.3 466.7
9 165.5 548.9
10 188.9 776.7
11 198.1 875
12 207 975.6
13 215.4 1,078.2
14 223.5 1,182.7
15 231.4 1,289.3
16 239 1,397.7
17 246.3 1,507.7
18 253.4 1,619.3
19 260.4 1,732.6
20 267.2 1,847.3
21 273.7 1,963.4
22 280.2 2,081
23 286.6 2,199.9
24 292.7 2,320.1
25 298.7 2,441.6
26 304.7 2,564.2
27 310,4 2,688.1
28 316,1 2,813.1
29 321.7 2,939.2
30 327.2 3,066.6
31 332.7 3,194.8
32 338 3,324.1
33 343.2 3,454.4
34 348.3 3,585.8
35 353.4 3,718.1
36 358.4 3,851.4
37 363.4 3,985.6
38 368.2 4,120.7
39 373.1 4,256.7
40 377.7 4,393.5
41 382.5 4,531.2
42 387.1 4,669.8
43 391.8 4.809,2
44 396.2 4.949,4
45 400.7 5,090.4
46 405.2 5,232.2
47 409.5 5,374.7
48 413.8 5,518.1
49 418.2 5,662.2
50 422.4 5,807
51 426.6 5,952.5
52 430.7 6,098.7
53 434.8 6,245.7
54 439 6,393.3
55 443 6,541.6
56 447 6,690.7
57 451 6,840.4
58 455 6,990.7
59 458.8 7,141.7
60 462.7 7,293.3
61 466.5 7,445.5
62 470.3 7,598.4
63 474.1 7,752
64 477.8 7,906.1
65 481.6 8,060.7
66 485.3 8,216.1
67 489 8,372
68 492.6 8,528.5
69 496.2 8,685.5
70 499.7 8,843.2
71 503.3 9,001.4
72 506.8 9,160.1
73 510.4 9,319.4
74 513.8 9,479.3
75 517.3 9,639.6
76 520.7 9,800.6
77 524.2 9,962.1
78 527.5 10,124.1
79 531 10,286.5
80 534.3 10,449.5

Contribution Rewards[]

Lvl 1 - 10[]

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +5
Medals +13
Forge +5
Medals +7
Medals +3 Medals +1 Medals +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +10
Medals +18
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +9
Medals +5
Medals +2
Medals +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +15
Medals +33
Blueprints +1
Forge +10
Medals +17
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +8
Blueprints +1
Medals +3
Medals +2

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +20
Medals +50
Blueprints +1
Forge +10
Medals +25
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +13
Blueprints +1
Medals +5
Blueprints +1
Medals +3
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +30
Medals +68
Blueprints +2
Forge +15
Medals +34
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +17
Blueprints +1
Medals +7
Blueprints +1
Medals +3
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +35
Medals +83
Blueprints +2
Forge +20
Medals +42
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +21
Blueprints +1
Medals +8
Blueprints +1
Medals +4
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +45
Medals +105
Blueprints +2
Forge +25
Medals +53
Blueprints +2
Forge +10
Medals +26
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +11
Blueprints +1
Medals +5
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +50
Medals +123
Blueprints +3
Forge +25
Medals +62
Blueprints +2
Forge +10
Medals +31
Blueprints +1
Forge +5
Medals +12
Blueprints +1
Medals +6
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +60
Medals +143
Blueprints +3
Forge +30
Medals +72
Blueprints +2
Forge +10
Medals +36
Blueprints +2
Forge +5
Medals +14
Blueprints +1
Medals +7
Blueprints +1

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
Forge +65
Medals +163
Blueprints +3
Forge +35
Medals +82
Blueprints +2
Forge +10
Medals +41
Blueprints +2
Forge +5
Medals +16
Blueprints +2
Medals +8
Blueprints +1

Arc profitability[]

This table shows which levels of this Great Building are profitable for a higher level Arc:

Arc percentage Profitable levels
1st place
Profitable levels
2nd place
+ 80% NA NA
+ 85% 45 - 55 NA
+ 90% 40 - 61 NA
+ 95% 35 - 66 36 - 66
+ 100% 34 - 69 33 - 70

Other Great Buildings[]

Great Buildings
No Age ObservatoryOracle of DelphiTemple of Relics
Bronze Age Statue of ZeusTower of Babel
Iron Age ColosseumLighthouse of Alexandria
Early Middle Ages Cathedral of AachenHagia SophiaGalata Tower
High Middle Ages Notre DameSt. Mark's Basilica
Late Middle Ages Castel del MonteSaint Basil's Cathedral
Colonial Age Deal CastleFrauenkirche of Dresden
Industrial Age CapitolRoyal Albert Hall
Progressive Era AlcatrazChâteau Frontenac
Modern Era AtomiumSpace Needle
Postmodern Era Cape CanaveralThe Habitat
Contemporary Era Innovation TowerLotus Temple
Tomorrow Era Truce TowerVoyager V1
Future Era Rain Forest ProjectThe Arc
Arctic Future Arctic OrangeryGaea StatueSeed Vault
Oceanic Future Atlantis MuseumThe Blue GalaxyThe Kraken
Virtual Future Terracotta ArmyHimeji Castle
Space Age Mars The Virgo ProjectStar Gazer
Space Age Asteroid Belt Space Carrier
Space Age Venus Flying Island
Space Age Jupiter Moon A.I. Core
Space Age Titan Saturn VI Gate PEGASUSSaturn VI Gate CENTAURUSSaturn VI Gate HYDRA
Space Age Space Hub Stellar WarshipCosmic Catalyst