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The Ornamental Tree is one of the many Colonial Age decorations and can be build after reaching the Colonial Age. When the Ornamental Tree is polished, its output of happiness is doubled for 12 hours.


Happiness +105 per tile.[1]

Output Modifier[]

Your decoration can be polished to double the happiness provided to +210 for 12 hours.


  1. The efficiency is calculated by the happiness it provides divided by the number of squares the building takes up in size.

Other Decorations[]

Stone Age MemorialObeliskTree
Bronze Age BushFlowersHedgePillar[1]Statue
Iron Age Aqueduct[1]Flower TubFountainMonumentVictory Pillar[1]
Early Middle Ages Cypress[1]Floral BushHedge with FlowersPond
High Middle Ages FenceFlagGargoyle[1]LanternSignpost
Late Middle Ages Group of TreesNautical StatuePotted PlantTower RuinWaterspout Fountain[1]
Colonial Age Clock TowerEagle HedgeFlamingo HedgeGlobe StatueGuillotineNeptune FountainKiteOrnamental Tree[1]Peacock Hedge
Industrial Age Carillon[1]ClotheslineFire HydrantFountain with Benches[1]Gas LampOld Wall EastOld Wall SouthPavilion with Flowers
Progressive Era BillboardEquestrian Statue[1]Newspaper StandUrban TreeWater Tower
Modern Era Drive-In Sign[1]Jet StatueNuclear ShelterPalm GroupWelcome Sign[1]
Postmodern Era Allotment Garden CabinAllotment Garden HouseAllotment Garden ShedAstronaut StatuePeace SculpturePlayground[1]
Contemporary Era Canal BridgeCherry TreeMonster Statue[1]Neon Billboard
Tomorrow Era Burger BoothPizza BoothSecurity Post[1]Surveillance CameraVeggie Booth
Future Era Lichen Lamp[1]PlantariumWind Turbine
Arctic Future Flower Arbor[1]Ice FlowerIce Sculpture[1]Tube Entrance
Oceanic Future Aquarium[1]CoralCoral ColonyDiving BellGiant Seashell[1]Lifeguard TowerOceanic SwingPoseidon Statue
Virtual Future Animal HologramHolo StatueHolo Ad[1]Japanese Pine
Space Age Mars Moonlander
Space Age Asteroid Belt Asteroid Ad
Space Age Venus Traffic Sign
Space Age Jupiter Moon Floating Flora