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Polynesia Banner

Kamehameha I, proud leader of many islands, loves celebrates nature.
Do you accept his invitation to build up a new blossoming island colony?

Polynesia is the sixth culture of the Cultural Settlements, introduced to the game on March 27, 2024. Construct Polynesian Settlement buildings and gain their resources to unlock embassy advancements. Finish the settlement by completing all quests to gain unique settlement rewards.

This page explains the workings of the quests, embassy advancements and rewards, for information about the settlement and it's buildings check the Polynesian Settlement page.

Milestone Rewards[]

Japanese Banner Milestone
GoodsPA Goods Forge Reward icon cop polynesia
70 of each Good
of your previous age
75 of each Good
of your current age
100 Forge Points Finish Settlement


Kamehameha LowRes

Kamehameha I

The player must finish all 18 quests presented by Kamehameha I to finish the Polynesian Settlement. The quest rewards consist of items for the player's main city, like Forge Points, Self-Aid Kits, and Goods.

Quest 1:
    Kamehameha I: "Have 2 Small Hut"
    Reward: Forge 15 Forge Points
Quest 2:
Quest 3:
    Kamehameha I: "Have 1 Rahui Fisher"
    Reward: Removal Tool 1 Impediment Removal Item
Quest 4:
Quest 5:
Quest 6:
    Kamehameha I: "Have 1 Palm Garden"
    Reward: Removal Tool 1 Impediment Removal Item
Quest 7:
    Kamehameha I: "Gather 10 Coconuts"
    Reward: One Up Kit One Up Kit
Quest 8:
Quest 9:
Quest 10:
Quest 11:
    Kamehameha I: "Gather 20 Kava"
    Reward: Forge 50 Forge Points
Quest 12:
Quest 13:
Quest 14:
Quest 15:
    Kamehameha I: "Have 1 Family Hut"
    Reward: Removal Tool 1 Impediment Removal Item
Quest 16:
Quest 17:
Quest 18:
    Kamehameha I: "Have 1000 Diplomacy OR Gather Shells 4000 Shells" and "Gather Cultural Goods Building 5 each of every cultural good"
    Reward: 60 Fragments of Finish All Special Production

Embassy Advancements[]

Cultural Goods and Diplomacy[]

Embassy Advancements have to be unlocked in order to build new settlement buildings and to be able to unlock the next advancement. Embassy Advancements can be unlocked by paying a certain amount of cultural goods, while having the requested amount of diplomacy. Although the total amount of cultural goods and the type of goods is the same for every player, the amount of each good can be different.

Embassy Advancements window

The table below shows the total amount of cultural goods and the possible type of goods needed for each advancement. It can happen that one of the possible goods requires 0 amount and is not shown to the player. The total amount of cultural goods needed to unlock all advancements is 975.

Using Diamonds[]

When lacking cultural goods or diplomacy to unlock an advancement, the player can use diamonds. The amount of diamonds needed depends on the amount of cultural goods and diplomacy still needed to unlock the next advancement. Each Diplomacy 1 diplomacy costs Diamonds 1 diamond, each Cultural Goods Building 1 cultural good costs Diamonds 5 diamonds.

Example: the first advancement costs Fish 5 fresh fish and requires Diplomacy 30 diplomacy, the total diamond cost will be 5*5 + 30 = Diamonds 55 diamonds. A player has Fish 0 fresh fish in stock and Diplomacy 25 diplomacy in their city, missing Fish 5 fresh fish and Diplomacy 5 diplomacy. This will cost 5*5 + 5 = Diamonds 30 diamonds to unlock the advancement.
The amount of diamonds shown below is the maximum diamond cost for each advancement, when no goods or diplomacy would be used at all. The total cost of all advancements would then be Diamonds 9,525.

Warning: before using diamonds, be aware that when finishing a settlement (or abandoning one), the settlement will be reset and all buildings, goods in stock, advancements and expansions will be lost, including those unlocked with diamonds.

Advancement Cultural Goods Building Costs to unlock

Diplomacy Diplomacy needed

Dance Stage
Dance Stage
5 total
(Diamonds 55)


Palm Garden
Palm Garden
10 total
(Diamonds 170)


Pile Dwelling
Pile Dwelling
Fish + Coconut
40 total
(Diamonds 395)


Melodic Statue
Melodic Statue
Fish + Coconut
70 total
(Diamonds 630)


Statue of Music
Statue of Music
Kava Farm
Kava Farm
Fish + Coconut
95 total
(Diamonds 850)


Communal Cooking Area
Communal Cooking Area
Fish + Coconut + Kava
110 total
(Diamonds 1,030)


Catamaran Builder
Catamaran Builder
Fish + Coconut + Kava
135 total
(Diamonds 1,270)


Family Hut
Family Hut
Fish + Coconut + Kava + Catamaran
150 total
(Diamonds 1,470)


Nature Totem
Nature Totem
Fish + Coconut + Kava + Catamaran
170 total
(Diamonds 1,705)


Hut of the Royal Storage
Hut of the Royal Storage
Fish + Coconut + Kava + Catamaran
190 total
(Diamonds 1,950)


Production Bonus[]

Cultural goods buildings provide a production bonus. In the first settlement, with each production the player has a chance of 5% to get 4x the amount of goods produced. With each finished settlement this percentage will increase by 1% or 2%, until 13 settlements are finished, after which it stays at 25%.

Settlement Production Bonus Bonus
1 5%
2 7%
3 8%
4 10%
5 11%
6 13%
7 14%
8 16%
9 18%
10 19%
11 21%
12 22%
13 24%
Infinite 25%

Settlement Rewards[]

Each finished Polynesian Settlement will provide a different reward for use in your main city. Collect them all to get the strongest buildings, emissaries and their respective Portraits.

Finished Reward Extra Reward
Finish Settlement
Nr. 1
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Lvl 1
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments - Lv. 1
Finish Settlement
Nr. 2
Emissary Nafanua
Emissaries Slot
Emissaries Slot
Finish Settlement
Nr. 3
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 4
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 5
Hotu Matu'a
Emissary Hotu Matu'a
Finish Settlement
Nr. 6
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 7
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 8
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 9
Emissary Taema
Emissaries Slot
Emissaries Slot
Finish Settlement
Nr. 10
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 11
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Nr. 12
Hongi Hika
Emissary Hongi Hika
Finish Settlement
Nr. 13
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade
Finish Settlement
Ascended The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade Kit
Ascended The Hut of the Sacred Instruments Upgrade

Time Rewards[]

When finishing the Polynesian Settlement within a certain time frame, the player will get an additional reward: fragments of the Great Dance Stage Selection Kit.

Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit

It takes 15 fragments to obtain the Great Dance Stage Selection Kit, which gives the player a choice between a Great Dance Stage - Lv. 1 or a Great Dance Stage Upgrade.

  • 1st reward: Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit 9 Fragments of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit
  • 2nd reward: Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit 4 Fragments of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit
  • 3rd reward: Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit 2 Fragments of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit

The player receives all three rewards when finishing within the shortest time frame (15 fragments total), the second and third reward when finishing within the second time frame (6 fragments total) and only the third reward for finishing within the last time frame (2 fragments). The player will receive no time reward when finishing after the third time frame.

After each finished settlement, the time frame for the next settlement will be shorter. After finishing 13 Polynesian Settlements, the time frame will stay the same for each new Polynesian Settlement.

Settlement Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit9 Fragments Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit4 Fragments Fragment of Great Dance Stage Selection Kit2 Fragments
Finish Settlement Nr. 1 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)16 days Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)19 days Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)22 days
Finish Settlement Nr. 2 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 20 hours, 34 min 17 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)17 days, 15 hours, 25 min 43 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)20 days, 10 hours, 17 min 9 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 3 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 6 hours, 51 min 26 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)16 days, 23 hours, 8 min 34 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)19 days, 15 hours, 25 min 43 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 4 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13 days, 17 hours, 8 min 34 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)16 days, 6 hours, 51 min 26 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)18 days, 20 hours, 34 min 17 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 5 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13 days, 3 hours, 25 min 43 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 days, 14 hours, 34 min 17 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)18 days, 1 hours, 42 min 51 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 6 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12 days, 13 hours, 42 min 51 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 22 hours, 17 min 9 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)17 days, 6 hours, 51 min 26 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 7 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12 days Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 6 hours Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)16 days, 12 hours
Finish Settlement Nr. 8 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11 days, 10 hours, 17 min 9 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13 days, 13 hours, 42 min 51 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 days, 17 hours, 8 min 34 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 9 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10 days, 20 hours, 34 min 17 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12 days, 21 hours, 25 min 43 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 22 hours, 17 min 9 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 10 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10 days, 6 hours, 51 min 26 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12 days, 5 hours, 8 min 34 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)14 days, 3 hours, 25 min 43 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 11 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)9 days, 17 hours, 8 min 34 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11 days, 12 hours, 51 min 26 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)13 days, 8 hours, 34 min 17 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 12 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)9 days, 3 hours, 25 min 43 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10 days, 20 hours, 34 min 17 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)12 days, 13 hours, 42 min 51 sec
Finish Settlement Nr. 13 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 days, 13 hours, 42 min 51 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10 days, 4 hours, 17 min 9 sec Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11 days, 18 hours, 51 min 26 sec
Finish Settlement Infinite Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 days Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)9 days, 12 hours Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)11 days


When placed in your Town Hall, each emissary provides a unique bonus on top of your regular Town Hall production. The first emissary will become available, along with the first emissary slot, after finishing two Polynesian Settlements.

Emissary Bonus
Forge 16 Forge Points
Hotu Matu'a
Hotu Matu'a
Military Unit 13 Military Units
of your age
Previous Era Goods 100 Goods
of your previous age
Hongi Hika
Hongi Hika
Goods 70 Goods
of your age

See Also[]
