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The Polynesian Settlement is the sixth of the Cultural settlements, released on March 27th 2024. The purpose is inspiring a grand celebration among the island's inhabitants as King Kamehameha I.

This page explains the workings of the settlement and its buildings, for information about the quests, embassy advancements and rewards check the Polynesia page.


When starting the Polynesian Settlement the player will have a city grid the size of 4 expansions (2x2), with the Polynesia embassy in the top corner, and a stock of Shells 5,000 Shells. Take notice of the impediments on the city grid, unmovable rocks that block part of the grid. These can only be removed by paying some amount of Diamonds or by receiving an Impediment removal tool from the Settlement Questline. It's necessary to build around the impediments, making it harder to arrange buildings.

The Polynesia embassy and impediments at the start of the settlement

With each start of a new Cultural settlement, the impediments will be arranged differently in the city. Abandoning a settlement will not rearrange the impediments.

Additional expansions can be unlocked by either paying cultural goods or diamonds. The player can unlock a total of 13 expansions by paying cultural goods and 7 with diamonds. The total city grid can fit 24 expansions, including the first 4.


The Polynesia Embassy

The Polynesia embassy has a size of Size 3x4 and can be moved to another location on the grid. The embassy cannot be sold.

The Embassy produces Shells 400 Shells every 20 hours.

Click on the embassy (or on the 'Develop' button) to open the Embassy Advancements window. This window shows the player's cultural goods stock at the top left. The main screen shows the embassy advancements and the costs to unlock them: the amount of cultural goods shown in the middle and on the bottom the amount of diplomacy needed. The amount of diamonds displayed to unlock an advancement depends on the amount of goods and/or diplomacy still needed. The player can choose to gain the amount of resources and diplomacy still needed, or pay the difference with diamonds.

Embassy Advancements window

A list of all embassy advancements and their requirements can be found on the Polynesia page.


Building Menu[]

The building menu consists of four types of buildings and an expansions window:

  • REBU Residential buildings
  • Cultural Goods Building Cultural Goods buildings
  • Diplomacy Diplomacy buildings
  • Size Expansions

At the start of the settlement, the player will have one of each type of building available in the building menu: The Small Hut, the Rahui Fisher and the Masked Totem. All other buildings become available by unlocking embassy advancements.

The building cost of each settlement building depends on the player's era and consists of resources from the main city: coins and supplies.

All resources gained from the settlement, stay in the settlement. Players cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Residential Buildings[]

Residential buildings provide Polynesian population and Shells. Shells are needed for the production of cultural goods.

Beware: when finishing or abandoning a settlement, all population and Shells in stock will be lost.

Building Construction Polynesian population Population Shells Production
Small Hut
Small Hut
Size 2x2
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5s
Polynesian population 28 Shells 121 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Pile Dwelling
Pile Dwelling
Size 3x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Polynesian population 88 Shells 508 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h
Family Hut
Family Hut
Size 4x4
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Polynesian population 233 Shells 2028 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h

Settlement Goods Buildings[]

Settlement goods buildings provide an amount of settlement goods, from 5 to 20, depending on the chosen production time. The production is different from the goods production in the main city, because it operates on a 5hr, 10hr, or 20 hr timetable and requires a resource that the player gathers in the settlement: Shells. Additionally, the player can remove half of the current production time in a settlement goods building by spending 50 Diamonds. This action can be repeated for 50 Diamonds resulting in 1/4 of the originally displayed time.
Cultural goods are used for unlocking embassy advancements and expansions.

Unlike main city goods, the player cannot trade cultural goods with other players.

Production Bonus[]

Settlement goods buildings provide a production bonus: with each production the player has a chance of 5% to get 4x the amount of goods produced. With each finished settlement, this percentage increases by 1% or 2%, until 13 settlements are finished, after which it stays at 25%.

Beware: when finishing or abandoning a settlement, all cultural goods in stock will be lost.

Building Construction Cultural Goods Building Production Shells Costs
Rahui Fisher
Rahui Fisher
Polynesian population -51
Size 3x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Fish 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Fish 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h
Fish 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)20h
Shells 1,000
Shells 2,000
Shells 4,000
Palm Garden
Palm Garden
Polynesian population -41
Size 4x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Coconut 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Coconut 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h
Coconut 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)20h
Shells 1,000
Shells 2,000
Shells 4,000
Kava Farm
Kava Farm
Polynesian population -41
Size 3x4
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Kava 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Kava 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h
Kava 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)20h
Shells 1,000
Shells 2,000
Shells 4,000
Catamaran Builder
Catamaran Builder
Polynesian population -28
Size 4x4
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1h
Catamaran 5 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5h
Catamaran 10 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)10h
Catamaran 20 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)20h
Shells 1,000
Shells 2,000
Shells 4,000

Diplomacy Buildings[]

Diplomacy buildings provide diplomacy, some of them also produce Shells. Diplomacy is needed to unlock embassy advancements. Although diplomacy seems similar to happiness, it has no effect on the Polynesian population or on settlement productions.

Beware: when finishing or abandoning a settlement, all diplomacy gained will be lost.

The buildings that produce Shells have 6 different production options. Note: The 4hr, 8hr, & 24hr productions actually complete on a 5hr, 10hr, and, 20hr production timer.

Building Construction

Diplomacy Diplomacy

Shells Production
Masked Totem
Size 1x1
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5s

Diplomacy 6

Shinto Shrine
Dance Stage
Polynesian population -34
Size 2x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5s

Diplomacy 34

Shells 30 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Shells 72 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Shells 216 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Shells 576 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Shells 863 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Shells 1.726 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Decorated Torii Gate
Melodic Statue
Size 3x1
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)30m

Diplomacy 33

Sacred Torii Gate
Statue of Music
Size 1x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)30m

Diplomacy 33

Tea House
Communal Cooking Area
Polynesian population -68
Size 3x4
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h

Diplomacy 130

Shells 79 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Shells 188 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Shells 563 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Shells 1500 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Shells 2249 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Shells 4498 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h

Zen Garden
Nature Totem
Size 2x3
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h


Hut of the Royal Storage
Polynesian population -84
Size 3x5
Road required No
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 h

Diplomacy 243

Shells 113 in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)5 min

Shells ??? in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15 min
Shells ??? in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)1 h
Shells ???? in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)4 h
Shells ???? in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)8 h
Shells ???? in Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)24 h


No Polynesian settlement buildings require a road connection to the embassy.


To expand the settlement, the player can buy 13 expansions with cultural goods. The cost of an expansion is one of the four options shown below. Example: to place the 6th expansion the player can choose between paying Fish 65 Fresh Fish, or Coconut 60 Coconut, or Kava 30 Kava, or Catamaran 5 Catamaran.

There are also 7 expansions that can be unlocked with diamonds, each costing Diamonds 40.

Warning: before using diamonds, be aware that when finishing a settlement (or abandoning one), the settlement will be reset and all buildings, goods in stock, advancements and expansions will be lost, including those unlocked with diamonds.

Expansion Fish Fresh Fish Coconut Coconut Kava Kava Catamaran Catamaran
1 5 5 5 5
2 15 5 5 5
3 30 15 5 5
4 50 30 5 5
5 60 50 15 5
6 65 60 30 5
7 70 65 50 15
8 75 70 60 30
9 80 75 65 50
10 85 70 70 60
11 90 85 75 65
12 95 90 80 70
13 100 95 85 75

See Also[]

