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Forge of Empires Wiki

The Postmodern Era (often shortened into PME) is the 11th era in Forge of Empires. It is preceded by the Modern Era, and followed by the Contemporary Era. This era occurs during the 70s and 80s around the late period of the cold war and the collapse of the USSR and the downfall of the Iron Curtain. During this era, the United States became the sole global superpower under the leadership of Presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. The military units of this era closely mirror anti-insurgent units used in missions by nations like the United States, United Kingdom, and France.

The era was implemented with the game update to version 1.27, which occurred on May 28th 2014.



Postmodern Era Continent
Postmodern Era Map HR
Provinces Rewards
Cai Chet Nui PvP Tower PvP Tournament Access
Sot Dam Lay Coins 150,000 Supplies 150,000
Day Du Ao Coins 180,000 Supplies 180,000
Trung Doi Coins 200,000 Supplies 200,000
Khay Huyen Bay Gio Goods Industrial Age Goods Deposit
Rung Trai Diamonds 100
Ong Chu Cuoi Cung Size 1 Expansion
Dong Bang Song Diamonds 100
Mau Mat Dat Size 1 Expansion
Phuc Kich Coins 80,000 Supplies 80,000
Giai Cuu Binh Minh Coins 60,000 Supplies 60,000
Rung Chien Dau Goods Iron Age Goods Deposit

Resources Required[]

Requirements for Research
Coins 5,030,000
Supplies 7,120,000
Forge 1,680
Rubber 450
Coke 395
Textiles 370
Whale Oil 240
Fertilizer 470
Asbestos 340
Gasoline 230
Machine Parts 230
Tinplate 290
Explosives 390
Ferroconcrete 250
Flavorants 320
Luxury Materials 380
Packaging 300
Convenience Food 440
Renewable Resources 300
Steel 380
Semiconductors 340
Industrial Filters 290
Genome Data 200


Residential Buildings[]

Duplex House Prefabricated High-Rise Bungalow Loft House
Duplex House Prefabricated High-Rise Bungalow Loft House
Coins 1,840 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1:00:00
Coins 4,980 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4:00:00
Coins 6,910 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 24:00:00
Coins 8,800 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 8:00:00
Population 1,040 Population 2,120 Population 1,150 Population 1,770
Size 4x3 Size 4x4 Size 3x3 Size 3x4
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required Road Road required
Construction Costs
Coins 48,700
Supplies 170,800
Coins 81,200
Supplies 284,700
Coins 54,800
Supplies 192,200
Diamonds 450
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 6:50:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 4:50:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 9:10:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Production Buildings[]

Car Factory Junkyard Toy Factory Greenhouse Complex
Car Factory Junkyard Toy Factory Greenhouse Complex
Supplies 3,660 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1:00:00
Supplies 3,020 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1:00:00
Supplies 2,240 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1:00:00
Supplies 3,200 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 1:00:00
Size 5x6 Size 5x4 Size 5x5 Size 5x3
No effect Happiness -500 Happiness +180 Happiness +100
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 437,000
Coins 90,000
Supplies 86,200
Coins 201,000
Supplies 76,300
Diamonds 600
Population 1,111 Population 437 Population 666 Population 300
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:10:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 8:10:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 10:30:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:20

Goods Buildings[]

Tree Nursery Steel Plant Semiconductor Factory Industrial Filter Factory Genetics Research Lab
Tree Nursery Steel Plant Semiconductor Factory Industrial Filter Factory Genetics Research Lab
Production: Renewable Resources Production: Steel Production: Semiconductors Production: Industrial Filters Production: Genome Data
Size 6x4 Size 6x5 Size 4x6 Size 4x7 Size 7x4
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Production Costs (4 Hours)
Coins 2,800 Supplies 2,800
Requires: 5 Fertilizer Requires: 5 Coke Requires: 5 Rubber Requires: 5 Textiles Requires: 5 Whale Oil
Deposit: Ebony Tree Deposit: Iron Ore Deposit: Gemstone Deposit: Limestone Rock Deposit: Wool
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 79,000 Supplies 185,000
Population 1,530
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00

Cultural Buildings[]

Zoo Golf Course Public Pool Music Festival
Zoo Golf Course Public Pool Music Festival
Happiness +3,510 Happiness +2,600 Happiness +2,500 Happiness +4,550
Size 5x6 Size 6x4 Size 5x4 Size 5x5
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 321,000
Supplies 531,000
Coins 510,000
Supplies 425,000
Coins 80,000
Supplies 700,000
Diamonds 750
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:20:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 10:40:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 16:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:20

Military Buildings[]

Rocket Artillery Factory Commando Camp IFV Factory Universal Tank Factory Machinegun Range
Rocket Artillery Factory Commando Camp IFV Factory Universal Tank Factory Machinegun Range
Rocket Artillery
Artillery Unit Rocket Artillery
Light Unit Commando
Fast Unit IFV
Universal Tank
Heavy Unit Universal Tank
MG Team
Ranged Unit MG Team
Size 6x3 Size 4x4 Size 4x5 Size 4x6 Size 3x7
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 330,000
Supplies 347,000
Population 2,800
Coins 236,000
Supplies 248,000
Population 1,900
Coins 283,000
Supplies 297,000
Population 2,400
Coins 306,000
Supplies 322,000
Population 2,600
Coins 259,000
Supplies 272,000
Population 2,170
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 18:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 12:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 16:30:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:30:00


Peace Sculpture Astronaut Statue Allotment Garden Shed Allotment Garden House Allotment Garden Cabin Playground
Peace Sculpture Astronaut Statue Allotment Garden Shed Allotment Garden House Allotment Garden Cabin Playground
Happiness +150 Happiness +300 Happiness +310 Happiness +310 Happiness +310 Happiness +920
Size 2x1 Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x2 Size 2x3
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 12,310
Supplies 29,410
Coins 36,730
Supplies 39,420
Coins 44,250
Supplies 48,400
Coins 44,250
Supplies 48,400
Coins 44,250
Supplies 48,400
Diamonds 300
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05


Boulevard Walkway
Boulevard Walkway
Happiness +20 Happiness +45
Size 2x2 Size 1x1
Construction Cost
Coins 16,000
Supplies 45,000
Coins 4,000
Supplies 11,000

Great Buildings[]

The Habitat Cape Canaveral
The Habitat Cape Canaveral
Coins Coin Production
Population Population
Forge Forge Point Production
Size 7x6 Size 4x5
Road Road required Road Road required
Construction Cost
Genome Data 500 Industrial Filters 350 Renewable Resources 500
Semiconductors 100 Steel 300
Genome Data 200 Industrial Filters 350 Renewable Resources 200
Semiconductors 600 Steel 400
Forge 60 for Level 1 Forge 60 for Level 1