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The Potted Plant is a decoration from the Late Middle Ages and provides 41 happiness. When the Potted Plant is polished, its output of happiness is doubled for 12 hours.


Happiness +41 per tile.[1]

Output Modifier[]

Your decoration can be polished to double the happiness provided to +82 for 12 hours.


  1. The efficiency is calculated by the happiness it provides divided by the number of squares the building takes up in size.

Other Decorations[]

Stone Age MemorialObeliskTree
Bronze Age BushFlowersHedgePillar[1]Statue
Iron Age Aqueduct[1]Flower TubFountainMonumentVictory Pillar[1]
Early Middle Ages Cypress[1]Floral BushHedge with FlowersPond
High Middle Ages FenceFlagGargoyle[1]LanternSignpost
Late Middle Ages Group of TreesNautical StatuePotted PlantTower RuinWaterspout Fountain[1]
Colonial Age Clock TowerEagle HedgeFlamingo HedgeGlobe StatueGuillotineNeptune FountainKiteOrnamental Tree[1]Peacock Hedge
Industrial Age Carillon[1]ClotheslineFire HydrantFountain with Benches[1]Gas LampOld Wall EastOld Wall SouthPavilion with Flowers
Progressive Era BillboardEquestrian Statue[1]Newspaper StandUrban TreeWater Tower
Modern Era Drive-In Sign[1]Jet StatueNuclear ShelterPalm GroupWelcome Sign[1]
Postmodern Era Allotment Garden CabinAllotment Garden HouseAllotment Garden ShedAstronaut StatuePeace SculpturePlayground[1]
Contemporary Era Canal BridgeCherry TreeMonster Statue[1]Neon Billboard
Tomorrow Era Burger BoothPizza BoothSecurity Post[1]Surveillance CameraVeggie Booth
Future Era Lichen Lamp[1]PlantariumWind Turbine
Arctic Future Flower Arbor[1]Ice FlowerIce Sculpture[1]Tube Entrance
Oceanic Future Aquarium[1]CoralCoral ColonyDiving BellGiant Seashell[1]Lifeguard TowerOceanic SwingPoseidon Statue
Virtual Future Animal HologramHolo StatueHolo Ad[1]Japanese Pine
Space Age Mars Moonlander
Space Age Asteroid Belt Asteroid Ad
Space Age Venus Traffic Sign
Space Age Jupiter Moon Floating Flora