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Forge of Empires Wiki

Qumeira is the eleventh province in Contemporary Era map. It is ruled by Abu Harbi.

It borders the province of Kardad to the west. To the north and east Qumeira is bordered by sea and to south the province borders another province - Jandahar.


If previous sectors acquired by negotiation:

Are you here to challenge me? Or do you want to learn? I could tell you how to be loved!

If at least one sector taken by force:

I will stop your terrorism, [Player Name]!


I call on all the people, men and women, to fight!

Province Map
Sector Wave Defending Army
1 1 Bionics Data 35 Robots 30
Steel 40 Genome Data 45
Supplies 20,000
2 1 Steel 40 Semiconductors 45
Gas 35 Electromagnets 30
Supplies 20,000
3 1 Semiconductors 45 Plastics 30
Bionics Data 35 Renewable Resources 40
Supplies 20,000
4 1 Steel45 Robots 35
Gas 30 Renewable Resources 40
Supplies 20,000
5 1 Plastics 35 Robots 30
Renewable Resources 45 Industrial Filters 40
Supplies 20,000
6 1 Gas 35 Genome Data 40
Industrial Filters 45 Bionics Data 30
Supplies 20,000
7 1 Semiconductors 40 Robots 30
Electromagnets 35 Genome Data 45
Supplies 20,000

Other Provinces[]

Bronze Age DunarsundFel DranghyrHymirTyr
Iron Age BadakusEast-NagachKarchaguMaktabaParuuchRuugWest-Nagach
Early Middle Ages DunkelwaldFelssenkeGreifentalKaltenweiherPfefferbergSturmhohenTeufelsfurt
High Middle Ages BreturiaCanturiaFrathiaJaimsMons SuiryMoravariaVeletrites
Late Middle Ages CragshireCuttinghamEldenboroughFour GallowsMount KillmoreSpearthWolvhampton
Colonial Age DeuxerresHaulenoisLavignonLombardeauxNarcienPisterracTroulopeVarseilles
Industrial Age DesperationDragon CityGarrinctonLas PenasNew CragshireOkaheRantfordSt. Marque
Progressive Era GaelfordGorskiHavreKriegreichLangenreichOmoienOstrandSudUceriaUxrow
Modern Era ChigikawaHigematsuHiromaguchiIgamotoIgiokaIgujimaInashuKibakuguchiKyushimaNatsuishuToimuro
Postmodern Era Cai Chet NuiDay Du AoDong Bang SongGiai Cuu Binh MinhKhay Huyen Bay GioMau Mat DatOng Chu Cuoi CungPhuc KichRung Chien DauRung TraiSot Dam LayTrung Doi
Contemporary Era Ain Al-KhansaAl-ShadyraAmaryah CityBatifHafar Al KarakJandaharKardadKhailQumeiraSalfahShayhourSuqqah
Tomorrow BajataiDesierto de la MuerteFalsa CruzItabaraiJamenezLa HuegaRio RoxoSanta NereaSao MalvadoSierra TorridoTorrinhosVillabajaVillariba
The Future AgadarBisorabaBonta TownBotukuEsan-EwuFort BuntuJakKalabuyeKolaburgOmogbaOwopelePala
Arctic Future AdlartokAnanevutAnyuArctic HorizonAtkaAurora's DaleAvalancheChugiakChulyinCold BayFrosty MountainFrozen SteppeGlacial PeakIlugIluliaqKesukavutKilalurakManirakMedian WatersNanuqNeural RitesNilakNorthern PassageNunataqNutarniqPatuktuqPimniqPrecipiceQaniitSnowdriftsSouthern ValleySpirit PlaneSummit IceTattilgatTemple FloeThe GrottoTuklavikTundra RockUnalaqWhite Gate
Oceanic Future Rocky DomainSilver SwarmsWalled GulfUpper GrottoLower GrottoFoam CeilingWondering OceanRed SeaSerene WavesGlimmering SurfTideless DeepFresh FlowStrong TideDark AbyssRough ExpanseCursed CurrentCoral DepthsMurky WatersTide AscentScuba BaySeagull DomainTangled FinsTelescopic BarrelSponge SandsCoral KingdomCursed LipSingle WaveTreacherous SurfTranslucent AlgaeSilver CrestGrey CloudsFurious StormDeep DiveNautilus MirageRavenous TidesNautical ParlayRestless BuoyRipped SailsMonkey's FistDeadeye AdmiralDagon's DaggerSunken LeviathanAdamastorGalley CommodoreAhab's TombBarnacle DeckCapricorn WaterwayGrog WashAdrift LinerBreakwater WharfBermuda QuaySextant MastR'Iyeh ReefNemo's DockMan-O-WarAnchorage RuinPrivateer HelmMedusa CoveBehemothCraggy CayBuccaneer PlateauRaging TidesAhoy AleeGhost TrenchScuttle RidgeNock's TurnUrsula's ValleyDungbie TroughWherry GapIdler's RangeNeptune's GalleonTyphoon PeninsulaUndertow BankScurvy AtollSeafarer's CurrentCapsize LagoonCorsair's SkerryBlackwater CapeMutiny CanyonLeviathan Wreck
Virtual Future Bytedirt PlanesEnd of the VoidBanker's HeavenShift/LandBlack Net MarketThe Open ZoneMax's ShelterPulse CityForgotten FragmentsSpoiled ResortBackup:NETFort DuplexLoneHubAlpha 1 Omega 2The Warring TowersRay's RaysThree Oc3ansPurple PalaceTwisted AlpsVortexFrozen RAMArchives of JunkmanCas.CadeAerial Boulevardnew_final_final.exeThe Historical MuseumSlate 13Argus' WatchBizarre PlainsBerta's Byte-SauceVeil of BitsHarvey's Low CoreThe Byte ParadeReboot BayStreaming ForestCMYK CitadelForgifyDigital Town of HopeCloud OneThe Church of GamesIf, Then, WhateverThe Sacred DatabaseCastle You-Es-BeeThe Virtual Cliffs of G0r3NET MASKeradeRe: BirthGame Over
Space Age Mars RustikauriMathabenKardine HavenVradeenNobisiaGhirkenKlaylachWrandasten 3Carva CaskaFortrinOppeskaEnerveinAkuppersXalvadesErtannen BeltNew FrozenstoneVaanderbirchZomantauVerda DophriaPhovolkenAstra PrimeDestalliaVyvalgisLow Hacoon ValleyHigh Hacoon ValleyPlateau Firnane-2Jalcion CraterLoakmoldenSharviceDelta HillsEverdoom
Space Age Asteroid Belt PsycheMedeaErosPallas C-4Pallas D-5EunomiaTB-15 X-7InteramniaAmphitriteThisbeInoHektorMetisAletheiaDiotimaEgeriaVesta S-1JunoCybele F-3Cybele V-4AuroraCeres E-6Ceres G-7PalesLoreleyGyptisEunikeEuphrosyne A-12Hygiea N-13Hygiea O-14Vesta L-15Vesta M-16FidesCeres K-18NemesisEuphrosyne A-20
Space Age Venus Portalis StationEast EosAstrea StationWest AaromkaParablex StationXiReveriarTarthar IXEsnomuaWest EosTrenachus OutpostCortasCartosCentral AaromkaEast AaromkaXi OutpostRune StationUpper Bree XILower Bree XIErebrys StationXhendaYnhdaColawe StationAtamalNeftrirTentiarElfkapBanklys VIIBanklys VIIIOld BanklysElysia StationOharzeeWest TaraxCentral TaraxEast TaraxZaddha
Space Age Jupiter Moon Trekgairri StationQakkesTrymarin StationEdyzocVandrec StationGrinzadCioshin StationQungasQennashKaphrudTarrqisWest DumorosCentral DumorosEast DumorosOuter DumorosTachuunNerandecVudruik StationGrudarisNazzocTorhiacut StationKriqqedNondrodErzazein StationNindasicTriroqArhadhCeqrigSouth CasdritCasdritNorth CasdritKrotun StationSouth VudruikNorth VadrukhCentral VadrukhSouth VadrukhNazzeraq
Bonus AshcrookDorangoEl FuegoEmbruniezGabordeauxGalgenschluchtGrand GapHoundsmoorNevarroneNorthcastleQueenshopeRavens CreekSanta CatalinaSteilsturzTarmelmannTodespassWenoevreYdineZaldon-on-Sea