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Forge of Empires Wiki

A 'Random Reward' is the benefit one can obtain from completing certain quests. Quests that can award random rewards are: Recurring Quests, Event Quests, Story Quests, and Side Quests. Quest rewards of goods, medals, coins, supplies and diamonds can be increased by having a Château Frontenac.

Rewards Through the Ages[]

Age Age Blueprints Forge Goods Medals Small Coins Large Coins Small Supplies Large Supplies Diamonds
BA 1 Blueprints 5 Forge[1] 5 Goods[2] 5 100 300 100 300 20 Diamonds
IA 10 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000
EMA 15 2,000 5,000 2,000 5,000
HMA 30 3,000 6,000 3,000 6,000
LMA 50 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000
CA 75 7,000 14,000 8,000 17,000
INA 125 10,000 18,000 11,000 20,000
PE 180 15,000 30,000 16,000 32,000
ME 275 20,000 45,000 21,000 50,000
PME 400 25,000 60,000 26,000 70,000
CE 550 34,000 90,000 32,000 80,000
TE 700 45,000 130,000 40,000 110,000
FE 900 57,000 171,000 50,000 150,000
AF 1,100 65,000 200,000 60,000 180,000
OF 1,300 70,000 220,000 65,000 200,000
VF 1,500 75,000 240,000 70,000 220,000
SAM 10 Forge[3] 1,800 95,000 299,100 95,000 299,100
SAAB 2,100 109,100 343,800 109,100 343,800
SAV 2,400 124,300 392,100 124,300 392,100
SAJM 3,106 140,800 444,300 140,800 444,300
  1. Placed into the player's inventory in the form of a 5 Forge Package
  2. Goods are always of the player's current age
  3. Placed into the player's FP bar directly

Reward Distribution[]

BP Blueprints FPs Forge Goods Goods Diamonds Diamonds
Medals Medals[1]
Small Coins Large Coins Small Supplies Large Supplies
Chance 7.14% 7.14% 35.72% 7.14% 14.29% 7.14% 14.29% 7.14%

There are 9 different rewards. Diamonds appear only once per unique recurring quest. Among other rewards small Coins & small Supplies have twice chance of showing (2/14), and Goods goods have 5x chance (5/14) because there are 5 kinds of them. All other rewards have the same probability, which is 1/14.

  1. The diamond reward is a one-time occurrence per unique recurring quest. A quest is unique from another quest when it has a different age or text. After receiving the diamond reward, the reward slot changes to medals.








Random Reward Random Rewards





