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Space Age Space Hub is the twenty-third age in Forge of Empires. It involves the player exploring deep space beyond solar system. It follows the Space Age Titan and was released as a whole on Beta on September 4, 2024. The release to live servers occurred on October 8, 2024.

The age consists of two parts: the first, on Earth, and the other on a Space Hub Colony.


Space Hub (I)
The Space Hub Map 1
Provinces Rewards
Eagle Reach Goods Exploration Site
Starshade Bell Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Lunar Enigma Alpha Goods Space Age Space Hub Goods Deposit
Joy Tauri Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Nexus Nova Goods Exploration Site
SH Spectrum 41a Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Nebula Expanse Goods Exploration Site
SH Spectrum 41b Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Cosmic Periphery Medals PVP Tournament Access
Ecliptik Mirror Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Slipher Plateau I Goods Exploration Site
Slipher Plateau II Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Slipher Plateau III Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Stellar Void Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Star Cluster XI Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Lunar Enigma Beta Goods Space Age Space Hub Goods Deposit
Astral Zone 1-0 Diamonds 250

Space Hub (II)
The Space Hub Map 2
Provinces Rewards
Nebula Reach Goods Exploration Site
Luminaris Prime Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Star Cluster XXI Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Astral Zone 2-4i Goods Exploration Site
Solaris Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Solaris Zero Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Nebula Core I Goods Exploration Site
Nebula Core II Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Nebula Heart Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Nebula Core III Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Nebula Core IV Size 1 Expansion
Starlight Mystique Diamonds 250
Dreamweaver Realm Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Etherstorm Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Endless Fable Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
Nebula End Coins 12,000,000 Supplies 12,000,000
Cosmos Reach Goods Exploration Site
Luminaris Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
CTTS Eclipse Silver Crystals 40 Dark Energy Batteries 40 Oxygen Pills 40 Deep Space Data 40 Hypersleep Modules 40
WTTS Eclipse Diamonds 250

Exploration Sites[]

Several of the provinces of the map of Space Age Space Hub contain exploration sites.

After a province with an exploration site is taken by a player, an exploration may be started to that site. Starting an Exploration costs some Credits Titan Credits. After the exploration time is over, an encounter has to be solved by negotiating or fighting to obtain Goods Dark Matter from the exploration site. A new exploration to the same exploration site may be started immediately afterwards again. Different exploration sites can be explored at the same time. Depending on the amount of Life Support Life Support from buildings in Space colony, there is a chance to Production Bonus quadruple the yield of Goods Dark Matter.

Exploration sites are the main renewable source of Goods Dark Matter. Dark Matter is needed to produce Space Hub goods, unlock expansions in the colony, and for research.

Province Name Costs
Exploration Time
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
Difficulty of Encounter
Eagle Reach 400 1:00:00 2~3 defeat a small army

OR solve an easy negotiation

Nexus Nova 1,500 4:00:00 8~11 defeat a small army

OR solve an easy negotiation

Nebula Expanse 1,900 4:00:00 10~16 defeat a large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Slipher Plateau I 3,700 8:00:00 17~29 defeat a large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Nebula Reach 5,350 8:00:00 23~38 defeat a large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Astral Zone 2-4i 20,900 24:00:00 80~109 defeat a very large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Nebula Core I 22,600 24:00:00 86~135 defeat a very large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Cosmos Reach 26,100 24:00:00 95~180 defeat a very large army

OR solve a moderate negotiation

Requirements for Research[]

Requirements for Research
Coins 1.4G
Supplies 1.2G
Forge 118,900
Goods 226,326
Promethium 2,400
Orichalcum 2,400
Mars Ore 450
Asteroid Ice 1,250
Venus Carbon 1,250
Unknown DNA 900
Crystallized Hydrocarbons 2,350
Goods 39,284
Advanced DNA Data 2,000
Enhanced Porifera 2,000
Topological Records 2,000
Bio Creatures 2,000
Red Algae 2,000
Upcycled Hydrocarbons 5,300
Compressed Matter Capsule 5,300
Liquid Binder 5,300
Experimental Data 4,500
Isolated Molecules 4,500
Silver Crystals 39,095
Oxygen Pills 38,192
Hypersleep Modules 38,077
Dark Energy Batteries 38,042
Deep Space Data 38,020

Buildings on Earth[]

Residential Buildings[]

Cosmic Suite Galactic Suite
Cosmic Suite Galactic Suite
Population 9,450 Population 7,570
Coins 28,210 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00
Coins 33,050 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00
Size 3x4 Size 3x2
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 659,370
Supplies 1,215,510
Diamonds 750
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Production Buildings[]

Galactic Observatory A.I. Laboratory
Galactic Observatory A.I. Laboratory
Supplies 16,560 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00
Supplies 12,850 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00
Size 4x4 Size 3x3
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 702,150
Supplies 472,439
Population 2,390
Diamonds 750
Population 670
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 11:40:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Military Buildings[]

Cosmic Space Liner Dream Dust Shuttle Gravity Gunner Vessel Stardust Spacecraft Juggernaut Assembly Vessel
Cosmic Space Liner Dream Dust Shuttle Gravity Gunner Vessel Stardust Spacecraft Juggernaut Assembly Vessel
Cosmic Blademaster
Light Unit Cosmic Blademaster
Dream Dust Blaster
Artillery Unit Dream Dust Blaster
Gravity Gunner
Ranged Unit Gravity Gunner
Stardust Sentinel
Fast Unit Stardust Sentinel
Galactic Juggernaut
Heavy Unit Galactic Juggernaut
Size 4x6 Size 4x7 Size 6x4 Size 5x5 Size 7x4
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 3,416,820
Supplies 3,192,690
Population 28,700
Coins 3,872,519
Supplies 2,766,750
Population 35,300
Coins 3,188,970
Supplies 3,405,660
Population 28,700
Coins 3,644,669
Supplies 3,192,690
Population 26,500
Coins 3,416,820
Supplies 2,987,040
Population 30,900
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)15:00:00

Goods Buildings[]

Space Age Space Hub adds the capability to produce goods of Space Age Titan and even Crystallized Hydrocarbons Crystallized Hydrocarbons in the regular city. These goods can be produced in the respective synthesizer.

Crystallized Hydrocarbons Synthesizer Upcycled Hydrocarbons Synthesizer Isolated Molecules Synthesizer Experimental Data Synthesizer Matter Capsule Synthesizer Liquid Binder Synthesizer
Upcycled Hydrocarbons Synthesizer Isolated Molecules Synthesizer Experimental Data Synthesizer Matter Capsule Synthesizer Liquid Binder Synthesizer Crystallized Hydrocarbons Synthesizer
Upcycled Hydrocarbons
Upcycled Hydrocarbons
Isolated Molecules
Isolated Molecules
Experimental Data
Experimental Data
Compressed Matter Capsule
Compressed Matter Capsule
Liquid Binder
Liquid Binder
Crystallized Hydrocarbons
Crystallized Hydrocarbons
Size 3x3 Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 976,499
Supplies 1,859,999
Population 7,360
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00
Coins 976,499
Supplies 1,859,999
Population 10,500
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00

Cultural Buildings[]

Galaxy Vortex LU-N-Arcade
Galaxy Vortex LU-N-Arcade
Happiness +34,130 Happiness +24,570
Size 5x5 Size 3x5
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 6,770,400
Diamonds 750
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:20:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20


Explorer Ship
Explorer Ship
Happiness +3,270
Size 2x2
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 1,847,909
Supplies 1,542,870
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05


Cosmic Path Cosmic Street
Cosmic Path Cosmic Street
Happiness +380 Happiness +260
Size 1x1 Size 2x2
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 106,950
Supplies 144,150
Coins 325,500
Supplies 595,200
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:00

Great Buildings[]

Stellar Warship Cosmic Catalyst
Stellar Warship Cosmic Catalyst
Penal Unit Military Unit Production
Advanced Tactics Advanced Tactics
Guild Goods Guild Goods Production
Critical Hit Critical Hit
Size 5x3 Size 4x4
Road Road required Road Road required
Construction Cost
Silver Crystals 5,000 Dark Energy Batteries 5,000
Oxygen Pills 5,000 Deep Space Data 5,000
Hypersleep Modules 5,000
Silver Crystals 3,500 Dark Energy Batteries 3,500
Oxygen Pills 3,500 Deep Space Data 3,500
Hypersleep Modules 3,500
Forge 1,040 Forge 840

Buildings on Space Hub[]

Residential Buildings[]

Residential Buildings on the Space Hub Outpost produce Credits Credits, a kind of Space Colony currency. They are required for advancing in the Space Continent Map. Aside from that, they also provide Colonists Colonists, which is the Space Colony equivalent of Population Population.

Simple Crew Quarters Enhanced Crew Quarters Officers Quarters
Simple Crew Quarters Enhanced Crew Quarters Officers Quarters
Colonists 137 Colonists 461 Colonists 403
Credits 2,180 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)04:00:00
Credits 4,579 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00
Credits 18,467 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00
Size 3x2 Size 4x3 Size 4x4
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 8,760,192
Supplies 8,760,192
Coins 20,184,717
Supplies 20,184,717
Coins 29,996,342
Supplies 29,996,342
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00

Goods Buildings[]

Goods Buildings of Space Hub require goods deposits which are found as rewards of Provinces on the Continent Map. The production also requires Goods Dark Matter, which may be obtained from the Continent Map, via negotiating/fighting Provinces. Additionally, these buildings are also able of producing Goods Dark Matter.

Crystal Crafter Photonosphere Harvester AeroFusion Plant Deep Space Data Converter F.M.M. Manufacture
Crystal Crafter Photonosphere Harvester AeroFusion Plant Deep Space Data Converter F.M.M. Manufacture
Silver Crystals
Silver Crystals
Dark Matter
Dark Energy Batteries
Dark Energy Batteries
Dark Matter
Oxygen Pills
Oxygen Pills
Dark Matter
Deep Space Data
Deep Space Data
Dark Matter
Hypersleep Modules
Hypersleep Modules
Dark Matter
Size 4x5 Size 5x5 Size 5x5 Size 5x5 Size 5x4
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 79,200,000 Supplies 79,200,000
Colonists 1,210 Colonists 968 Colonists 968 Colonists 1,210 Colonists 1,210
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00

Life Support Buildings[]

Life Support buildings provide the player with Life Support Life Support, the Space Colony equivalent of Happiness Happiness. Having a high amount of Life Support Life Support means that the player will receive a discount while producing goods in the Space Hub Outpost, and while having 50% or higher Life Support Life Support a chance to Production Bonus quadruple goods production, including Goods Dark Matter produced from exploration sites.

FloraShip Express CosmicClean Express Sit'n'Eat SpacePizza
FloraShip Express CosmicClean Express Sit'n'Eat SpacePizza
Life Support +336 Life Support +547 Life Support +938
Size 3x3 Size 4x3 Size 4x4
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 2,101,704
Supplies 2,101,704
Coins 3,027,708
Supplies 3,027,708
Coins 4,499,452
Supplies 4,499,452
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00