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Space Age Venus is the twentieth age in Forge of Empires. It involves the player exploring a future human colony on Venus. It follows the Space Age Asteroid Belt and was released as a whole on April 15, 2021.

The age consists of two parts: the first, on Earth, and the other on a Venus Colony.


The Venus Planet (I)
The Space Age Venus Map
Provinces Rewards
Portalis Station Venus Carbon Exploration site
East Eos Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
West Eos Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Trenachus Outpost Goods Space Age Venus Goods Deposit
Astrea Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
West Aaromka Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
East Aaromka Diamonds250
Parablex Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Reveriar Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Xi Outpost Goods Space Age Venus Goods Deposit
Xi Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Tarthar IX Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Esnomua Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
Cortas Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Cartos Medals PVP Tournament Access
Central Aaromka Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000

The Venus Planet (II)
The Space Age Venus Map
Provinces Rewards
Rune Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Upper Bree XI Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
Lower Bree XI Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Oharzee Diamonds250
Erebrys Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Xhenda Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
Ynhda Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Colawe Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Atamal Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Tentiar Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
Elfkap Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Banklys VII Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Banklys VIII Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
Old Banklys Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Elysia Station Venus Carbon Exploration Site
Neftrir Size 1 Expansion
West Tarax Sugar Crystals 25 Microgreen Supplement 25 Herbal Snack 25 Glowing Seaweed 25 Soy Proteins 25
Central Tarax Coins 7,000,000 Supplies 7,000,000
East Tarax Diamonds 250
Zaddha Diamonds 250

Exploration Sites[]

Several of the provinces of the map of Space Age Venus contain exploration sites.

After a province with an exploration site is taken by a player, an exploration may be started to that site. Starting an Exploration costs some Credits Venus Credits. After the exploration time is over, an encounter has to be solved by negotiating or fighting to obtain Venus Carbon Venus Carbon from the exploration site. A new exploration to the same exploration site may be started immediately afterwards again. Different exploration sites may be explored at the same time.

Exploration sites are the only renewable source of Venus Carbon Venus Carbon. Venus Carbon is needed to produce Venus goods and for research.

Province Name Costs
Exploration Time
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
Venus Carbon
Difficulty of Encounter
Portalis Station 200 1:00:00 2~3 defeat a small army
OR solve an easy negotiation
Astrea Station 1,100 4:00:00 7~11 defeat a small army
OR solve an easy negotiation
Parablex Station 1,300 4:00:00 9~18 defeat a large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation
Reveriar 2,600 8:00:00 17~29 defeat a large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation
Rune Station 3,500 8:00:00 24~38 defeat a large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation
Erebrys Station 13,000 24:00:00 85~108 defeat a very large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation
Colawe Station 15,600 24:00:00 95~134 defeat a very large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation
Elysia Station 18,200 24:00:00 96~178 defeat a very large army
OR solve a moderate negotiation

Requirements for Research[]

Requirements for Research
Coins 290,000,000
Supplies 375,000,000
Forge 12,045
Goods 69,900
Promethium 2,850
Orichalcum 2,450
Mars Ore 3,750
Asteroid Ice 7,250
Venus Carbon 11,900
Bromine 2,800
Compound Fluid 2,800
Processed Materials 2,850
Platinum Crystals 3,500
Nickel 2,850
Sugar Crystals 11,100
Microgreen Supplement 11,000
Herbal Snack 11,000
Glowing Seaweed 11,000
Soy Proteins 11,000

Buildings on Earth[]

Residential Buildings[]

Inflatable Dwelling Antigravity Residency
Inflatable Dwelling Antigravity Residency
Population 7,650 Population 6,560
Coins 21,580 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00
Coins 25,290 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00
Size 3x4 Size 2x3
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 492,000
Supplies 979,000
Diamonds 750
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Production Buildings[]

Floating Garden Drone Hub
Floating Garden Drone Hub
Supplies 13,830 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00
Supplies 10,730 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00
Size 4x4 Size 3x3
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 615,000
Supplies 367,000
Population 2,130
Diamonds 750
Population 600
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 11:40:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20

Military Buildings[]

Energy Cannon Constructor Power Dragon Firing Range Observer Drone Platform Steel Fist Bunker Ghost Blaster Production Line
Energy Cannon Constructor Power Dragon Firing Range Observer Drone Platform Steel Fist Bunker Ghost Blaster Production Line
Energy Cannon
Fast Unit Energy Cannon
Power Dragon
Artillery Unit Power Dragon
Observer Drone
Light Unit Observer Drone
Steel Fist
Heavy Unit Steel Fist
Ghost Blaster
Ranged Unit Ghost Blaster
Size 6x5 Size 5x5 Size 4x6 Size 5x5 Size 4x7
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 2,828,000
Supplies 2,047,000
Population 26,200
Coins 2,662,000
Supplies 2,362,000
Population 19,700
Coins 2,496,000
Supplies 2,362,000
Population 21,300
Coins 2,496,000
Supplies 2,598,000
Population 23,000
Coins 2,329,000
Supplies 2,520,000
Population 21,300
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00

Goods Buildings[]

Space Age Venus adds the capability to produce goods of Space Age Asteroid Belt and even Asteroid Ice Asteroid Ice in the regular city. These goods can be produced in the respective synthesizer.

Bromine Synthesizer Compound Fluid Synthesizer Nickel Synthesizer Platinum Crystal Synthesizer Processed Material Synthesizer Asteroid Ice Synthesizer
Bromine Synthesizer Compound Fluid Synthesizer Nickel Synthesizer Platinum Crystal Synthesizer Processed Material Synthesizer Asteroid Ice Synthesizer
Compound Fluid
Compound Fluid
Platinum Crystals
Platinum Crystal
Processed Materials
Processed Material
Asteroid Ice
Asteroid Ice
Size 3x3 Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 550,000
Supplies 1,000,000
Population 5,640
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00
Coins 550,000
Supplies 1,000,000
Population 7,900
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 15:00:00

Cultural Buildings[]

Sky Taxi Sky Cafe
Sky Taxi Sky Cafe
Happiness +27,620 Happiness +19,880
Size 5x5 Size 3x5
Two-lane street connection Two-lane street required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 5,382,000
Diamonds 750
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 13:20:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:20


Traffic Sign
Traffic Sign
Happiness +2,830
Size 2x2
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 1,469,000
Supplies 1,242,000
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:05


Venus Timber Walk Low-Grav Street
Venus Timber Walk Low-Grav Street
Happiness +320 Happiness +200
Size 1x1 Size 2x2
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 85,000
Supplies 125,000
Coins 275,000
Supplies 520,000
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 0:00:00

Great Buildings[]

Flying Island
Flying Island
GBmysterious shards Mysterious Shards
Size 4x6
Road Road required
Construction Cost
Soy Proteins900 Microgreen Supplement 900 Herbal Snack 900
Sugar Crystals 900 Glowing Seaweed 900
Forge 100

Buildings on Venus[]

Residential Buildings[]

Residential Buildings on the Outpost produce Credits Credits, a kind of Space Colony currency. They are required for advancing in the Space Continent Map. Aside from that, they also provide Colonists Colonists, which is the Space Colony equivalent of Population Population.

Floating Shelter Inflatable Home Advanced Apartment Multipurpose Property
Floating Shelter - Version 1 Inflatable Home - Version 1 Advanced Apartment Multipurpose Property
Colonists 99 Colonists 78 Colonists 514 Colonists 272
Credits 486 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)04:00:00
Credits 2,043 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)04:00:00
Credits 1,831 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00
Credits 8,272 in
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)08:00:00
Size 2x2 Size 3x2 Size 3x4 Size 5x3
Road Road required Road Road required Road Road required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 312,000
Supplies 364,000
Coins 553,596
Supplies 474,511
Coins 1,093,339
Supplies 1,275,562
Coins 1,482,339
Supplies 1,729,696
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00

Goods Buildings[]

Goods Buildings of Venus require goods deposits which are found as rewards of Provinces on the Continent Map. The production also requires Venus Carbon Venus Carbon, which may be obtained from the Continent Map, via negotiating/fighting Provinces.

Soy Farm Seaweed Farm Sugarcane Plantation Microgreen Capsules Herb Garden
Soy Farm Seaweed Farm Sugarcane Plantation Microgreen Capsules Herb Garden
Soy Proteins
Soy Proteins
Glowing Seaweed
Glowing Seaweed
Sugar Crystals
Sugar Crystals
Microgreen Supplement
Microgreen Supplement
Herbal Snack
Herbal Snack
Size 5x4 Size 5x4 Size 5x5 Size 4x5 Size 6x4
Road Road required Road Road required Road Road required Road Road required Road Road required
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 4,251,000
Supplies 4,959,500
Colonists 1,189
Coins 4,251,000
Supplies 4,959,500
Colonists 1,189
Coins 4,251,000
Supplies 4,959,500
Colonists 951
Coins 4,251,000
Supplies 4,959,500
Colonists 1,189
Coins 4,251,000
Supplies 4,959,500
Colonists 991
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00

Life Support Buildings[]

Life Support buildings provide the player with Life Support Life Support, the Space Colony equivalent of Happiness Happiness. Having a high amount of Life Support Life Support means that the player will receive a discount while producing goods on the Venus Outpost.

Gas Station Cargo Platform Maintenance Ship Gas Tank
Gas Station Cargo Platform Maintenance Ship Gas Tank - Version 1
Life Support +782 Life Support +279 Life Support +174 Life Support +96
Size 4x4 Size 4x2 Size 2x3 Size 2x2
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 243,721
Supplies 284,341
Coins 98,827
Supplies 115,298
Coins 71,177
Supplies 83,040
Coins 46,800
Supplies 54,600
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 08:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 04:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 02:00:00 Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 01:00:00


All buildings and structures in the Venus Outpost are connected via the Horizon Path. Thus, no building on Venus requires a 2 lane street connection.

Horizon Path
Horizon Path
Size 1x1
Construction Cost and Building Time
Coins 11,700
Supplies 13,650
Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) 00:00:00