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The Sunflower Patch is a special residential building released during the 2020 Fall Event. The Sunflower Patch is part of the Harvest Farm Set. It is available from the Harvest Fields Selection Kit and the Harvest Farm Selection Kit.

The Sunflower Patch comes with the special set bonus. The amount of resources earned per day depends on the buildings age and to how many other Harvest Farm Set buildings it is adjacent to.

The Sunflower Patch can be motivated, doubling its coin output. It requires a road connection.

Risk of Plunder[]

As the Sunflower Patch does not produce special resources upon motivation, it has a low priority in the motivation order and will only get motivated randomly with the regular buildings after all special buildings that produce forge points, goods, guild power, medals, or blueprints have been motivated. Use a Self-Aid Kit if you want to make sure your Sunflower Patch is protected from plunderers if you cannot collect on time and you have regular plunderers coming along.


Every 24 hours the Sunflower Patch will produce the following resources. Base resources will always be produced. Bonus resources are determined by how many other unique Harvest Farm Set buildings it is connected to.

Age Population Happiness Happiness/Size Production doubles when motivated
Harvest farm 1st Bonus
Harvest farm 2nd Bonus
BA +51 +270 +45 300 280 3
IA +109 +470 +78 700 670
EMA +167 +520 +87 1,100 1,110
HMA +234 +570 +95 1,600 1,550
LMA +308 +640 +107 2,100 2,050
CA +388 +750 +125 3,200 2,610
INA +474 +850 +142 4,000 3,160
PE +566 +930 +155 4,900 3,720
ME +664 +1,000 +167 6,000 4,330
PME +765 +1,040 +173 7,600 4,940
CE +872 +1,210 +202 9,900 5,550
TE +983 +1,470 +245 11,500 6,220
FE +1,099 +1,760 +293 13,100 6,830
AF +1,219 +2,050 +342 14,900 7,490
OF +1,343 +2,360 +393 16,800 8,210
VF +1,470 +2,820 +470 18,900 8,880
SAM +2,327 +4,520 +753 31,500 14,370
SAAB +2,528 +4,910 +818 34,900 15,430
SAV +2,732 +5,300 +883 38,400 16,540
SAJM +2,942 +5,710 +952 42,200 17,590
SAT +3,156 +6,130 +1,022 46,100 18,700

See also[]

Harvest Farm Set
Set Buildings
Selection Kit

Other Special Buildings[]

Special Buildings
Residential Buildings Abandoned AsylumAirshipAltar GardenAncient ObeliskAnimal CrossingAthlete Living QuartersAthlon AbbeyBlack TowerButterfly HouseCaravansaryCeltic FarmsteadCharming CottageCheckmate SquareClassical Garden PatioClown TownColossusContestants' EstateDark DoorwayDruid TempleEastern Palace TowerElephant Fountain GateEmperor's EntranceFaery RingsFerris WheelFishing HutFiore VillageFlower MaidensForest of FallGentiana WindmillGingerbread HouseGolden CropsGolden OrreryGovernor's VillaGrand BridgeGrand KingGrand QueenGreater RunestoneHanami BridgeHarvest BarnHaunted HouseHelter SkelterHeroes TavernHippodrome CarceresHippodrome SphendoneHouse of HorrorsJade StatueKing StatueKioskKnights PavilionLog CabinMaharaja's PalaceMemorial ChhatriMenagerieMill of FallMinaretMoon GateMoose MeadowMountain ReserveMughal's TempleOasisObelisk GardenOlympic TreasuryPagodaPillar of HeroesPiazza CafePiazza HomesPirate's HideoutPole HousePrivateer's BoathouseQueen StatueRenaissance MansionRenaissance VillaRoyal BathhouseRoyal CascadeRoyal Marble GatewaySacred Sky WatchSeptember CottageShinto TempleShrine of AweShrine of InspirationShrine of KnowledgeSnow GlobeSpeaker's CornerStage of AgesStatue of HonorStranded BoatStraw HutSugar Baker's BoothSunflower PatchSuishun MillSun TempleSundial SpireTerracotta VineyardThe Crow's NestThe KingThe Lord's ManorThe QueenThe ShipTholos of IdolsTimeless DojoToymaker's BoothTribal SquareWestern Palace TowerWinter BakeryWinter CanalWinter SpireWinter TrainWorld's FairYggdrasilZen ZoneZiggurat
Production Buildings Arena of VictorsAviaryBazaarBeach BarCider Mill / Blooming / Fruitful / Bountiful / Prosperous / FlourishingConfectionary / Large / Huge / LegendaryFan ShopFoeberge ShopGondola Dock MarketInsect HotelLuauMad Scientist's LabMagnum OpusMasquerade BallReindeer PaddockRosariumSanta's WorkshopSleigh BuilderSoccer FieldSunken TreasureTerrace FarmWitch Doctor
Cultural Buildings Balloon SiteBotanical RotundaCarouselClassical Garden PoolDruid WillowElephant FountainGlobe FountainGrandstandGraveyard / Old / Ancient / Legendary / Monumental / NecropolisHaunted TowerMaypole / Mighty / MajesticOrnate BathsPavilionPiazza Clock TowerPond of FallPrimrose BloomSandcastleTerror TeacupsTigers' DenWildflower MeadowWinners' PlazaWinter GateWinter MarketWinter Pyramid
Decorations Award TrophyBandar PlaygroundBleachersBronze AwardCandlemaker's TentCaptain's AnchorageChhatri GardenClassical Garden StatuesCypress PassDaylily FlowerbedDecorated BaobabDining CarFace of the AncientFestive TreeFisherman's PierFlower PathFoE CupForge Bowl TrophyFreight CarGarden RuinsGate of the Sun GodGate Statue EastGate Statue WestGift TowerGold AwardGrapevinesHalmbockHammockJack O'Lantern ChapelLavender LawnLeukoi TrackMaharaja's Jungle PondMarigold PatchMask StatueMementoMobilithMystical OrganNeighborhood CupNishikigoi PondNutcrackerOchre YardOlive GroveOlive Tree PathPalm TreeParlor CarPhoenix StatuePiazza FountainPirate Guard PostReindeer SleighRoad to VictoryRocky PathRousioi TrackRoyal Guard PostSakura RockScarecrowShark ShallowsSilver AwardSleeping CarSmörgåsbord FeastSnapdragon BloomSphinxStanding StoneStone AwardSundialTiki TotemTinkerer's TentTitan Arum PlantTrader Guard PostTree of Love / Great / EternalVenetoi TrackVenice CanalVitruvian ManWell of WelcomeWheat FieldWheat PathWheel of DeathWisteria TopiaryZanni Mask Statue
Military Buildings Champion's RetreatColor Guard CampDrummer SchoolRogue DenRogue Hideout
Other Buildings Antiques DealerArctic HarborAutumn ScarecrowBegonia BenchForge FountainFountain of YouthFriends TavernGong of WisdomHall of FameHedge MazeMadame Fortuna's TentMagenta ArchMajestic Fawn/StagMonasteryOceanic TerminalPiazza Mask VendorRitual FlameSapphire ArchSentinel OutpostStraw Star TentTactician's TowerTown HallVictory TowerWatchfireWishing Well / Little
Building Items FragmentsOne Up KitRenovation KitSelection KitShrink KitStore BuildingUpgrade Kit