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Forge of Empires Wiki

Unlocked in the Iron Age after having researched the Processions technology. It provides 190 Happiness. When polished, happiness doubled to 380 happiness.


Happiness 31.67 per tile.[1]


In update 1.85, the graphic of the Triumphal Arch was updated.


Triumphal Arch (old)

Triumphal Arch before the 1.85 update

Other Cultural Buildings[]

Cultural Buildings
Bronze Age SchoolStone CircleTavernTheater[2]
Iron Age Amphitheater[2]Public BathTriumphal Arch
Early Middle Ages GallowsInnMarketplacePillory[2]
High Middle Ages ChurchDoctorPrinter[2]
Late Middle Ages AcademyCartographerLibraryPalace[2]
Colonial Age CoiffeurExotic Goods VendorTrading CompanyTravelling Circus[2]
Industrial Age Natural History Museum[2]Police StationSaloonWater Pumping Station
Progressive Era City ParkElectrical PlantMetro EntrancePublishing HouseZeppelin[2]
Modern Era American DinerAmusement Park[2]Drive-In TheaterRoller Derby Track
Postmodern Era Golf CourseMusic Festival[2]Public PoolZoo
Contemporary Era Casino[2]Floating MarketShopping MallZen Garden
Tomorrow Era Concept Vehicle FairHologram Arena[2]Surveillance NexusTower Club
Future Era Algae AirshipConcert Hall[2]Eco ParkWeather Control Station
Arctic Future Blue Lagoon[2]Communication TowerHolo-Holiday Park[2]Personal Rapid TransportVertical Zoo
Oceanic Future Coral Reef[2]Maelstrom DynamoSeafood Restaurant[2]Secret CoveShipwreckTrading DepotTurtle Rescue CentreWater DomeWater Park[2]
Virtual Future Dragon CasinoGiant Robot[2]Karaoke BarParade
Space Age Mars Satellite DishSpace Academy[2]
Space Age Asteroid Belt Belt Mining H.Q.Asteroid Stock Exchange[2]
Space Age Venus Sky TaxiSky Cafe[2]
Space Age Jupiter Moon Aquatic MuseumRed Seaweed Bar[2]
  1. Efficiency is measured by the total happiness provided by the building divided by the number of tiles of the actual building occupies. To be used as an objective comparison towards other cultural buildings.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 Premium Buildings.

