Since the last update I worked my way through the maps of the Oceanic Future and got a couple expansions from that. Further more I entered The Virtual Future recently, what brought me a couple more expansions.
The new space (6 expansions) was quickly filled with stuff from the Antiques Dealer, the 2020 Summer Event and the 2020 Fall Event. For the Harvest Farm Set, I decided on an attack-heavy setup and ignored the Harvest Barn itself.
Going up to VF allowed me to go until 50 Attrition again in the Guild Battlegrounds, the attack bonuses from the Fall Event buildings helped a little in that as well.
To accomodate the Event Buildings of the upcoming 2020 Halloween Event and 2020 Winter Event (more attack - yay!!) I needed more space. Ever since entering the Virtual Future, I saved up some expansions and yesterday the time was ripe for a partial rebuild of my city and relocation of the Hippodrome:
Hopefully, a coupe more expansions will follow until the Winter Event.
Currently I am continuing to rock the Oceanic Future map and I will remain in the Virtual Future until I complete it's map. Only then I will continue on to Space Age Mars. Unless I invest diamonds, that will take about 2-3 month though...