So, thought I'd introduce myself. I started playing Forge of Empires the day Open Beta was announced. I'm really enjoying Forge of Empires and am very active.
I'm fairly new to contributing to a wikia, though I have done it in the past - this wikia is the first one I'm really paying a lot of attention to. I'm still learning how things work around here but I am picking it up fairly fast. I'm currently the #1 on my Continent and am ahead by quite a bit - so yeah, I'm kind of waiting for others to catch up at the moment.
I'm contributing with various Pages as well as editing other pages to fix typos and grammar. If I've edited a page you created it was not to "hijack" it, but to either add more information and detail or to fix some grammar and typos to make it easier for our readers to understand.
Some of the pages I've made;
Goods, Trading, Clapboard House, Mounted Archer Range and etc. I'm currently planning to create a page for Diamonds and Merchants.