Forge of Empires Wiki

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Forge of Empires Wiki

Well, still here somehow. I am in the stage where you delete Great Buildings, something not conveivable some years ago. In order to free space and place newer buildings that provide more value to the city. The Finish Special Productions combined with the Blue Galaxy and some other building that provides double collection has changed the game totally,

I almost paid for the chests to obtain the Arcadian Whisperwood Watermill to obtain an extra slot for an Ally so I guess that it might probably work for Inno to extract some needed cash for the game. I just ran to get the Broze reward for the event and get the Sylvan Whisperwood that provides 5 daily fragments... so a few FSPs and some days to get it, I love being patient in this game.

Ending the new Age, SASH tech tree, is going to take a while because of the FPs needed, I did not save enough... will probably do next time. I still like to rush the tech tree but Inno made it tough this time.